Gender based violence (GBV) connotes harmful acts carried out against individuals based on socially attributable differences of their gender. Globally, women are the major victims of gender-based violence.

            Gender-based violence (GBV) is a widespread and pervasive problem global and Nigeria, affecting women and girls of all ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and ethnicities. GBV can take many forms, including physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence, acid bath and economic violence. It can have devastating consequences for its victims, including physical and mental health problems, social isolation, and economic hardship (Ekanem, & Ekpenyong, 2019).

            Chidi, Ndep, Akwafuo, Ekwebene, Azubuike, Obidile-Ikwegbu & Igbudu, 2023) write that radio is a powerful tool for raising awareness of GBV and promoting its prevention. Radio broadcasts reach a large and diverse audience, including people in rural and underserved areas. Radio campaigns can be used to educate the public about GBV, challenge harmful gender norms, and promote positive attitudes and behaviors.

            A number of radio campaigns have been conducted in Nigeria to raise awareness of GBV and promote its prevention. These campaigns have been implemented by a variety of organizations, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and media outlets (Ekanem, & Ekpenyong, 2019).

            Some of the most notable radio campaigns against GBV in Nigeria include: (a) the “Orange the World” campaign is a global campaign that is implemented in Nigeria by the United Nations (UN) Women. The campaign aims to raise awareness of GBV and promote its prevention. The campaign’s slogan is “Say NO to violence against women and girls!” (Chima, Nzube, Umoren, Fatima, & Williams, 2023).

            Another one is the “HeForShe” campaign is another global campaign that is implemented in Nigeria by the UN Women. The campaign aims to engage men and boys in the fight against GBV. The campaign’s slogan is “HeForShe: A global solidarity movement for gender equality (UN Women, 2022).” Equally, the “Break the Silence” campaign is a campaign implemented by the Nigerian government to raise awareness of GBV and encourage victims to speak out. The campaign’s slogan is “Break the silence on violence against women and girls!” UN Women, 2022)

            In the same vein, the “Enough is Enough” campaign is a campaign implemented by a coalition of NGOs to raise awareness of GBV and promote its prevention. The campaign’s slogan is “Enough is enough! End violence against women and girls!”

            Radio campaigns against gender-based violence in Nigeria represent a potent weapon in the fight for gender equality and the eradication of violence. While challenges exist, strategic planning, adequate funding, and community involvement can amplify the impact of these campaigns, fostering a society where every individual, regardless of gender, can live free from violence and fear (Chima, Nzube, Umoren, Fatima, & Williams, 2023). It is against this background that the research assesses the campaigns against gender based violence in Atlantic FM and Comfort FM among Uyo metropolis residents.

Statement of the Problem

Although, lots of empirical studies have been carried out on gender-based violence across the globe. However, many studies didn’t explore how factors such as race, ethnicity, religion, and disability intersect with gender, affecting individuals’ vulnerability to violence and their responses to awareness campaigns. Also, this study is determined to explore the influence of radio campaigns on policy-making and legal changes related to gender-based violence. It is against this background that this study assesses radio campaigns against gender based violence among residents of Uyo metropolis.

Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the extent to which residents of Uyo metropolis are exposed to radio campaigns against gender-based violence in Uyo.
  2. To determine the effectiveness of radio campaigns in educating residents of Uyo gender-based violence issues.
  • To ascertain the extent to which radio campaigns influence the perceptions towards gender-based violence among residents in Uyo.
  1. To investigate the extent to which radio campaigns contribute to behavioral change on gender-based violence among residents of Uyo metropolis.

Research Questions

  1. To what extent do residents of Uyo metropolis exposed to radio campaigns against gender-based violence in Uyo?
  2. How effective are radio campaigns in educating residents of Uyo gender-based violence issues?
  3. To what extent have radio campaigns influence the perceptions towards gender-based violence among residents in Uyo?
  4. To what extent have radio campaigns contribute to behavioral change about gender-based violence among residents of Uyo metropolis?

 Significant of the study

Research of this nature is very essential especially this era of gender equally. However, this research will benefit in the following way:

  • Informing Policy and Interventions: The findings can inform policy-making by providing evidence-based insights into the impact of radio campaigns. Policymakers can use this information to design more effective interventions, allocate resources efficiently, and implement policies aimed at reducing gender-based violence.
  • Promoting Gender Equality: Effective radio campaigns can challenge harmful gender norms and promote gender equality. By understanding the success factors, future campaigns can be designed to promote positive attitudes and behaviors, fostering a culture of respect and equality between genders.
  • Enhancing Public Awareness: A study assessing radio campaigns can enhance public awareness about the prevalence and consequences of gender-based violence. This increased awareness can contribute to a more informed society, fostering empathy and understanding towards victims and survivors of gender-based violence.
  • Preventing Violence and Supporting Victims: Effective campaigns can lead to prevention efforts, reducing instances of gender-based violence. Additionally, a well-informed public can create a supportive environment for victims, encouraging them to report incidents and seek help. This support is crucial in breaking the cycle of violence and providing victims with the assistance they need.
  • Academic Advancements: This research will contribute to the academic knowledge base. It adds to the literature in fields such as communication studies, media psychology, gender studies, and social sciences, enriching the understanding of the impact of media campaigns on social issues.
  • Informing Future Studies: Findings from study can serve as valuable insights for future research endeavors. Researchers can build upon the outcomes of this study to explore related topics, delve deeper into specific aspects of media influence, and design more nuanced experiments or surveys related to gender-based violence and media campaigns.

 Scope of the Study

            The study which assessing the campaigns against gender based violence on Atlantic FM and Comfort in Uyo was narrowed in scope to residents of Uyo metropolis. Hence, the geographical state location of this study is Uyo. The choice of Uyo is due to its proximity to the researcher while it will be difficult if not impossible to study all the people in Akwa Ibom State.

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