Abstract: The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of Hypo TV advertisement on Students’ Choice of Bleach with a reference to Osun State University, Osogbo. These days more and more people are carried away because of the TV ads without even consciously knowing it. These advertisements hold a great impact and effects on the viewers, especially the young ones. Most of the ads usually convey their message effectively in just a few seconds that the audience has unknowingly captured the idea and internalized it. Chapter one contains the background to the study, statement of the problem, research questions, significance of the study, the scope of the study, methodology, limitations of the study and definition of terms. Similarly, in chapter two, the definition of television, functions of television, the concept of advertising, television advertising, and appropriate theories were used. In chapter three of the study, a survey research method was adopted in which 120 copies of questionnaires were administered and 90 were retrieved. A simple random sampling technique was also adopted to select the respondents. Chapter four of the project revolved around the data analysis and interpretations of findings. The frequency and percentage method of data analysis was used. This chapter contains the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study. It is also recommended that HYPO television advert can facilitate more retention of the product by using appropriate motion pictures, complimenting motion with appropriate words and using appropriate illustration.




1.1       Background to the study

Television has become a significant social phenomenon in Nigeria and all over the world. Television viewing is believed to generate social forces of undeniable influence on both adults and children. Television is assumed to be the most entertaining medium for women and children. One might say television is able to inculcate certain behaviour and create stimulus in children through various music, films, advertisement, news and other shows which are televised every day (Olayinka, 2012).

However, the most important agent of socialization for the development of the society is television because of its power and potential of sending signals in audiovisual which catches the eye and ear. On the other hand, advertising is one of the ingredients in sustaining business whether the company is dealing with products or services. The essence of being in business by any commercial organization is to produce for sales and profits. For an organization to continue to be in business such organization must generate enough sales from its products or services to cover operating costs and post reasonable profits.

For many organizations, sales estimate is the starting point in budgeting or profit planning. It is so because it must be determined, in most cases before production units could be arrived at. In an industrial and free competitive market economy, where the interplay of economic variables dictates the market, the problem of survival of business becomes a very nightmarish one for producers and manufacturers. The singular desire of manufacturers becomes how to create awareness and market for their goods. Advertising is then one strategy that fulfils the desire completely. The desire to be buoyant in business and to increase profit has given advertisement an irrevocable reputation.

 Advertising is not undertaken by management just for fun or to keep products or services. It is principally involved in persuasion or advocacy even apparently just giving us information, using media that are paid for it to get through to the mass audience with the identity of the advertisers being clear. Advertising has the mandate to sell the advertiser’s goods and help the consumers to shop wisely” Okoro (1995, p.42).

 Similarly, of all marketing weapons, advertising has a leading impact on viewers minds, as its exposure is much more felt. Katke (2007). The marketing mix has four subsets i.e. product, price, place and promotion. Advertising is a component of the promotional mix, which is used to create awareness about products and services for making purchase decisions (Akinrosoye, 2004).

Also, no company can become a market leader unless they invest lots of their investment in promotional purposes. Hussainy et al., (2008). The major aim of advertising is to impact buying behaviour; however, this impact about brand is changed or strengthened frequently people’s memories and that is why the major objective of consumer behaviour analysis is to determine the factors that influence consumers’ behaviour in a particular circumstance.  Consumer behaviour analysis is helpful for advertisers to understand the behaviour of consumers in buying different situations.

There are lots of media or channels through which advertisements are reaching out to the targeted consumers, few of the media are radio, television, newspaper, magazine, billboard, poster, online/internet platform (Social Media, blog, website) etc However, for the purpose of this research, the effort is dwelled on the influence of Hypo Television advert on the students of Madona choice of bleach with a view to know the extent which they are influenced and buying the product.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

The audiovisual nature of television aids commercials in a persuasive and enticing manner which placed it over others and as a result of this, it is extensively used by advertisers aiming at targeting the city or urban dwellers, particularly women due to the fact that they stay at home more than men do.

Consumers are different personalities which age, sex, social background, culture, religion, academic background among others, which influences their needs. Some students love wearing clothes and some are also dandy generally making them always interested in neat culture and when they get a stain, alternative is always to remove it.

Also, many advertisers and advertising agency are dulging in some tactics and techniques to achieve their persuasive goal and products turn over adopted weasel word, Non sequitur statements, use of vague or ambiguous euphemisms, use of grammatical devices and exaggeration to sell product. Some television adverts used editing effect extensively to present what their product cannot do. It is against this background that the research

The research thus, investigates the influence of Hypo television advert on the students of Madona University choice of bleach in order to know whether various hypo television advert campaign influence the choice of students toward the product


i.     To examine whether hypo television advert influence the buying habit of students.

ii.     To know the effects which hypo television advert have on students.


i.     Does hypo television advert influence the buying habit of students?

ii.     What effect does hypo television advert have on students?


It is the belief of the researcher that this study will be useful to lots of  students, scholars, consumers of goods and services policy makers, advertisers, advertising agencies and advertising researchers would stand to gain a lot from the facts contained in this work.

Students: It will assist them to understand the concept of hypo advertisement. More so, this research will enable the students to know to make use of hypo product.

Advertisers: This study upholds the high standard of an ideal advertising practice and therefore benefits the advertisers and consumers of advertised goods and services.

Academic Society: It will serve as an eye opener to a good sense of advertising. It will form part of the academic materials that will be useful to other researchers and students.

Researchers: It will form part of academic work that future researchers can use as a reference point.

Industry Under Study: Media industry will benefit lots from the research with the view to know what is expected of them in the aspect of advertising and ethics of advertising.         


The work has been narrowed in scope due of the time, geographical locations, fund and other logistics, the study is narrowed down to Osun State Polytechnic, Iree because will be very difficult to study all students in Nigeria.

This cannot be effectively talked without considering the demographic factor of Osun State Polytechnic, Iree who will respond to the questionnaire of this study. Experience, education background, professional training, age, sex e.t.c must be considered before the distribution of research instruments.


TELEVISION ADVERT: It refers to television various advert campaign on television stations such as NTA e.t.c.

HYPO: HYPO bleach is the most effective fabric whitener for clothes. Use it to make your whites sparkle like never before. Tough stains from food or the environment renders your white fabrics unusable. HYPO removes the toughest stains from white fabrics making them stain-free and sparkling


WHAT TO EXPECT: (Chapter 1-5, Abstract, Table of Contents, Questionnaire and References)

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