Abstract: The study investigated audience perception of media ownership on newspaper reportage with a focus on Daily Trust newspaper. The study was anchored on Gatekeeping Theory. A survey research method was adopted while questionnaire was used to elicit responses from the respondents within Abuja Municipal Council Area using quota sampling technique. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) while the data were presented with the aid of tables. Findings indicated that majority of respondents, 38.4% agree that ownership of Daily Trust Newspaper do not affects the newspaper’s reportage because its news reportage didn’t reflect such. Consequently, the larger percentage of respondents (48%) concealed their opinions on whether Daily Trust newspaper had redefined journalism in Nigeria. Meanwhile, a higher percentage of respondents (48.5%) indicated that there is no imbalance in the news coverage of the Daily Trust newspaper. Also, according to their submissions, the majority of respondents, 53.3% disagreed with the assertion that the Daily Trust newspaper is a sensational publication. Many respondents (48.5%) strongly agree that Daily Trust Newspaper presents news on government programmes and activities objectively. The study recommended that stakeholders in the Nigerian media sector continue to emphasize journalism ethics because this is the only way journalists can truly win the respect of the society that they serve as watchdogs.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Certification                                                                                                                ii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

Abstract                                                                                                                      vii


1.1        Background to the Study________________________________________1

1.2       Statement of the Problem _______________________________________3

1.3       Objectives of the Study_________________________________________4

1.4       Research Questions____________________________________________4

1.5       Significance of the Study________________________________________5

1.6       Scope of the Study____________________________________________6

1.7       Operational Definition of Terms _________________________________6



2.0       Introduction_________________________________________________8

2.1       Conceptual Review___________________________________________20

2.2       Empirical Studies____________________________________________25           

2.3       Theoretical Framework_______________________________________25



3.0       Introduction________________________________________________33

3.1       Research Design____________________________________________33

3.2       Research Method___________________________________________33

3.3       Study Population_____________________________________________34

3.4       Sample Size ________________________________________________34

3.5       Sampling Technique _________________________________________34

3.6       Instrument for Data Collection__________________________________35

3.7       Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________________35

3.8       Data Collection Process________________________________________36

3.9       Method of Data Analysis_______________________________________36

3.10     Ethical Consideration__________________________________________37



            Introduction _________________________________________________39

4.1       Demographic Variables Analysis of Respondents____________________39

4.2       Analysis of Research Questions Related Variables___________________39

4.2       Discussion of Findings_________________________________________48



5.1       Summary__________________________________________________50

5.2.      Conclusions ________________________________________________51

5.3       Recommendations ___________________________________________52

5.4       Limitations to the Study_______________________________________54                      





1.1       Background to the Study

            According to Stoltzfus (2020), the term “media” is the plural form of the “medium,” which (generally speaking) refers to any method of communication, from written words to digital data. Media equally means every communication channels through which news, music, movies, education, promotional messages and so on are disseminated (Felix, 2018).

            This is a term which covers all the means of communication which have functions such as informing, raising awareness, education, socialization, entertainment and agenda setting, including all kinds of oral, written and visual images (Binatli and Sunal, 2014). This encompasses any channel with the capacity to reach people, including, but not limited to, telephones, radio, newspapers, magazines, television, and the Internet.

            On the other hand, media ownership can be defined an individual, government or group who own, finance, operate and manage media organization. i.e a body or individual that are licensed to operate media of mass communication. It could be for the print or broadcast (Jude, 2013). Media ownership are the people and businesses that have power over media organization particularly, its modi operandi (Schlosberg, 2016).

            Andrew and Oloruntola (2009). posit that the media is typically susceptible to some type of influence from those who fund and operate them. Among the various forms of media ownership are those where the media is owned by the government, the private sector, or a combination of both.

            Meanwhile, due to the presumption that ownership might affect news content, journalistic autonomy, freedom of expression, and organizational and professional procedures, the subject of ownership is primarily of concern to students and scholars of journalism and media studies (Sjøvaag and Ohlsson, 2019) cited in (Altschull, 1997).

            News reporting is a newspaper’s main duty, which is why it is evident why they are called newspapers in the first place. News reporting is the act of telling news story with interest in the accuracy, objectivity, fairness and other cannon of journalism that govern news gathering and reporting (Malik, 2012).

            Meanwhile, Potter (2008) describes news as “what is new; it’s what’s happening”. She added that it is a report of recent events or account of unknown information. Andeyaba-Samson (2017) defined news as the ultimate manifestation of a human desire to know what’s going on to make sense of the world to catch up on the latest.

            News is hereby described to be any event or occurrence which is attractively novel, and thereby reported in the most accurate and objective way as possible. Invariably, objectivity in the process of producing news is of utmost consideration, as bias of any form will taint the integrity required of the profession. Talabi, (2011) position buttressed the fact that news values are the characteristics of information that make an event or subject newsworthy. According to him timeliness, conflict, currency, prominence, proximity and unusualness should also be included.

            Meanwhile, the overall, ownership of news media is relevant to journalism and media studies scholarship because of the assumption that journalism has potential impact on policy, culture and the public debate, and that owners, seeking to influence political developments, are using media to push societies in a certain direction, for the benefit of interested parties (Sjøvaag and Ohlsson, 2019) cited in (Altschull, 1997).

            Owning a news outlet can give owners the power to use the news produced for their own purposes. Some owners might try to intervene in news production in order to promote their own opinions and viewpoints. Alternatively, they aim for profit maximization and thus promote the production of easy-to-sell content (Humprecht, 2019).

            In both cases, the interests of owners are likely to contradict societal expectations regarding the role of news media in democracy. Although, many owners do not intend to interfere in news production and provide journalistic autonomy, the question how ownership shapes news content has caused discussion among journalists, policy makers and scholars alike (Humprecht, 2019).

            However, a particular focus is on Daily Trust newspaper which was established by Mannir Dan-Ali in 1998, making it one of the country’s major dailies. The newspaper is nevertheless immensely well-liked across northern Nigeria, especially the federal capital region. (Media Trust. 2008). The Daily Trust newspaper has published some extremely contentious articles that have led many people to label the publication as sensational (Media Trust. 2008).

            People began to hold contrasting opinions and build various perceptions of the Daily Trust newspaper as a result of its involvement in some controversial news reports. It is against this backdrop that investigated audience perception of media ownership on newspaper reportage with a focus on Daily Trust newspaper. 

1.2       Statement of the Problem

            One who owns, finances and operates media organizations is referred to as a media owner. This might be an individual, a government, or a group. i.e. an organization or person with a permit to use a mass communication medium. In a nutshell, media ownership refers to the individuals and organizations that control a media organization, specifically, its mode of operation (Schlosberg, 2016).

            Andrew and Oloruntola (2009) pointed out that those that finance and run the media often have some sort of control over them. Ownership of news media is relevant to journalism and media studies scholarship because of the assumption that journalism has potential impact on policy, culture and the public debate, and that owners, seeking to influence political developments, are using media to push societies in a certain direction, for the benefit of interested parties (Sjøvaag and Ohlsson, 2019) cited in (Altschull, 1997).

            There is no doubt about the fact that, the ownership structure of media have lots of influence on the news reportage thereby, influence the news credibility. According to Jude (2013) noted that an independent press is impossible because “the news are agents of the people who exercise political and economic control. That is to say that, no matter the benevolence of the government, or the democratic principles of the society; no matter the advancement of any society, the mass media are usually subjected to some form of control from those who owns, operate and finance media apparatus.      

            Scholarship has dealt with the question how different ownership types shape news content and whether owners’ influence impede a democratic  role of news media  in society (Dunaway, 2008). Hanretty (2014) states that a media outlet’s news performance depends to  a  “significant  degree  on  the  policy  of  the  owners

            Meanwhile, the ethics of journalism compel journalists and media houses to be objective, accurate and fairness in their reportage. This is a cardinal principle that guides the operation of journalism world over and media ownership can influence this cannon of journalism to a large extent. It is against this backdrop that investigated audience perception of media ownership on newspaper reportage with a focus on Daily Trust newspaper. 

1.3       Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to look at It is against this backdrop that investigated audience perception of media ownership on newspaper reportage with a focus on Daily Trust newspaper while the specific objectives are:

  1. To examine how media ownership affect the news reportage of Daily Trust newspaper.
  2. To find out the audience perception of the news reportage of Daily Trust newspaper.
  3. To find out the factors that predisposed the respondents of Abuja Municipal Area Council to Daily Trust Newspaper.
  4. To determine the degree to which the Daily Trust Newspaper maintains objectivity when reporting government programmes.

1.4       Research Questions

In order to explicate the aforementioned objectives, the listed questions provide answers to the research problem:

  1. How does media ownership affect the news reportage of Daily Trust newspaper?
  2. What are audience perception of the news reportage of Daily Trust newspaper?
  3. What is the core factor that predisposed the respondents of Abuja Municipal Area    Council to Daily Trust Newspaper?
  4. To what extent does Daily Trust Newspaper perceived to maintain objectivity when reporting government programmes?

1.5       Significant of the Study

            This study is essential to serve stakeholders in the media with the needed insight on how much media ownership can affect mass media operation and credibility as media credibility is a soft selling mechanism for a media outfit. A credible newspaper commands a large readership.

            This study will contribute to theories and models especially Source Credibility Theory especially as it can be used to explain the influence of media ownership issue particularly on newspapers and broadcast media in Nigeria.

            Government and policy formulators may benefit from the result of this research findings to make laws that will reduce the level of ownership influence of the general operations of mass media as its serves public interest rather than personal agenda and as such it should enjoy a substantial amount of freedom.

            This study is also expected to encourage journalists/reporters to try as much possible to uphold press freedom by exhibiting the major canon of the press which include but not limited to objectivity, accuracy, fairness and balance in their news reportage as all these bring credibility to the media firm.

            Apart from contributing to research literature on the subject matter, this study among other things may also provide empirical information on the effect of media ownership on news credibility.

            Similarly, the findings of this study will serve as additional literature on the topic for students and researchers who will like to carry out similar research while, the material will form bulk literature that exists in the field of mass communication, journalism and media studies etc.

1.6       Scope of the Study

            The study which examines It is against this backdrop that investigated audience perception of media ownership on newspaper reportage with a focus on Daily Trust newspaper. This, the geographical state location of this study is Abuja. The choice of Abuja is due to its proximity to the researcher while it will be difficult if not impossible to study all residents of Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. However, the population of Abuja Municipal Area Council as at 2015 was 1,987,330. The time frame for this study is between June- November, 2022.

1.7       Operational Definition of the Terms

Media Ownership: In this research, media ownership refers to an individual, group or government who establish, finance and control how it operates.

News Reportage: This is the act of reporting news and other news related events of general interest for newspaper like Daily Trust Newspaper.

Daily Trust Newspaper: This is one of the newspapers publishing in the FCT, Abuja by Media Trust but reporting news happening across the country particularly the northern part of Nigeria.

Abuja Municipal Area Council Residents: In this study, these are the people residing at Abuja Municipal Area Council area such as: City Centre, Garki, GUI, Gwagwa, Gwarimpa Jiwa, Kabusa, Karo, Nyanya and Wuse.


Format = MS Word, Price = ₦4500, Chapter = 1-5, Pages = 73, References = Yes, Questionnaire =Yes, Table of Contents = Yes and Abstract = Yes


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