The research investigated the attitude and perception of Undergraduates towards Film or infilm advert using Crawford University students as a case study. It was observed that for any organization either profit-making or non-profit making to succeed in this competitive society, the need for extraordinary advertising approaches, strategies and tactics need not be overemphasized and film advert is one of the approaches. The survey research method was adopted coupled with 120 copies of questionnaires that were administered to the respondents who were selected via probability technique (simple random method) and 110 copies were retrieved. The frequency and percentage method of data analysis was used.  However, from the findings, it is obvious that infilm advertising has done lots of good things for advertisers and commercials because it helps reach the targeted youth audience while Crawford University students considered brand placement in the movies an effective advertising channel because it is catchy in nature. It was recommended that advertisers or advert agencies should be aware that most of the film lovers are kids, adolescents and youths therefore, advertisers should avoid the use of raw or picture that can have negative effects on children, indolence and youth mental and social behaviour.



1.1     Background to the study

Unlike text and even images, video offers an extremely rich, engaging and stimulating experience for viewers. With the increased availability of bandwidth and improvements in video technology, people have started watching and sharing videos on a scale never seen before. From music videos and funny clips of animals to reviews, how-to’s and exciting commercials and movie trailers, people are turning to video for entertainment, information and valuable content. eMarketing: the essential guide to marketing in a digital world (N.D)

Videos are powerful because they can have a strong emotional effect on viewers it’s no secret that funny, shocking, amazing and inspirational. Video is the ideal tool for experiential marketing – giving viewers the chance to experience something alongside the onscreen actors and consider how they would feel or act in that situation. It also helps to show off a brand’s personality, tone and communication style.

Therefore, in-film advertising otherwise known as intra or inter-film advertising is very common in our movies today. In fact, Nollywood films are hardly produced without in-film advertising either advertising a product, service or advertising a film coming soon. 

According to ( 2015) writes that In-film Advertising is a promotional tactic used by marketers in which a real commercial brand is used in fictional or non-fictional media, and the presence of the product is a result of economic exchange. When featuring a product is not part of economic exchange, it is called a product plug. Brand placement appears in plays, film, television series, music videos, video games and books, and is a relatively new idea (first appearing in the 1980s). (2015) adds that Product placement occurs with the inclusion of a brand’s logo, or a favourable mention or appearance of a product. This is done without disclosure, and under the premise that it is a natural part of the work. Most major movie releases today contain brand placements. The most common form is movie and television placements and more recently computer and video games. Recently, Web 2.0 sites have experimented within-site product placement as a revenue model.

Product placement is a form of promotion in which advertisers insert branded products into programming in exchange for fees or other consideration.” Product placement takes three basic forms as highlighted by (, 2015) . (1) visual, i.e., where a product, logo, or sign is shown; (2) auditory, i.e., where the product is mentioned; or (3) where the product is used or plays a role in the programme. Although, product placement has been used for decades, it has become much more prevalent in the past few years.

In-film Advertising is the technique that helps promote products through films or TV shows. Olayinka (2014). Posits that in-film advertising is catching up in Nigeria as media spend increased and with the digitization of broadcast media which has led to the arrival of cheaper cable television like Startimes, Gotv, etc with dedicated channels for films such as Orisun, Africa Magic, NTA Oodua, Bollywood, Zenima, WAP, e.t.c. Effective product placement using In-film advertising depends on the timing of the introduction of the brand, linking the placement with some character in the story and supporting visual product placement with audio reinforcement.

The successful integration of product placement within the film’s storyline has a long history – the first example being the yellow Rajdhoot bike used in Raj Kapoor’s Bobby such as is the collaboration of viju milk with startimes.  The concept may not be new but it is definitely making it present being felt with a lot of force lately. In Hollywood this practice has been a fairly old one. The best example would definitely be some of the soap operas and other home movies like Super Story, PapaAajasko, civilian barrack, clinic matters among others. 

 1.2     Statement of the problem

Slotting in-film advertising is often irritating and distracting to some viewers and that is why they fast forward any form of advertisement that capable of interfering. For instance, in Nollywood movies of 45 minutes, in-film advertising may take between 10 to 15 minutes. Similarly, if the film under watch is catchy enough such viewers will prevent any interference by fast-forwarding it.

Also, little research has been done in the area of In-film advertising, even those available were conducted in western nations and the outcome of the research findings cannot be used as a yardstick in Nigeria because of the level of civilization, culture, technological advancement, expertise among others.

By and large, many film lovers take time to watch every part of the movies including the upcoming movies, even products and services that are slotted in. It is against this background that the research examined the attitude and perception of undergraduates towards infilm advertisements using Crawford University students as a case study.  

1.3     Objectives of the study

  1. To examine the extent to which infilm advertising influences Crawford University students towards purchasing a product after being exposed to its advert.
  2. To examine whether Crawford University students considered brand placement in the movies an effective advertising channel.

1.4     Research questions

  1. To what extent does infilm advertising influence Crawford University students towards purchasing a product after being exposed to its advert?
  2. Do Crawford University students considered brand placement in the movies an effective advertising channel?

1.5   Scope of the study

This study is focused on the attitude and perception of undergraduates towards infilm advertisement was narrowed to Crawford University students.

Therefore, the study is limited in scope to Crawford Dehoney students, due to time, fund and other logistics. Yet any finding arrived at will be generalized to other higher institutions of learning students in Nigeria.

1.6     Significance of the study

This work though not exhaustive is quite necessary at this time when advertisers and advertising agencies are using all forms of advertisement to lure consumers. Students of advertising, marketing, mass communication and other related  disciplines will also find this work useful as it will expose them to various forms of media advertisements, particularly in-film advertising   

Essentially, this study makes a significant contribution to the existing literature on the attitude of consumers towards products. The study will also be of great use to mass communication and marketing students who intend to take up similar studies.

Also, the industry provides a significant opportunity for strategically planned brand placements, but there is little evidence of academic research in brand placement‘s effectiveness or consumer attitudes within Nollywood cinema to-date. This research is aimed at providing an overview of current product placement research in Nollywood cinema with a view to examining the lessons that can be learnt by film producers and brand managers looking to formalize product placement strategy in Nollywood productions.

1.7     Operational Definition of the terms

Attitude and perception: It refers to the opinion, view or attitude of Crawford University students on in-film advertisement.

Film advertisement: In-film advertising is a promotional tactic used by marketers in which a real commercial brand is used in fictional or non-fictional media, and the presence of the product is a result of economic exchange.

Advertisement: These are all forms of promotions given to a product by the manufacturer in order to gain more consumers or users through radio, television, newspaper, website/social media and films.

In-Film: It is played and viewed by people with the aid of a television set which is connected to video machines or decoder such films include but are not limited to documentary films, horror films etc.

Brand/product/services: These are films or brands that will be released soon or products or services that are sponsored by an identified individual or group.



Format = MS Word, Price = ₦4000, Chapter = 1-5, Pages = 52, References = Yes, Questionnaire =Yes, Table of Contents = Yes and Abstract = Yes


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