Abstract on Information Sharing

The study was to investigate the effectiveness of the internet as a means of information sharing among UNILAG students. The study was anchored on Technological Determinism Theory and Source Credibility Theory. A cross-sectional survey research method was adopted while Data questionnaire was used to elicit responses from the respondents among UNILAG students using quota sampling technique to select respondents across the faculties in the institution. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) while the data were presented with the aid of tables. Findings indicated that the sizeable number of the respondents often uses the Internet for gathering and information sharing to a very high extent. Equally, majority of the respondents extremely often browse the Internet. The study equally found that of the respondents admitted that the Internet is useful to source information on assignments and research. The study recommended that while the internet is a powerful tool, it can also be a source of distraction and misinformation. Students should be educated on how to use the internet responsibly and how to discern credible sources of information from non-credible sources. The study also encourage students to use online platforms like discussion forums, social media, and online study groups to collaborate on projects, share information and support each other academically.


1.1       Background to the Study

            There is no doubt that human activities and events have been altered by the emergence of the Internet especially in the last ten years. One of the aspects of life that has been seriously redefined is communication. Before now, students communicate with colleagues, friends, families and institutions etc via letter either send through a commercial bus or somebody travelling to the same spot; and later through the post office and other means peculiar to different people at different regions with no feedback or with a delayed feedback, while students and lecturers only rely on the use of physical library for reading, assignments and researches

            However, in the search for better and effective means of communication, led to the development of the Internet and particularly computer, tablet, iPad, and smartphones. The arrival of the Internet and the proliferation of the social media platforms have completely revolutionalised the means, efforts, time and speed of communication coupled with effective feedback and interaction that goes into communication in this era (Ellore, Niranjan, & Brown, 2014).

            Meanwhile, business and commerce have moved from physical buying and selling to e-commerce, e-marketing, e-shopping, e-banking. Sports and games have shifted to e-game and virtual games. Similarly, education has become e-learning and e-book to the extent of having online universities such as National Open Polytechnic of Nigeria (NOUN). Other activities that the Internet has plugged into is e-dating, e-friend, e-marriage, e-politics, e-music, e-movies, e-meeting, e-conference, e-communication and interaction.

            Thus, the Internet has transformed the way students’ access and share information. With a wealth of resources available at their fingertips, students are no longer restricted to traditional textbooks and libraries. The Internet has made information sharing more accessible, efficient, and effective. One of the key advantages of the Internet is its ability to provide students with immediate access to a vast range of resources. According to a study published in the International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, the Internet has significantly improved the accessibility and sharing of educational resources among students (Kumar, 2013). The study found that students use the Internet extensively for academic research and that it has made the process of finding and sharing information much easier. This is particularly relevant in today’s digital age, where information is constantly being updated and refined.

            Another key advantage of the Internet is its ability to facilitate collaborative learning. A study published in the Journal of Educational Computing Research found that the Internet has increased the effectiveness of collaborative learning among students. The study found that students who collaborated on projects using the Internet had higher levels of critical thinking and problem-solving skills (Hung, 2014). It should also be recalled that the use of the Internet came into the rescue of many tertiary institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. At that time, the Internet provides students and lecturers with the opportunity to connect and interact. Thus, regardless of geographical location doesn’t affect learning (Mbongo, Hako, & Munangatire, 2021).

            In addition to collaborative learning, the Internet has also facilitated knowledge sharing among students. A study published in the Journal of Educational Technology & Society found that the Internet has enabled knowledge sharing, particularly in the context of online discussion forums. The study found that students who participated in online discussion forums were able to share information, ideas, and opinions more effectively than in traditional classroom settings (Kwon & Wen, 2010). This highlights the importance of the Internet in promoting active engagement and dialogue among students.

            Finally, the Internet has also improved the accessibility and availability of instructional resources among students. A study published in the Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning found that the Internet has contributed to higher levels of academic achievement among students. The study found that students who used the Internet to access instructional resources had higher levels of academic achievement than those who did not (Abdullah & Ward, 2015). This is particularly relevant for students who may not have access to traditional learning resources, such as those in remote or disadvantaged areas. To this end, this study investigates the effectiveness of the Internet as a means of information sharing among UNILAG students.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

            Though, it is challenging for students to perform their academic duties in the 21st century without using the Internet (Ameyaw & Asante, 2016; Shitta, 2002), Scholars have scarcely discussed the importance and effect of internet use on student academic success in literature (Yebowaah, 2018). Though, Singh et al. (2013) noted that some learners use the Internet for non-academic activities like gaming and social networking, which leads to a lack of study routines and, learners use the internet for amusement rather than academic goals (Olatokun, 2008; Ngoumandjoka, 2012), which might cause school achievement to suffer, several researchers have

indicated that learners at colleges use the Internet for several activities, including mapping, downloading materials, viewing online lectures, playing online games and making purchases online for academic work (Akin- Adramola, 2014; Hako, Tobias, & Erastus, 2021; Narh-Kert, Osei & Oteng, 2022). According to recent studies, students’ academic success is for educational purposes (e.g., Ameyaw & Asante, 2016; Mami & Hatami-Zad, 2014; Carter, 2016) and learners in colleges who have complete control over their internet usage have generally mirrored this in their academic achievement (Yebowaah, 2018). However, research on internet usage among students. Hence, it is against this background that the study investigates the effectiveness of the Internet as a means of information sharing among UNILAG students.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

            The general objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of the Internet as a means of information sharing among UNILAG students, while the specific objectives are:

i.          To examine the extent to which students of UNILAG use the internet for information sharing.

ii.         To ascertain how the use of the internet for gathering and information sharing impact on UNILAG students’ academic performance.

iii.        To identify the challenges facing UNILAG students in using the internet for gathering and information sharing.

iv.        To determine how the social and cultural backgrounds of students impact their use of the Internet for information sharing.

v.         To ascertain how students evaluate the credibility and reliability of information found on the Internet.

1.4       Research Questions

In order to explicate the aforementioned objectives, the listed questions provide answers to the research problem:

i.          To what extent do students of UNILAG use the internet for gathering and information sharing?

ii.         How does the use of the Internet for gathering and information sharing impact on UNILAG students’ academic performance?

iii.        What are the challenges facing UNILAG students in using the internet for gathering and information sharing?

iv.        How do the social and cultural backgrounds of students impact their use of the Internet for information sharing?

v.         How do you evaluate the credibility and reliability of information found on the Internet?

1.5       Significance of the Study

            Carrying out studies on the effectiveness of the internet as a means of information sharing among students is significant for several reasons:

Identify strengths and weaknesses: Conducting studies can help identify the strengths and weaknesses of using the internet as a means of information sharing. This information can be used to improve the effectiveness of online learning and to address any issues that may be hindering student success.

Inform teaching practices: Research can help educators better understand how to use the internet to support student learning and develop effective teaching practices that incorporate online resources.

Enhance student outcomes: Understanding the effectiveness of the internet as a means of information sharing can help educators develop strategies to enhance student outcomes. By identifying effective online resources and teaching practices, educators can support student success and improve learning outcomes.

Inform policy decisions: Research on the effectiveness of the internet as a means of information sharing can inform policy decisions related to education and technology. This can help ensure that policies and regulations are informed by evidence-based research and support the use of effective online resources in education.

            This study will be relevant to researchers in the fields of mass communication, new media education and other related fields who are interested in conducting studies that are similar to or related to this because it provides them with an empirical opportunity to see what has been done while also serving as a source of literature.

1.6       Scope of the Study

            The study which investigates the effectiveness of the Internet as a means of information sharing among UNILAG students has been narrowed in scope through the topic itself (University of Lagos (UNILAG).Thus, the geographical scope of this study shall be within Lagos State, University of Lagos in particular. The choice of University of Lagos (UNILAG) students is due to its proximity to the researcher, inadequate time to study all students in Lagos state among other logistics. Equally, the in this century, almost all students of tertiary institutions in Nigeria and world all over are making use of the Internet for one purpose or the other. However, the demographical variables of the respondents students of University of Lagos (UNILAG) before the administration of the data collection instrument.

1.7       Operational Definition of Teams

Effectiveness: In this research, effectiveness entails how effective is the Internet as a veritable platform for sharing information especially among students of tertiary institutions like UNILAG.

Internet: In this study, the Internet refers to instrument/ tool or platform which are being used as a means of information sharing and general interaction among students (UNILAG) 

Information Sharing: This is the means by which information is being exchanged between and among lecturers. Including from e-library, e-books and other academic collaborators using the Internet.

UNILAG Students: In this research, UNILAG students are students of University of Lagos (UNILAG) usually between 100 level and 500 level .

 (Format: MS WORD, Chapter 1-5, Abstract, Table of Contents, Questionnaire and References)

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