No.1 Mass Communication Research Topics and Materials


Abstract: The research examined NTA indigenous broadcasting with a content analysis of NTA Yoruba channel on Startimes. The research was anchored on Uses and Gratifications and Social Categories Theory. Content analysis was used while coding sheets were used to collect the data. The sampling technique for this study is purposive sampling and 1st – 7th November, 2016 was the days purposeful picked which start from Tuesday and ends Monday. The broadcast hour covered were 7am to 7pm everyday of the week. The data collected were analysed using frequency and percentage tables. Findings show that a total of 22 programs were content analysed. The educative and entertainment programs dominated with 22.7% and 27% respectively. Also, both the male and female presenters were equally used as the anchor of the programs. It is also revealed that the cultural programs accounts for (86.4%) with large numbers of the programs were aired both in the morning and evening. The research concluded that NTA Yoruba on Startimes is meeting up with the objectives for its establishment because cultural program dominated the contents with (86.4%) while the programs on the channels portray Yoruba race in good light. It is recommended that media managers and other stakeholders should improve and enhance the qualities of programme and equipment used in producing and distributing indigenous contents in this advanced era.

Keywords: NTA, Indigenous Broadcasting, Content Analysis, NTA Yoruba, Startimes

Indigenous Broadcasting


            Television being an audio-visual medium has the capacity to influence the attitude, behaviour, thinking and socialization of an individual from childhood to adult stage. The popular assertion “See is believing” makes television messages more accepted, persuasive and very influential. Television is used for several reasons including information, education, entertainment, and persuasion. Unlike other media structures, television has the advantage of utilizing vision for mass communication. Programming remains a key instrument for attracting audience and determining the viability of a station (Koblowe and Oluchi, 2010).

            Television technology is developing rapidly and impacting diverse strata of the population. It is a socializing agent as information transmitted can easily affect consumers’ worldview, perception and behaviour. It exposes people to opinions that challenge traditional ethos. Television has thus become a major source of information acquisition, companionship and a relaxation tool as it provides millions with free leisure strategies and opportunities (Koblowe and Oluchi, 2010).

            Also, advancement in technology has provided platform for the emergency of cable television, internet, home video and others which have created influx of foreign programmes on the developing nations because information takes the downward direction i.e from Western nations to developing and under developed nations which Nigeria is inclusive However, with the shrinking of the world into a global village through the increasing sophistication of communication technologies, the local media in developing nations are brought under fierce competition for local audience by the global media.

            The local audiences especially in developing nations are transformed into a global audience who find it difficult to leave the production quality and variety of programme contents presented by cable television channels and watch local channels. Another bottleneck or challenge is that, African leaders did not help the matter in the sense that, going by the events heralding the burial of the late South Africa leader, Nelson Mandela, preference was accorded all the Western/foreign media such as CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera and the likes, over the local news media coming from other parts of Africa, one of which is TVC News, a PAN African station based in Lagos Nigeria (Adekanye, 2014).     

            However, the emergency of satellite or the cable television has been characterized by the domination of the western or non-Nigeria contents even where exist they are not portraying Africa and Nigeria cultural heritage well and that lead to the establishment of NTA Yoruba, NTA Hausa and NTA Igbo to neutralize the scenario by promoting and sustaining cultural values, arts, believe and other socio-cultural heritage of Nigeria.

Problem Statement

            The socio-cultural values and believes of Nigerians are being battered out of exist since the slavery, colonialism and even in this modern era through the influx of western contents into the country via various channels of business, communication, entertainment and others. The cable television service that offer access to hundreds of channels on one platform is considered to be dominated by the western or non-Nigeria content even where exist they are not portraying Africa and Nigeria cultural heritage the way they are. 

           Most of these foreign programmes are irrelevant to the needs of the developing nations, they convert these nations into dumping grounds and erode cultural values of Nigeria in order to make extra revenues from the foreign sales on these programmes, and this will only discourage domestic programme production in all the developing nations. Some other problems include but not limited to inadequate policy to guard the youths towards foreign/western Tv programmes, there is an erosion of the cultural values otherwise known as cultural imperialism. The imitation of Western cultures especially the American cultures and the Nigerian youths are being brain washed.

          It is as a result of this phenomenon that NTA Yoruba, NTA Hausa and NTA Igbo was established to neutralize this be promoting and sustaining cultural heritage of Nigeria. It is against this background that the study content analysis NTA Yoruba channel On Startimes with the view to know the extent it has gone in achieve the establishing objectives and the need to recommend areas that need improvement.

Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the nature of the programs broadcast on Startimes NTA Yoruba.
  2. To examine whether NTA Yoruba portray Yoruba race in good light.

Research Questions 

  1. What is the nature of the programs broadcast on Startimes NTA Yoruba?
  2. To what extent does NTA Yoruba portray Yoruba race in good light?

 Scope of the Study

            The research has been narrowed in scope to the content manifest of the NTA Yoruba on StarTimes on the nature and prominence given to issues particularly the cultural heritage it stands to sustain and promote.

            The program of the station within 7 days making a week were content analysed because all programs on the stations are presented once in a week except where there is a rebroadcast, meaning that a week program represent the summary of the entire program for months even for a year. 1st – 7th November, 2016 were the days purposeful picked which start from Tuesday and ends Monday. The period covered start from 7 am to 7 pm everyday of the week.   

Significant of the Study

            Since the phenomenon is relatively new to the field of mass communication and media studies, it is expect that the findings will benefits individuals, groups and organizations.  Media planners would at the end of this research know the extent at which NTA Yoruba and other NTA indigenous channels on Startimes have fulfilled the objectives for establishing the stations           

            Audience would come to realize the extent at which the stations could meet up with their gratification and taste in term of programming and scheduling. People who will be carrying out research that related to this will find the materials useful as it will provide them a clue to their own research, while others may focus on the influence of indigenous language in television and audience perception while it forms part of academic materials that students, lecturers, researchers, media companies can turn to when looking for materials or existing literature on indigenous broadcast and language.

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