ABSTRACT: This study examined the use of new media as a business tool among undergraduates in Nigeria. This research project specifically looked at respondents’ usage and perception of the new media as a business tool. To achieve the aim and objectives of this study, a clear statement of the problem was given to justify the significance of the study and the research questionnaires were used to answer the aims and objectives of the study. Technology Determinism and Uses and Gratification theory formed the theoretical frame work for this study. Survey research method was employed in gathering data from respondents and the type of sampling techniques used was simple random sampling. The questionnaire was printed and administered to 200 undergraduate students of University of Lagos. The result revealed that majority of the respondents use social media and they use at least 4-5 social media platforms with access to the internet daily. Also they use the WhatSapp platforms mostly and engage in the usage of social media platforms for the purpose of business exchange. Also majority of the respondents use social media daily during the strike and they spent 6-8 hours per day on social media. From the findings of the research, the conclusion is that respondents were exposed to the use of new media, most especially the social media platforms to engage in business exchange during the ASUU strike. In light of the findings of this research, the following recommendations were made; there should be a continuous use of the new media to advertise, pull traffic to business platforms and reach far and heterogeneous audience in the online communities, business owners should focus on the design and message properties of their adverts on social media platforms, to ensure it is simple and captivating enough to aid retention and recall of the adverts. With regards to advertising media, this study shows that the new media is a potent media used by entrepreneurs for their businesses. This is because of its advantage to create and share content, to engage in social networking and to get immediate feedback from customers.
Title Page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
Abstract ix
Background to the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 2
Research Objectives 2
Research Questions 3
Scope of the Study 3
Significance of the study 3
Operational definition of terms 4
References 5
Conceptual Review
Theoretical framework 8
Empirical Review 11
References 13
Research Method 15
Population of study 15
Sampling Technique 15
Sample Size 17
Research Instrument 17
Validity of Research Instrument 17
Reliability of Research Instrument 17
Method of Data Analysis 18
References 19
Data Analysis and Presentation 20
Discussion of the Findings 33
Summary 35
Conclusion 36
Recommendations 37
Suggestions for Further Study 37
Background to the Study
The term new media are those types of media that uses digital technology to provide entertainment or information online via the internet. The term may also be used to describe online content, especially content that is interactive; on demand media that is accessible through a range of devices. The types of new media are websites, blogs, social media platforms, etc.
On the 14th of February 2022, the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) declared a strike in protest against the government’s failure to release revitalization funds for universities, failure to release the white paper report of the visitation panel to universities and the failure to deploy the University Transparency Accountability System for the payment of salaries and allowances of lecturers (The Punch, 2022). And while the strike has forced many students’ education to a halt, academic disruption isn’t the only effect of the ASUU strike. There was a halt and drop in sales of business of students who are entrepreneurs in school.
The social media which are a subset of the new media are websites and application (e.g. Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram) that enables users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. Social media have been a great tool for business owners, most especially student entrepreneurs during the 8 month ASUU strike, to advertise and market their business to clients that are hanging out in the online social communities.
In his article, “The Impact of Social Media on Advertising”, Michael Cohn (2017), explained how social media had an important impact on our business from the beginning. He also went further to talk about social media marketing and advertising. According to Cohn (2017), social media marketing is a group of operations and methods used to generate publicity through social media channels and internet communities. While social media advertising is the planning and executing of advertising campaigns through those channels. The reason why the faces of businesses are changing drastically is that business owners understands that they need to reach their clients who are hanging out in the online social communities. Statistics shows that an average person spends 2 and half hours per day on social media, 3.8 billion people use social media worldwide and 84% of people with access to internet use social media. And 3 best social media platform for advertising which are Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (Fleishman, 2020).
Social media is the greatest thing to happen to advertising since its invention. Student entrepreneurs use the social media platform to advertise and market their business online during the strike. Apart from using the social media as a business tool, some students use it to learn new skill and expand their existing business. According to a blog written by Jeremiah Ajayi on “how students can make the most out of ASUU strike”, a 300-level student of Biology Education in Unilag said he was taking an online course to improve his writing skills and also social media marketing course on HubSpot. And also a 400-level law student at the Obafemi Awolowo University said she was learning Digital Marketing to leverage PR and marketing via some social media platforms to increase awareness for her shoe business.
Statement of the Problem
Research has shown that the youths especially higher institutions students are predominantly the users of social media. About 84% of people between the ages 18 and 29 uses the social media (Pew Research Center, 2021). They are always sharing and gathering information, staying in touch with friends and seeking ways to connect virtually to everyone in the world. Despite that a little attention was placed on social media marketing and advertisement, how to measure advertisement effectively and how to reach its target audience and how to use the social media platform to connect with customers on an individual and personal level.
Hence, the primary aim of this study is to expand knowledge on how student use the new media (social media) to bring attraction and traffic to their business, increase market reach, engage with their customers, increase visibility for their brand and business and also connect with existing and new customers .
Objectives of the Study
The following objectives guided the study;
- To determine the extent Undergraduates of Unilag use Social Media.
- To explore how often Undergraduates of Unilag use Social Media
- To ascertain the perception of Social Media as a business tool among Undergraduates of Unilag.
- To examine the buying behavior and influence of adverts on Social Media on Undergraduates of Unilag.
- To identity the effectiveness of Social Media as a business tool among Undergraduates of Unilag
Research Questions
The following research question guided the study.
- To what extent do the Undergraduates of Unilag use Social Media?
- How often do the Undergraduates of Unilag use Social Media?
- What is the perception of Social Media as a business tool among Undergraduates of Unilag?
- How does an advert on Social Media influence the buying behavior of Undergraduates of Unilag?
- How effective is the use of Social Media as a business tool by Undergraduates of Unilag?
Scope of the Study
This study focused on the usage of social media as a business tool among the undergraduates of University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos. This study focused on the 3 most used social media platforms, which are Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. And it will cover both male and female undergraduates’ students within Unilag.
Significance of the Study
The study will help to analyze the various aspects of New Media, such as its types, its impact on student business and society as a whole. This study will assist the students on how social media can help them expand their business, engage customers and increase visibility.
It will provide business owners in Nigeria with insight into understanding the exposure and influence of social media marketing and advertising in their business
This study will be useful to the society; it will serve as an additional contribution to existing literature on this topic. It will also serve as a reference material to journalism practitioners and scholars who want to study the concepts further.
History of University of Lagos
The University of Lagos, popularly known as UNILAG, is a public research university located in Lagos, Nigeria and founded in 1962. UNILAG is one of the first generation universities in Nigeria and is ranked among the top universities in the world, that is why it is been referred to as “the university of first choice and nation’s pride” University of Lagos is a leading institution dedicated to quality teaching, learning, research and community service. Over the past few years the school has developed leaders in many discipline and over 200,000 highly skilled and knowledgeable graduates.
The university presently has three campuses in the mainland of Lagos; the main campus in Akoka, School of Radiography in Yaba and College of Medicine at Idi-Araba, Mushin. The main campus is largely surrounded by the Lagos Lagoon and has 802 acres of land.
UNILAG has built a legacy of excellence and has been instrumental in the production of top range graduates and academia who have had tremendous impact, directly or indirectly, on growth and development in Nigeria.
Operational Definition of Terms
Advertising: It is a marketing tactic or a profession that involves raising awareness for commercial products or services.
Business: A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.
Marketing: Marketing is the activities of a company associated with buying, advertising, distributing, or selling a product or service.
New Media: New media are forms of media that are computational and rely on computers and the internet for redistribution.
Social Media: It is the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.
Student: A student is a person who is acquiring knowledge in an educational institution.