ABSTRACT: This study’s core objective was to investigate the impact of Nigeria movies industry in national development using the movie industry and moviegoers in Asaba as reference point. This study was anchored on the Uses and Gratifications Theory. A survey research method was adopted while questionnaire was administered to the selected respondents within movie Industries and movie viewers in Asaba metropolis. The respondents were drawn through convenience sampling technique. The data were analyzed in frequency and percentage method with the aid of tables. The results of this study showed that the Nigerian film industry actively promotes cultural values. Additionally, it has been stated that the main challenges facing the movie industries in Nigeria in achieving national development include inadequate funding, inadequate production equipment, poor scripting, inadequate plot research, and the development of ICT. The Nigerian film industry may contribute to national progress by telling tales of Nigeria’s peaceful coexistence, if their stories are on corruption effects, if stories are on good governance and if the stories are in culture. The Nigerian Film Censors Commission is advised to examine movies before they are released for viewing by a wider public, and scriptwriters are advised to keep the country’s cultural history and national unity at the forefront of their minds whenever they are composing any script.
Keywords: National Development
Since the establishment of Nigeria and particularly after independent in 1960 one of the focus of the country is to build national integration and peaceful co-existence through stable political government, economy development, infrastructural development, socio-cultural development rather than regional or ethnic thinking, and absence of which will deprive the country lots and one of the ways this can be achieved is through films or movies that are locally generated, scripted and acted by Nigerians.
The potentials of Nigerian film or movie is to uphold Nigeria rich and diverse culture, as well as a panacea for unity among Nigerians in spite of tribe, culture, religion or ethnic differences. Alice (2005) cited in Mgbejume (1989) opines that the immense potential of film was recognized even during colonial times. The Federal Information apparatus earlier acknowledged film as the most effective medium for internal and external publicity.
In the past, film was known as cinema which was shown across the big cities in Nigeria upon payment for tickets by interested audience members who could afford the pay. These films were shown at night following an earlier advertisement of the film to be shown for the day through posters mounted at the entrance of the cinema houses.
Sambe (2008:142) cited in Alice (2005) defines film as a series of motionless images projected into a screen so fast as to create in the mind of anyone watching the screen an impression of continuous motion. The films which were popularly watched by adults attracted a lot of population and they were shown using projectors. People at that time depended on the cinemas as their major source of entertainment but as development engrossed Nigeria, the film industry emerged with popular Yoruba films which were later followed by the Hausa films, and lgbo films, and today, we have plenty of home videos which dwell on diverse topics and culture. Some are for entertainment, others for the purpose of information and education while others still are for cultural transmission (Alice, 2005).
However, development refers to a change process geared at improving or making better life and environment of man. Dudley Sears (1985) cited in Isa (2007) who posited that development involves the creation of opportunities for the realization of human potentialities.
To end one of the ways a multi-ethnic nation like Nigeria can promote national development is through home movies which many believe is a mirror of reality and it helps in correcting bad habits like corruption, armed robbery, general stealing, kidnapping, political lashes, killing and host of others while it also build and show rewards for good deeds. Therefore, the research aims to examine the impact of Nigerian home movie industries in national development.
This study investigates the impact of Nigerian Home Movies Industries in National Development with the view to look into some of Problems and Prospects.
Nigerian movies have come of age and the industry is growing from strength to strength across the globe. Day in day out, Nigerian movies flood the global channels with series of movies which dwell on various aspects of life. Some of the problems that warranted investigation were geared because:
Alice (2005) cited in Arulogun (1979) submited that a film is a powerful tool for the transmission of cultural values. Most of the time, these films do not reflect the actual and true cultural values of Nigeria. Rather, our culture is being adulterated by alien culture which is characterized by use of guns, kidnapping, nudity, disrespect for elders and other social vises.
Most of the movies are scripted towards commercial gain rather than for national development. Most Nigerians have preference for foreign movies than Nigerian local movies. Piracy is one of the challenging problem facing Nigeria home movie industries because instead of making profit they become loser. To this end, the research examines the impact of Nigeria home movies industries in national development.
- To ascertain whether Nigeria movies bring about national unity.
- To examine some of the challenges facing Nigeria movies in building national development.
- To study how Nigeria movie industries can enhance national development.
- Of what benefit is movie industry in national development?
- What are the challenges facing Nigeria movies in building national development?
- How would Nigeria movie industries enhance national development?
This study, find out hopefully will help to identify the roles played by mass media especially television as an agent of social change and national development in Nigeria.
The result and findings will enhance programmes and news production in various television stations in the country especially in NTA Asaba.
It will bring to the fore the effective and importance of television programmes in achieving the much-desired National Development in Nigeria particularly in Asaba.
It will also enable NTA stations to understand and appreciate its areas of weakness and strength with a view to improve on them so as to serve their coverage jurisdiction and nation better.
Findings of this research will serve as a good literature for both scholars and students of mass communication and others who might want to carry out similar or related research in the future.
Media houses will also learning the nature of programme that can enhance national integration and how to schedule its programmes.
Finally, National development planners, implementers and monitors will discover more areas of public interest for the benefit of the public and overall national development; it will equally help in budgeting and controlling appropriately these areas of public interest.
The research which investigates the impact of Nigeria movie industry in national development has been narrowed down in scope to the selected movie viewers and two movie making industries in Nigeria particularly in Delta State.
However, fifty (50) respondents from movie viewers in Asaba were selected based on convenience, while another fifty (50) from the staff and management of the two selected movie industries were also selected. Few respondents were drawn because it will be very difficult if not impossible to study all film industries and all movie viewers in Nigeria due to time available for this work, inadequate fund, the nature and geographical structure of Nigeria and other considerable logistics. However, despite the scope, the findings from the study will be generalized on all mass media in the federation.
Impact: This means the effect or role of Nigerian home movie industry on national development
Home Movie: This is the movies that are recorded on Videotapes, CDs, and DVDs meant to be watched on television at home. i.e prerecorded videocassettes or videodisc marketed for home viewing.
Nation: This refers to a country or group of people with the same or related language, culture and history who are living in a particular area under one government.
Movie Industry: it is synonymous to film industry which refers to the entertainment industries involved in producing and distributing movies
National Development: This refers to the activities that promote nation building in the country through improvement of social welfare of people such as basic amenities, medical care, and security.