Abstract: The core objective of this study was to investigate the influence of social media on national unification; specifically the influence and lessons learnt from #1millionmarch4PeterObi. The study was anchored on Uses and Gratifications Theory (U & G) and Technological Determinism Theory (TDT) to emphasize the place of social media on social mobilization and activism. A cross–sectional survey research method was adopted and a questionnaire was used to elicit responses from respondents who were selected using accidental sampling technique. The data collected were analyzed in descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) and the data were presented with the aid of tables. The study finds out many of the respondents (71%) claimed to be registered on all the above social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok and Whatsapp and similarly, the majority of respondents (46.2%) admitted to be very active. Meanwhile, the majority of respondents (99.3%) admitted to have hard about #1million man March. Hence, a sizable number of the respondents (44.8%) pointed out that they full participated in the online #1millionmarch. Equally, larger number of the respondents (39.2%) admitted that they participated in the online #1millionmarch via Twitter. The study recommended that the movement was criticized to be divisive and promoted tribalism, and there were allegations of fake news and misinformation being spread on social media platforms, hence, such movement should be organized with caution to achieve its national unification objective rather than been tagged as triabalistic or religion centric.
Keywords: Social Media, National Unification, #1millionmarch4PeterObi
Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Contents vi
Abstract vii
1.1 Background to the Study________________________________________1
1.2 Statement of the Problem _______________________________________3
1.3 Objectives of the Study_________________________________________4
1.4 Research Questions____________________________________________4
1.5 Significance of the Study________________________________________5
1.6 Scope of the Study____________________________________________6
1.7 Operational Definition of Terms _________________________________6
2.0 Introduction_________________________________________________8
2.1 Conceptual Review___________________________________________20
2.2 Empirical Studies____________________________________________25
2.3 Theoretical Framework_______________________________________25
3.0 Introduction________________________________________________33
3.1 Research Design____________________________________________33
3.2 Research Method___________________________________________33
3.3 Study Population_____________________________________________34
3.4 Sample Size ________________________________________________34
3.5 Sampling Technique _________________________________________34
3.6 Instrument for Data Collection__________________________________35
3.7 Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument_____________________35
3.8 Data Collection Process________________________________________36
3.9 Method of Data Analysis_______________________________________36
3.10 Ethical Consideration__________________________________________37
Introduction _________________________________________________39
4.1 Demographic Variables Analysis of Respondents____________________39
4.2 Analysis of Research Questions Related Variables___________________39
4.2 Discussion of Findings_________________________________________48
5.1 Summary__________________________________________________50
5.2. Conclusions ________________________________________________51
5.3 Recommendations ___________________________________________52
5.4 Limitations to the Study_______________________________________54
1.1 Background to the Study
Over time, internet penetration, social media production and consumption have skyrocketed with the unparalleled hike in advancement, adaptation and usage of information communication and technologies (ICTs). This geometric increment has greatly influenced the character of politics and administration in countries especially in emergent liberal democracies where populism has continued to be misapplied (Amobi, Obikeze, Uchechukwu & Emeka, 2021). However, social media is often used in Nigeria for different course ranging from activism, politics and host of others (Chiamogu, Obikeze, Chiamogu and Odikpo, 2021).
Social mobilization has been increasingly important in recent years, whether it is for disaster recovery or conflict settlement (Huma, 2009). This has happened in the majority of industrialized and developing nations that have responded to a call for action to transform society for the better. This is due to the fact that the of social mobilization typically aids in the mobilization and reinforcement of institutional resource development, both human and otherwise, at various levels of society and for the benefit of the populace as a whole (Huma, 2009).
According to Adekalu, Turiman, Oluwaseyitan, and Irza, (2015) cited in Mehood and Nargiza (2002), social mobilization often allows for effective participation of different stakeholders with similar interest to organize, strategize and initiate actions collectively for recovery, resolving and managing issues for their collective benefits”. The process of social mobilization neither has a defined beginning nor ending. It always acknowledges with a conscious recognition of the problem to be addressed, and includes planning actions to influence and involves all relevant stakeholders to reach a common goal (Adekalu, et. al., 2015).
Due to innovation and globalization, which produced cutting-edge technology, life has been altered significantly. Social media is a powerful tool for people to express their interests and engage in activism against social injustices (StudyCorgi. 2022). Facebook and Twitter are the most popular social media sites where individuals push for change by using hashtags, which are popular with themes that need to change. Other social media platforms include, among others, WhatsApp, YouTube, Telegram, and Instagram (StudyCorgi. 2022)
Nigeria like many other African countries has its own experience of political struggle, ranging from political violence, political apathy, ballot snatching and killing to inter-regional interest in producing president, these and lots more is rocking the political atmosphere in Nigeria. However, the advancement of technology has also given rise e to hate and fake news among politicians and their supporters in order to gain public support, religion support and reginal control (Olayinka, 2015).
Traditional methods of mobilization have changed as a result of social media, including how activists are found, how they communicate, how they get along with one another, and what kinds of protests they participate in (Adekalu, Turiman, Oluwaseyitan and Irza 2015). The environment of political protest has changed as a result of social media’s enhanced speed and involvement (Adekalu, Turiman, Oluwaseyitan and Irza, 2015).
Virtual protest can affect institutional politics by effecting symbolic change, drawing attention to economic inequalities, pointing the finger at the wrong people, and keeping the concerns in the news and in the political discourse at large. (McKeon and Gitomer, 2019). In addition to acting as an emotional channel, social media is a tactical tool (a way to spread knowledge, organize efforts, and raise awareness of the issue) (a place to develop identity, share emotions, and symbolically construct a sense of togetherness among activists)
Amobi, Obikeze, Uchechukwu and Emeka (2021) pointed out that due to people mobilizing in both virtual and actual space, social media use makes it impossible to separate communication from organizing (McKeon and Gitomer, 2019) cited in (Schradie, 2014)
George (2016) explained that social media platforms serve as pivotal stage for civic engagement, political discussions and a cohesive means for citizens to unite for or against certain causes. Furthermore, it has caused an increase in youth inclusiveness in political and socio-economic conversations and discussions. For example, in 2012, when the government of Goodluck Jonathan removed subsidy from petroleum products, causing bouts of nation-wide protests and strike actions, street protests were organized by tech-savvy youths via social media, using the hashtag, #OccupyNigeria.
Other nation-wide turned world-wide social media incidents include the BringBackOurGirls campaign, a hashtag first credited to Obiageli Ezekwesili, when the insurgent group Boko Haram, kidnapped 276 school girls on April 14th, 2014, from Chibok, a small town in Borno State. The following year, the #NoToSocialMediaBill online protest defended the right to free speech against a proposed bill by Senator Ibn N’Allah that would “Prohibit Frivolous Petitions (Adekalu, Turiman, Oluwaseyitan and Irza, 2015).
The recent public mobilization to seek government and global attention was #BBOG, #RevolutionNow, #Endsars Protest and Not Too Young To Rule #NTYTR. Meanwhile, the difference between #1MillionManMarch4PeterObi and other similarly public mobilizations through social media is that ‘#1MillionManMarch4PeterObi is for political course while others like #BBOG, #RevolutionNow and #Endsars are for protest/activism (Amobi, Obikeze, Uchechukwu and Emeka, 2021). The #1MillionManMarch4PeterObi was intended to garner support for Peter Obi’s campaign for president by the general people (Adelagun, 2022). It is against this backdrop that this study aims to examine how social media has effectively influenced National Unification, using the #1millionManMarch campaign as the case study.
1.2 Problem of the Statement
Over the years, Nigeria, owing to its fragmented nature, has suffered and continued to witness a trajectory of minor and major conflicts, crises, and wars birthed out of tribal, ethnic, cultural, religious, and socio-political differences, which are all pointers to the apparent fact that Nigeria as a multi-national country is in dire need of peaceful co-existence.
This need is a significant reason behind the “One Nigeria”, “Wazobia”, among other unity-driven initiatives that have been long introduced, promoted through various mass media, and sustained by past and present Nigerian governments at local, state, and federal levels.
Available literature shows that several studies have been conducted in areas of national integration, peace-building, and nation-building, yet, threats of disunity keep ravaging Nigeria as a national daily. Calls for secession keep growing over time, especially from the South-eastern and South-western regions of the country.
Tensions and unrest promoted by ethnic crises are higher than ever before. The Boko Haram insurgency, which began in the North-eastern region in 2002, has claimed several lives and properties. Cattle herders and farmers clashes which used to be more prominent in the central area of Nigeria, are now prevalent in almost all parts of the country.
Attacks and bombardments of oil facilities that are the nation’s primary source of survival are high in the Niger Delta region. Religious intolerance and confrontations have claimed several lives, especially in the northern part. Politics of identity, power struggle, and allocation of resources to the federating units are also additional issues that keep threatening Nigeria`s coexistence as a sovereign state.
Building on the foregoing, it is apparent that, if proactive efforts are not made, and measures are taken, as to how available technological tools such as social media can be put to use in repositioning the country towards achieving sustainable national integration, peace, and unity, then the obvious will not be farfetched. Again, communication systems within which we live and shape our culture. As such, that environment unavoidably affects our perceptions, feelings, values and beliefs. Consequently, media ecology studies the reciprocal relationship between media as an environment and society’s language, technology, and culture. Over the past several decades, the phrase media ecology has become a famous reference point in media studies.
This relates to the theoretical framework that deals with the multifaceted relationship between media and society. Therefore, Media ecology is very relevant to this study because it is impossible to understand cultural and social change without analyzing the mechanisms of media as environments, we live in. It is against this backdrop that this study is on the thrust to social media and National Unification: Influence and Lessons learnt from the #1millionManMarch campaign with a focus on Ebonyi State, particularly Abakaliki residents.
1.3 Objective of the Study
- To find out which social medium was used to mobilize users for the #1millionmanmarch
- To examine how social media was utilized to mobilize users to join the 1#millionmanmarch
- To find out how effective social media was in unifying users to participate in the #1millionmanmarch.
- To examine the challenges of using social media for mobilization and unification.
1.4 Research Questions
- What social medium was used to mobilize users for the #1millionmanmarch?
- How was social media utilized to mobilize users to join the 1#millionmanmarch?
- How effective was social media in unifying users to participate in the #1millionmanmarch?
- To are the challenges faced in using social media for mobilization and unification?
1.5 Significant of the Study
This study which investigates social media and national unification: influence and lessons learnt from #1millionmanmarch campaign will contribute to knowledge greatly as there is no or little studies on national unification and mobilization like this in this country. It will equally be an eye opener to others who will like taking the same step to mobilize support for their course. It will help people to understand the effectiveness of social media platforms in (unifying) bringing different people of different affiliations together to pursue a particular goal in this our modern technologically advanced society. Similarly, the findings of this study will serve as additional literature on the topic for students and researchers who will like to carry out similar research while, the material will form bulk literature that exists in the field of mass communication, journalism, development journalism and media studies etc.
1.6 Scope of the Study
This study delimited to the influence of social media and National Unification with a focus on lessons learnt from the #1millionManMarch campaign. The area of study is delimited to residents of Abakaliki in Ebonyi State. Abakailiki is the capital of Ebonyi state, a south eastern state in Nigeria. During the #1millionmarch, residents of Aabakili were reported to have participated. Furthermore, this study will focus on youths in Abakaliki. According to Unini (2020), youths are persons under the age bracket of 16-35. Also, literature has shown that highest users of social media are youths with the above-mentioned age bracket.
1.7 Operational Definition of Terms
Social Media: These are new platforms for social mobilization which was used to give coverage to #1millonManMarch campaign, one of the social media platforms is Twitter.
National Unification: In this research, national unification means, a process of uniting alstates of federation towards supporting a particular course.
Influence: This refers to the impact that Peter OBI #1millonmanMarch has on Nigerians.
Youths: In this research, youth mean the people who are persons usually between the age bracket of 16-35 that participate in the #1millionManMarch
Social Mobilization: In this study, social mobilization refers to the participation of different stakeholders (students, traders, politicians, artisans) in the #1millionmanmarch in Abakalik.
Nigerians: This refers to the people of Nigeria particularly the youth that participated in the #1millionmanmarch in Abakalik.
#1millonManMarch: In this research, #1millonManMarch refers to a crowd street-walk by Peter Obi supporters to draw support for his presidency ambition.
Format = MS Word, Price = ₦4000, Chapter = 1-5, Pages = 68, References = Yes, Questionnaire =Yes, Table of Contents = Yes and Abstract = Yes
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