Abstract on Brand Communication

: The main objective of the study was to influence of Twitter and Instagram as brand communication platforms. The study was anchored on Technological Determinism Theory (TDT). A cross-sectional survey research method was adopted while questionnaire was used to elicit responses from the respondents within Researchcage University, Lagos using quota sampling technique. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) while the data were presented with the aid of tables. Findings indicated that majority of the respondents (67.7%) opined that they sometimes engage with a brand’s content mostly by clicking the likes, comments or shares the brand, also many of the respondents (36.7%) pointed out that GTB can improve its use of Twitter and Instagram for brand communication by create compelling content. The study recommended that both Twitter and Instagram offer avenues for direct communication and engagement with customers. Brands can respond to customer inquiries, address concerns, and engage in meaningful conversations. By being responsive, helpful, and authentic, businesses can build trust, strengthen customer relationships, and create a positive brand perception.

Keywords:  Twitter and Instagram, Brand Communication Platforms.


In today’s digital age, social media platforms have revolutionized the way brands communicate and engage with their audience. Among the various platforms available, Twitter and Instagram have emerged as powerful tools for brand communication. This paper explores the influence of Twitter and Instagram as brand communication platforms particularly banking sector, highlighting their unique features, reach, and impact on brand-consumer relationships.

Twitter, with its real-time and concise messaging format, has become a preferred platform for brands to connect with their audience. The platform’s 330 million monthly active users (Twitter, 2021) create a vast audience for brands to communicate with, instantly and directly.

The retweet feature on Twitter allows users to share brand content, thereby increasing its visibility. Research by Kwon et al. (2019) suggests that retweets positively affect brand engagement and brand attitude, leading to increased brand loyalty. Twitter enables brands to address customer queries, concerns, and complaints promptly. A study by Li and Bernoff (2011) found that brands that actively engage with customers on Twitter experience increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Instagram’s visual nature and focus on storytelling make it an ideal platform for brand communication. Instagram’s emphasis on high-quality visuals allows brands to showcase their products, services, and brand values creatively. According to Statista (2021), 90% of Instagram users follow at least one business account, highlighting the platform’s potential as a brand communication tool.

Instagram’s influencer culture has become a prominent feature in brand communication strategies. Brands collaborate with influencers to promote their products or services to their engaged and loyal followers. A study by Gupta and Kim (2020) suggests that influencer endorsements on Instagram positively impact consumer perceptions and purchase intentions. Instagram encourages users to generate content related to brands through hashtags and contests. Research by Cho and Cheon (2018) reveals that UGC positively influences brand attitudes and purchase intentions, as it provides authentic and relatable content for consumers.

By and large, Twitter and Instagram have significantly influenced brand communication strategies by providing unique opportunities for brands to connect and engage with their audience. Twitter’s real-time nature, broad reach, and customer service capabilities make it effective platforms for instant brand-consumer interaction. Instagram’s visual focus, influencer marketing, and user-generated content create avenues for brands to tell compelling stories and foster a sense of community. Incorporating Twitter and Instagram into brand communication strategies can enhance brand visibility, engagement, and loyalty in today’s digital landscape. To this end, this paper investigates the influence of Twitter and Instagram as brand communication platforms among students of Researchcage University, Lagos.

Problem Statement

Despite the significant nature and impact on the influence of Twitter and Instagram as brand communication platforms in the recent years, there is only a few empirical studies on the subject matter. However, certain key issues and challenges need to be addressed to better understand their impact on brand-consumer relationships, how effective are these platforms for brand communication, how credible and authenticity in brand communication, effectiveness of influencer endorsements as brand communication platforms among others.  Hence, this paper investigates the influence of Twitter and Instagram as brand communication platforms among students of Researchcage University, Lagos.

Objectives of the Study

  1. To investigate the extent to which respondents exposed to GTB products/services on Twitter and Instagram?
  2. To ascertain the extent to which GTB Twitter and Instagram handles impacted on the brand awareness and attitudes among students of Researchcage University, Lagos.
  3. To determine how GTBank can improve its use of Twitter and Instagram for brand communication among customers.

Research Questions

  1. To what extent do respondents exposed to GTB products/services on Twitter and Instagram?
  2. To what extent has GTB Twitter and Instagram handles impacted on the brand awareness and attitudes among students of Researchcage University, Lagos.?
  3. How can GTBank improve its use of Twitter and Instagram for brand communication among customers?

Scope of the Study

            The study which investigates the influence of Twitter and Instagram as brand communication platforms has been narrowed in scope to the students of Researchcage University, Lagos.. This, the geographical location of this study is Researchcage University, Lagos. The choice of the institution are due to its proximity to the researcher while it will be difficult if not impossible to study all students in Lagos State, others are inadequate time, funds and other logistics.

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