1.1       Background to the Study

Issues involving the influence of Zee-World movies on students and youths in general in Nigeria particularly on their cultural values have become a source of concern and daily discussions by many Nigerians owing to its influence on the lifestyle of many youths across the country. The popular and entertaining Soap Opera is a Radio/Television series typically broadcast in the afternoon or evening about the lives of melodramatic characters which are often filled with strong emotions, highly dramatic situations and suspense.

Obviously, the majority of female and some male folks are consumed with the urge of watching soap operas from foreign countries including Korea, India, Philippines, Brazil and so on. As a result of this, many Nigerian youths stay glued to their television sets for long periods of time watching the one hour long broadcasts. Youths, especially the unemployed ones and even housewives, are captivated by these broadcasts as many of them spend much of their day watching these soap operas and end up achieving nothing meaningful for the day. Some of the youths get so addicted to these soap operas such that it has become their way of life (John 2009).

Watching soap operas is really interesting and entertaining but it also has negative effects on the viewers. Besides, consuming precious time that the viewer or audience should have spent on more meaningful ventures, it is also capable of molding their attitude and by extension, their behaviors.

For this reason, Dan (2013) argues that Zee-World Soap Operas have far more negative influence or consequences on youth than advantages. Regrettably, some parents, either out of ignorance or moral permissiveness encourage their children to watch these soap operaa. The fact that these programmes are mainly for entertainment does not obliterate the fact that they portray evils and encourage moral depravity.

Henry (2013) notes, that writers of Soap Operas develop fictional characters and through their stories and struggles, their audience learns about issues ranging from domestic abuse, backbiting, how to cover up eveil to personal bankruptcy.

Research on Zee-World Soap Operas in 2014 as conducted by the Association for Social Integration (ASI) in Nigeria revealed that some of the story lines of these programmes have an affront on Nigerian culture. These programmes tend to promote other cultures to the detriment of our own culture. Besides, the people’s addiction to these foreign soap operas, it is killing our own movie industry, in addition to economic disadvantages on the country. This is evidence as many advertisers are taken their products and services for advertisements. Many Nigerians now have less interest and pay less attention to local movies and soap operas  which ordinarily have the potential of promoting African cultures and languages among Nigerian youths.

It will be recalled that before the advent of foreign soap operas, the Nigerian broadcast media use to show programmes that educate and promote local cultures. These days, however, Nigerian broadcast media have caught the bug of showing Telemundo and promoting more foreign movies than local movies.

A recent study by Dynamic African on why many African nations are exposing to Zeeworld, what majority of the respondents put forward is that, it doesn’t show the mature scenes and their romance is moderate unlike most of such scenes in Many African movies such as Nollywood, Ghaniwood etc.

One could argue that too much exposure to these kinds of soap operas has the disadvantage of promoting murder and injustice and other vices that are associated with it. This is not good for the upbringing of the youths. Although, soap opera as a genre has an educative influence on its audience, especially in the area of home management and good understanding of relationships, its negative influence seems to outweigh its benefits.

It would appear that Zee-World Soap Operas have a strategic weapon aimed to overpower the cultural values Nigerian youths in general. Hence, the study is on the thrust to investigates Zeeworld soap opera and its implications of cultural values of students

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Zee-World is one of the world entertainment channels which has been recognized across cultures and races due to its entertainment value particularly among Nigerian. This is evidence as advertisers are patronizing the channel due to the fact that lots of Nigerians are watching the channel. Thus, it has attracted numerous audiences in almost all countries of the world and youths in particular.

The soap operas have gained momentum in recent times and have influenced the lifestyles of many Nigerians and other African youths in various ways. Its interesting movies have become a problem as it has attracted the youths in spending an unreasonable chunk of their time in watching instead of devoting the time to more important issues. 

The inability of most youths in understanding the negative effect of Zee-World on their cultural values is a major problem as most of the youths now tend to copy foreign lifestyles thus, influencing their behavioural patterns in various ways. Hence, the study is on the thrust to investigates Zeeworld soap opera and its implications of cultural values of students

1.3       Objectives of the Study

  1. To investigate the extent to which students of University of Benin exposing to Zeeworld.
  2. To determine the extent to which ZeeWorld has influenced the cultural values of University of Benin students.

1.4       Research Questions

  1. To what extent do students of University of Benin expose to Zeeworld?
  2. To what extent have ZeeWorld influenced the cultural values of University of Benin students?

1.5       Scope of the Study

The study which covers Zeeworld soap opera and its implications of cultural values of students has been narrowed down to students of University of Benin. The Institution is selected due to its proximity to the researcher. The study will take place between September- December 2022 while the population of University of Benin students is 40,000 according to the information available on the school website.

1.6       Significance of the Study

The study is of immense help to media researches interested in knowing how Zee-World influences students especially their cultural values. It will also add to the body of empirical studies available on the subject matter in which students and researchers can lay hand on when carry out a similar study.

It will equally give insight on the influence of Zee-World and other foreign movies/ soap opera on the cultural values of Nigeria particularly the students.

This study will similarly serve as a wake-up call from Nigerian television outfits on the need to develop soap opera that can complete favorably with foreign movies.

1.7     Operational Definition of the Terms

Zeeworld: This is a television channel with India original and location, show casing India cultural programmes and movies.

University of Benin Students: In this study, University of Benin students are students of the Institution particularly in 100 level -500 level


WHAT TO EXPECT: (Format: MS WORD, Chapter 1-5, Abstract, Table of Contents, Questionnaire and References)

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