Abstract: The core objective of the study is to assess the effects of corporate image of organizations with a particular focus on MTN and its customers. The study was anchored on Model of Public Relations by Grunig and Hunt to give the study the needed footing. A cross-sectional survey research method was adopted while questionnaire was used to elicit responses from the respondents within Uyo metropolis using accidental sampling technique. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) while the data were presented with the aid of tables. The study found out that a sizable number of the respondents (50%) describe MTN’s brand personality as innovative company, just as a significant number of the respondents, (70%) perceived corporate image of MTN to be positive. A substantial number of the respondents, (60%) admitted to that fact. Meanwhile, the majority of the respondents, (70%) were of the opinion that by improving its customer service, corporate image of MTN can be improved as many of the respondents. It is recommended that utilization of social media listening tools and online monitoring to track mentions, sentiment, and conversations about the organization. This will provide real-time feedback and help identify emerging issues or negative perceptions that require attention. Also. There should be a periodic conduct reputation audits to assess the alignment between the intended corporate image and the actual perception among different publics. This involves evaluating internal and external communication materials, analyzing media coverage, and comparing the desired image with the perceived image.


Any corporate organisation’s goal is to grow, increase its turn-over, assets, and profit, but all of these things are depend on the organisation’s goodwill and public perception of its products or services. Securing goodwill is more than daily activity; it requires long-term strategic planning, execution, and review of public perceptions of the organization.  

Similarly, it is primarily a social philosophy and practical notion based on the premise that people matter, and that for the modern society’s environment, it must be perceived as effectively addressing the unique needs and interests of all those with whom it interacts. Furthermore, as the common proverb goes, “a good name is better than silver and diamond,” implying that if one or an organization has a good reputation, excellent image, and integrity, it may be entrusted with many nice things, which can improve or exit the organization successfully.

To a business firm, a good name is a soft selling tool, which is why some people pay a lot of money to buy a franchise of another well-known company with a solid reputation. A good name is a soft selling tool for a business. It’s no surprise that some people pay a lot of money to buy a franchise of a well-known firm with a solid reputation. Thus, public relations ensures corporate image or reputation by many activities such as effective communication, promotion of understanding, crisis prevention and management, social responsibility, media relations, community relations, opinion generation, and brand promotion.

It goes without saying that the term “publics” has become synonymous with public relations, as public relations is tasked with image developing and maintaining corporate image. This is simply due to the fact that there can be no “public relations” or “corporate image” without publics. If there are no publics, so there is nothing to relate to.

Thus, the entire concept of public relations begins and ends with publics, because public relations is based on the idea that all organizations, regardless of size or type, must maintain and sustain mutual understanding and relationships with their various publics in order to maintain corporate image. It’s no surprise that any definition of public relations would be incomplete without mentioning the word PUBLIC. For instance, the most popular acceptable definition of public relations offers by the British Institute of Public Relations states that “Public relations is a deliberate, planned and sustained efforts to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organisation and its publics” cited in (Ogbiten, 2014).

As a result, no organization can claim success or existence for another year if it fails to properly and prudently manage its corporate image. Furthermore, no amount of money is spent in building a company, and without a decent corporate image, it will fail in due course.  However, the ability of any firm to maintain a consistent corporate image, according to Ndung’u et al., (2020) is crucial to firm performance. Corporate image as defined by Ndung’u et al., (2020) cited in Bouchet (2014) is how stakeholders describe a company. Adding that an image is a mental picture of how stakeholders see the organization, which is constantly evolving. Corporate image, according to Nguyen and Leblanc (2001) is a firm’s identity or characteristics. A company that does not properly manage its image or ignores it is likely to face a number of issues. It should be noted that reputation grows like weeds or wild plants in a garden.

According to Ndung’u et al., (2020), some of the few warning indicators of a corporation with an image problem include, but are not limited to, a decreasing in employee turnover, the absence of significant clients, a reduction in stock value, and, last but not least, a bad connection with various publics. As a result, if an image problem is not addressed, firms may face growing costs when conducting business. Customers depend their purchasing decisions partially on the trust, therefore the company’s image might threaten not only current but future sales levels.

Gray and Balmer (2008) see corporate reputation is a lens through which the public sees an organisation that must appear flawless. As previously stated, corporate image is the mental image of a company held by its publics, or what comes to mind when one sees or hears the company’s name or sees its logo. It denotes the value placed on the company by its publics, which must be maintained at all times due to its implications. It is against this backdrop that the study assesses the effects of corporate image of organizations with a particular focus on MTN and its consumers.

Statement of the Problem

Good image is very essential to company especially manufacturing companies because good image is a soft selling tool for manufacturing firm. The important of good corporate image has necessitated the need to device all efforts towards building and maintaining good image as influence companies reputation, its activities and how its products or services is perceived in the outside world.

However, the effect of corporate image on organization publics was not given adequate attention especially in Nigeria. Despite its importance, less studies has been carried out particularly in Nigeria and was evident from the work of (Ndung’u, Ogutu, Yabs, Njihia and Wanjiru, 2020; Eichie, 2020) which its findings cannot be replicated in Nigeria.

However, Mohammed (2012) asserted that corporate image mediated social responsibility and the firm performance. Obiora and Ekeke (2019) cited in Ademiji (2015) writes that corporate image builds strategic value for a company by granting it a competitive advantage over rivals. It is against this backdrop that the research assesses the effects of corporate image of organizations on its publics with a particular focus on MTN of companies among it publics.

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