Table of Contents


Different Departments in Radio Station

Marketing Department and Revenue Generation Responsibility

Advertisement and Mass Media

Concept of Jingle

Radio Jingles

The function of a jingle

Jingles as a Marketing Tool Today

Power of Jingle Advertisement in Radio

Place of Music in Jingle Advertisement in Radio

Studies on Advertisement Jingle in Radio Station

Important of Advert Jingles to Radio Stations

Location of Radio Stations and it Impact on Revenue Generation





The essence of going into business by any business outfit is to make profit. This paper sees (Oodua 90.9 F.M) privately owned media as a business firm because it has so many obligations ranging from payment of workers’ salary to the overall running of the stations especially in Nigeria where there is a challenge of power (electricity).

Thus, for mass media organizations to make money and to survive in the long run, they must have constant sources or streams of revenue. Revenues come from sales, and the various categories of sales of a service or manufacturing firm are known as revenue streams. The media and advertising are inseparable institutions with unique symbiotic relationship. The struggle of media survival in the history of mass media in Nigeria was dated to the earlier history of print media in Nigeria, the Lagos Weekly Record by John Jackson was able to survive until late 18th century in the midst of low patronage and stiff competition that characterized the earlier print media in Nigeria (Lawal, 2003).

Meanwhile, every organization has a hierarchy of people and job functions whether it is organic or intentional. For a business to operate efficiently and systematically, it needs a planned structure that fits the style, size and operations of the organization. Radio service requires the efforts of many people working at various sections for the overall single objective of providing services that can hold listeners tight to the station and sustain it over a long period of time, one with the aim of providing peoples’ attention to advertisers, who need such to sell their product and two, to generate money to pay workers and increase the fortune of the owner of the station with the profit made. To achieve the above however requires that people should be work from different department under a correct knowledge (Ogunsola and Olayinka, 2021).

However, this division of labour creates specialists who need coordination. This coordination is facilitated by grouping specialists together in departments. In a radio station, which requires the collaboration of all. Activities can be grouped according to function (work being done) to pursue economies of scale by placing employees with shared skills and knowledge into departments for instance, many notable professionals apart from journalists and programmes producers have roles to play in a radio station. It is therefore not a surprise seeing different professionals like seasoned Human Resource Persons, Engineers, and Accountants performing their professional duties in a radio outfit.

Different Departments in Radio Station

Basically, there are six (6) different basic departments in most radio station which work hand in hand for the actualisation of the corporate objectives of radio station. Among the departments are the following: Administrative, Programmes, News, Marketing, Engineering and Finance. The different department in a radio station has these departments listed as follow;

1) The News and Current Affairs Department

2) The Programmes Department

3) Engineering Department

4) Commercial Department

5) Administrative Department

6) Account Department

However, for the purpose of this paper, effort will be on marketing department in which generation of revenue is its responsibility. Hence, marketing department embarks on aggressive marketing drive that brings money to the station. It looks out for money on daily basis. Another function of this department is engaging most private organisations like hotels and airline operators in batter, where by their adverts will be aired, and the station can benefit from the services they provide (Ogunsola and Olayinka, 2021). In short, this is the main base of a television revenue generation that bears the burden when the revenue drive diminishes. Seasoned marketing officers are the members of staff that perform the wonders in marking department.

Marketing Department and Revenue Generation Responsibility

This department takes care of the commercials that are sent into the station. They have personnel’s who go out to source for funds either through event coverage, adverts or programmes of commercial value and sales of airtime.

Today, it is very difficult if not impossible for any broadcasting outfit to survive without generating income, especially now that even government broadcast media are forced to generate some revenue before rely solely on subvention from government but now source for grant talkless of commercial radio or television stations that pays workers and maintain equipment from revenue generated. And as a result of this, commcercial or marketing department is very essential in generating needed revenue to keep the station on air.

Major Source of Revenue for Radio Station like Oodua 90.9 FM

It should be recalled that broadcasting media especially non-government media are meant to generate revenue that will cover their expenses and further making profit to meet up their budget and unforeseen circumstances such as changing of equipment, maintaining equipment.  The major source of revenue for radio stations.

  1. Advertising: Larger percentage of the broadcasting media are generated through the advertisement placement on the media.
  2. Public Relations write up: Broadcasting media also generate funds from the public relations write up or services by using documentary, news features etc from the organisation that PRs represented.  
  3. Government Aids: This is common among the government media whether state of federal. This fund is usually given to the media outfit as a running capital and because of this assistance rendered to the broadcasting media lead to the abuse of the government media.
  4. Sale of Airtime: This is usually peculiar to the freelancers or independent presenter/producers or religion or group to buy airtime usually 10 minutes to 1 hour where they showcase their programmes, concepts, ideas etc   . 
  5. Bartter Agreement: This is a situation when a media organisation agree to receive programming in turn for providing advert airtime.
  6. Time brokerage: This is when a station sells a bulk of time to another party (broadcast station). Who in turn programmes that time block and they may also offers advertisement. Others are special projects, offers studio for rentage and training institute such as NTA College etc.  

Advertisement and Mass Media

For organizations to make money and to survive in the long run, they must have constant sources or streams of revenue. Revenues come from sales, and the various categories of sales of a service or manufacturing firm are known as revenue streams. While measuring and reporting revenue is the domain of accounting and finance departments in organizations, determining new sources or streams of revenue is the responsibility of top management, strategic planners, and marketing forecasters.

Competition is driving down advertising rates of broadcasting media. The number of channels is increasing while there is no infrastructure to support the presence of these channels. The audience has a shorter span of attention and they are fragmenting. Under reporting of subscription fees have been a traditional problem and the advertising revenues are growing at slower rates every year. When faced with such a scenario broadcasters are looking various avenues to increase revenues.

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