ABSTRACT: The study investigated radio listenership patterns among market women: a case study of Orisumibare Market, Osogbo. The study was anchored on Uses and Gratifications. A cross-sectional survey method was adopted while the data collection instrument was a questionnaire. The respondents were accidentally selected as a non-probability sampling technique. The data collected were analyzed in frequency and percentage method. The finding shows that the majority of respondents listen to a radio programme to know the state of the nation, changes in the price of commodities and news updates. It was therefore recommended that there is a need for more news and programmes that will not only update market women but also educate them on the social-political economy.
Keywords: Listenership Pattern
1.1 Background to the Study
The most valuable asset for information is radio, it is an agent for, economic development, political participation, social development, national growth and development. Alao and Olayinka (2018) pointed out that apart from the fact that radio is very cheap because with a thousand naira people can buy a radio set and with as low as 100 nairas, people can buy a battery to power their radio set especially in a country like Nigeria where power is epileptic.
Today, all mobile phones come with a radio feature which makes listening to radio programmes very cheap. You can be in a car or commercial car/bus and still enjoy radio programmes. Thus, the portability, affordability, convenience and flexible nature of radio makes it a valuable source of news and other programmes for market women. Furthermore, radio did not require the listener’s attention before radio messages could be absorbed, unlike television that requires viewers’ attention.
In today’s world, especially in the developing world and particularly in Nigeria, there are more radio stations than television stations and newspapers. Due to the aforementioned factors and the fact that radio stations are comparatively inexpensive to run, after the initial outlay of transmitters and receivers. It has an immediacy to a higher degree than other media of communication.
There is no doubt that radio educates, sensitizes and informs local audiences about issues that border on their lives such as health, education, water, environmental sanitation, human rights and political participation etc. This way, radio is a genuine tool for local development (Abiola, 2010). Also, radio especially community radio gives a voice to the community they serve with programmes in local languages, respecting local culture, traditions and interests and it facilitates dialogue within the community; while on a national level, it encourages diversity, creativity and citizens’ participation in democratic processes.
One of the functions that radio servers in today society, therefore, mass media particularly radio play a crucial role in fostering an environment of good governance, political awareness and political participation in society. As the watchdog and interpreter of public issues and events, radio performs a special role in every society (International Foundation for Election Systems, 2011).
Another important strength of radio is that radio can persuade and effectively influence a large audience, thereby contributing substantially to the building of a national consensus. It is a powerful instrument in the area of public enlightenment, on health issues, family planning, cultural re-awakening, business improvement and other social development issues. It is against this background that the study investigated the appraise radio listenership pattern among market women with a reference to women in Orisunbare Market Osogbo.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The power of radio is less acknowledged especially in bringing messages to market women. Though lots of studies have been conducted on the radio only a few studies have been carried out on radio and market women. The fact that radio programmes do not interference with a business transaction or attend to customers, making it worthy to study the attitude of market women to radio programmes. Thus, for this reason, the study investigated the appraise radio listenership pattern among market women with a reference to women in Orisunbare Market Osogbo.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The primary objective of this study is to appraise radio listenership patterns among market women in Orisunbare Market Osogbo. Thus, the specific objectives of this study are:
- To examine the extent at which market women listen to the radio.
- To determine the type of radio programme which has the highest listenership rate among market women?
1.4 Research Questions
The study has the following research questions:
- To what extent do market women listen to radio?
- What type of radio programme has the highest listenership rate among market women?
1.5 Scope of the Study
The study which investigates radio listenership patterns among market women was narrowed to Orisunbare Market Osogbo, Osun State. Thus, the geographical scope of this study was within Osun state. The choice of market women at Orisunbare Market Osogbo, Osun state was due to the proximity to the researcher, inadequate time to study all mass media houses in Nigeria among other logistics. Also, the demographic factors of the respondents will be carefully studied before the administration of research instruments such factors include: age, gender, academic level e.t.c.
1.6 Significance of the Study
This study is essential to serve stakeholders in the planners and managers with the needed insight on how market women relate with radio in order to have insight into how to tailor programmes towards them. Particularly, it will assist radio planners in designing or drafting programmes to attain maximum message effectiveness among market women. The study will fill a new gap as it will add to the body of literature and empirical studies that is available for the students, researchers and institutions that may want to study how market women relate to radio.
1.7 Operational Definition of Terms
Radio: This is a means of electromagnet means of getting programmes across to market women in Orisunbare Market, Osogbo
Market Women: These are women that sell goods and offer services at Orisunbare Market, Osogbo.
Listenership: It refers to the women that are listening to radio programmes at Orisunbare Market, Osogbo.
Message: In this context, it means news, programmes and other information that are disseminated to the women at Orisunbare Market, Osogbo.