Abstract: The study investigated communication as tool for achieving harmony in an organization with a focus on Ken Sarowiwa Polytechnic. Communication is the basis of human interaction and development since no human being can survive in isolation of others. However, effective communication fostering unity, understanding and general development in an organization. The study was anchored on Model of Public Relations by Grunig and Hunt while survey research method with questionnaires were adopted to elicits data from the respondents within Ken Sarowiwa Polytechnic who were mainly student that were drawn using accidental sampling technique. The data collected were analyzed and interpreted using table coupled with simple frequency and percentage method of statistics. It was recommended that Ken Sarowiwa Polytechnic through the public relations unit is expected to have a page or group or room on social media like Facebook and Twitter which shall be solely managed by the Public relations department or Unit of the institution or any other authorized body or person. Such group could be titled “Ken Sarowiwa Polytechnic Information Room”, e.t.c.




1.1       Background of the Study 

Communication is key to a successful organization and even just a small group of people. It is even more important to the success of tertiary institutions because from time to time, the school have a course to share information with their public especially students like sharing examination time tables, time of matriculation, convocation and admission time etc.

In short, in every undertaking, communication is an essential tool but people hardly recognize its merit in our day to day activities. For a successful implementation of the programme, one needs to interact with one another. In the management of any business, communication is very essential in this century that businesses need to interact effectively with your publics

However, due to the importance of communication in every organization, many organizations now employ the service of public relations persons so that it can be saddled solely for effective communication and responsive interaction (Olayinka, 2017).

 Hornby (2007) sees communication as a means of passing information, feeling, heat, motion to somebody or something. This implies that communication is the exchange of views and ideas with somebody else.

In any organization, the aim and objective are to maximize profit as much as possible and this can only be achieved if there is effective communication between the management team, staff and other public. According to Chapel and Read (2004) communication has become more necessary as production and distribution have become increasingly complex communication is effective as it saves time and increases output in a business organization.

Communication is effective only when the message sent has been successfully received, decoded and understood. Communication bridges gaps between the management, employees and the general public.

It is obvious that the work of public relations is needed in almost every society such as profit and non-profit organizations including higher institutions of learning (universities, polytechnics, colleges of education and other colleges). In fact, individuals in society also need the services of public relations, especially those individuals that are professionals or experts such as musicians, politicians and others.

From the above, we can see that the core functions of public relations lies in building and maintaining good relations with organizations’ publics through effective communication and other good activities.

Thus, communication is a basic human need and for that reason, man has always found a means of satisfying this need. It is believed that no human society can function effectively if there is no exchange of ideas between and among the people within the society or organization since no man can live in isolation from others. This communication cannot be effectively achieved without the use of the media and that is one of the functions of public relations. However, there are lots of media of communication in achieving effective communication in an organization.

One of the means of communication available to an organization is the internet particularly corporate website, email, video conferencing, Youtube, social media, radio, television, newspaper, magazine, house journal, billboard, posters, caller tune, SMS and other channels which could come in form of a press release, press conference, press reception, facility visit or tour, feature writing, documentary writing, press interview/briefing speeches etc Public relations need various media to press information and enhance organizational communication. equally, social media has become another effective means of communication because it offers means to reach organizations’ publics faster, easier and directly (University of Greenwich, 2016). It is against this background that research investigated communication as a tool for achieving harmony in an organization.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

This research work is focused on the existing communication gap in the Ken Sarowiwa Polytechnic i.e how effective is communication within the Ken Sarowiwa Polytechnic.

Previous studies conducted by the duo of Alim and Chalch (2016) pointed out that communication in most organizations was a downward communication approach which they observed as a mechanism for the ineffective relationship between management and staff.

It is against this backdrop that research investigated communication as a tool for achieving harmony in an organization.

1.4       Objectives of the Study

  1. To find out the extent to which the Ken Sarowiwa Polytechnic used communication in achieving smooth running of its academic calendar
  2. To ascertain the type of communication system that is used in the Ken Sarowiwa Polytechnic.

1.4       Research Questions

  1. To what extent has the Ken Sarowiwa Polytechnic used communication to achieve the smooth running of its academic programmes?
  2. What type of communication medium is often employed by the Ken Sarowiwa Polytechnic?

1.5       Significance of the Study

The findings of this nature will be beneficial to large number of individuals grow is companies and future researchers.

This work when completed will help company or organization and industries to know the importance of communication in all their daily activities, how to communicate effectively and the need to get feedback from all their communication.

 Future researchers will find this report useful to guide them and serve as a starting point while writing projects, papers, research and other work relating to this.

Finally, the research will form part of academic work that will contribute to the existing knowledge in the field of mass communication public relations, business administration etc.

Communication students without double will gain from this piece to know what is expected of them as a communicator and public relations officer, media assistance, e.t.c in an organization, how to achieve effective communication and ways to curb crisis in an organization using various communication strategies and media.

1.6       Scope of the Study

The study that investigated communication as a tool for achieving harmony in an organization was narrowed the scope to the Ken Sarowiwa Polytechnic. Therefore, the geographical scope of this study shall be within Rivers state.

The institution is selected because of its proximity to the researcher as it will be difficult if not impossible to study all tertiary institutions in Nigerian due to the time available for this study, other considerable factors are geographical locations, age, sex and educational background of the respondents will be considered before administration of the questionnaire. 

1.7       Limitations of the Study

The successful conduct of this research study has not been easy because of some limiting factors. These factors include the following:

  1. In adequate of time: Time allowed for the completion of the study is not enough it makes the exercise.
  2. Financial constraint: This is another factor that has negatively affected the execution of this study.
  3. Inadequate textbook: There is no enough textbook from data about the subject can be collected or extracted.
  4. Attitude of the respondents is not encouraging. This has delayed the timely completion of the research.

1.8       Operational Definition of Terms

Communication: This is a process of sharing, passing and exchange of information idea, concept, feeling etc between and among member of an organization.

Organization: This is a group of people coming together with a particular purpose or common goals such as King Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic, Bori

Organization Harmony: This simply means achieving peace and good relationship within an organization and its various publics.


Format = MS Word, Price = ₦4000, Chapter = 1-5, Pages = 52, References = Yes, Questionnaire =Yes, Table of Contents = Yes and Abstract = Yes


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