Abstract:: The study investigated the evaluating the effectiveness of digital technology on brand patronage by youths in Lagos State. The study was anchored on Technological Determinism Theory (TDT). A survey research method was adopted in which questionnaire was administered to respondents to elicit their responses. Descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) was used to analyze the data that were collected and presented with the aid of tables. Findings show that substantial number of respondents (82.4%) disagree that online shopping apps (Jiji, Konga, Jumia) were highly deployed for detergents patronage by youths. Although, majority of the respondents (65.4%) agree that various internet platforms were highly utilized for detergents sales promotion. Similarly, significant number of the respondents (76.5%) strongly agreed that advertising on digital platforms has positive impacts on brand patronage. A sizable number of the respondents (84%) claimed that they do not prefer a particular brand of detergent to other due to their exposure to its social media handles. The study recommended that companies and brand owners should watch over some people that may be using their name or related to scam people online, for instance, there was a time when someone imitate Shell Oil website where he was offering job application after which he asked each applicant to pay sum of 2000 into a bank account to get a pass for an interview. After sometime, it was discovered that it was a scammer.




1.1       Background of The Study

 Advertising, in this modern age of  highly competitive market-economy, has become a push- button word with a  powerful communication force and a vital marketing tool which helps to sell goods, services, images and ideas through  channels of information and persuasion (Osunbiyi, 2001). Many marketers , in recognition of the fact that the market place was changing and that the traditional medium of advertising was fast losing it’s golden halo, and seeing the need for a strategic integration of their promotional tools so as to meet up with the dynamic customers’ needs, began adopting various social media platforms to reach out to their customers.

Advertising, has grown over the years, assuming tremendous dimensions and it is a common knowledge that the most effective way to promote awareness is through the media, where useful information may be conveyed to thousands of people or consumers in certain areas from a relative source. With the advent of digital technology into the advertising world in the last decade, especially in the last four to five years which has witnessed the explosive growth of number of people using the internet, consumers’ choices has been altered, which has fostered large amounts of e-Commerce.  In other words, the advent of digitization and the emergence of marketing through digital platforms compared to offline marketing have changed purchasing behaviour (Tejuosho, 2003).

Digital technologies are electronic tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store or process data. Well known examples include social media, online games, multimedia and mobile phones. Digital technologies such as social media, multimedia and phones are utilized to inform, communicate and educate (among other things) target audience thereby increasing brand patronage. However, age, sex, educational background, religion, political affiliation among others determine the extent and how the use of digital technologies in advertisement influence audience buying habit. Other factors that determine how certain media messages will influence the consumers buying behaviour are a type of appeals, technique, language and advertising medium used.

It should be noted that the way certain advertising messages will influence youths may differ from how it may influence children and adults. For instance, students of Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta are educated youths, who are largely exposed and  more addicted to various social  media platforms, so they may be influenced by an advert in a way different from youths in the rural areas who are less exposed to  the different social media platforms. To this end, the study investigated the impact of digital technology on brand patronage especially detergents and consumers behaviour with a particular focus on students of Researchcage University.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

There is no doubt that the use of digital technology in promoting brand patronage is evolving daily as the various traditional medium of creating brand awareness is at its lowest ebb. According to Varian (2013), the use of digital technology is a superior means of disseminating news and informing, creating and promoting brand awareness. Critics have claimed that the recent upsurge in the use of digital technologies to create brand awareness is most often filled with misleading information, graphics and videos about the product or services. To this end, the study investigated the impact of digital technology on brand patronage especially detergents and consumers behaviour with a particular focus on students of Researchcage University..

1.3       Objectives of the Study

The following are the objectives of the study:

i.          To determine how digital technology affects brand patronage of the detergents.

ii.         To know the extent digital technology advertisements of the detergents affect  consumer’s choice of products.

iii.        To find out the level of frequency of exposure of target audience to advertising  on digital technologies.

iv.        Finally, this study will proffer solution on most effective means of using the handling digital technologies in brand promotion to meet modern day challenges.

1.4       Research Questions

i.          To what extent has digital technology contributed towards the attitudes of the consumers who use detergents?

ii.         Will a particular brand of detergent be preferred over other detergents?

iii.        To what extent has the use of digital technology increased brand patronage of the product?

iv         Does the use of digital technology satisfy   the information needs of the brand users concerning the product.

v.         Do the youths prefer online buying of detergents as against physical patronage?

1.5       Scope of the Study

This study is focused on the influence of digital technology on brand patronage  especially detergents and consumers behaviour. The research has been narrowed to examine the influence of digital technology on the publics’ patronage, with specific reference to the students of Researchcage University. Abeokuta, Ogun State. However, due to the large number of people that uses the product on a daily basis; it will be very difficult if not impossible to cover all the people. Therefore, the demography factors of the users were considered before structuring and distribution of questionnaire to 100 users who were the sample size of this research and such factors include educational background, age, sex, occupation and social status. Etc.

The period of this study spans from January to June 2021, it will look at the various ways the target audience of the product has responded to digital technology advertisement .This study is centered on the Students of Researchcage University, Abeokuta Ogun State.

1.6         Significance of the study

The significance of this study is to enable producers to better understand the impact of digital technology on the changing purchasing power of the product. The study also aims to evaluate the buyers’ preferences for combining both online (digital technologies) and offline (traditional) advantages and to evaluate a successful model for the product. Furthermore, it will be of advantage to the brand producers because it will help them to understand audience perception towards the digital technology use in the brand promotion.         

1.7       Study Gap

All the studies empirically reviewed did not indicate factors that actually serve as motivating factors for brand patronage among youths in the increasing growth of digital technology. Also, the studies did not make use of large respondents and that is why study is intended to make use of 392 respondents. Equally, some of the studies did not use and theory while those that use theories failed to use appropriate like Technological Determinism Theory (TDT) as this is one of the relevant theories at this point in time.

1.8       Operational Definition of Terms

Impact: The force of impression of one thing on another; to have a direct effect on.

Digital Technology: These are electronic tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store or process data.

Brand: A class of goods identified by name as the product of a single firm or manufacturer; a public image, reputation, or identity conceived of as something to be marketed or promoted. Majorly, this study shall focus on Detergents as representing  brands.

Patronage: This refers to how students of Researchcage University., Abeokuta, Ogun State buy one product or service due to their exposure to its digital technology advertisements.



Format = MS Word, Price = ₦4000, Chapter = 1-5, Pages = 73, References = Yes, Questionnaire =Yes, Table of Contents = Yes and Abstract = Yes


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