ABSTRACT: The research investigated the influence of broadcast media in sensitizing people towards environmental sanitation. The physical environment is very important to the survival of the entire universe, and Nigeria as a nation has been battling to reduce the risk, resulting from poor sanitary conditions and unwholesome toilet habits in our cities and communities. The study was grounded on Development Media Theory. The research used a cross-sectional survey research method in achieving the goals of this research. Questionnaires were adapted to elicit data from the respondents that were selected using an accidental sampling technique. The data were analyzed in frequency and percentage method while the data were presented with the aid of tables. The finding shows that many of the people living in Osogbo are aware of environmental sanitation exercises and broadcast media have been able to educate lots of people in Osogbo on the effects and consequences of poor sanitation. The study recommended that more airtime still need to allot to the airing of environmental sanitation issues and other related issues as cholera recently reported in some northern states.




1.1       Background to the study

Anijah et. al. (2013), observed that throughout the world, the problem of a polluted environment has become a very disturbing phenomenon. Environmental problems plaguing the world are enormous. But perhaps the most serious and worrisome in Nigeria is the physical environment in terms of the low level of sanitation and gross environmental indiscipline in our cities and communities.

Anijah et. al. (2013), added that apart from the health significance of heaps of refuse as a health hazard, they also make our environment ugly. The problem of solid waste disposal in Nigeria has become a national malaise.  Filth is an eyesore and a nuisance. It signifies decadence and backwardness. A look at the Nigerian homes, toilets, streets, kitchens, corridors, gutters, staircases, markets, and abattoirs, would reveal the very low levels of sanitation.

Poor environmental sanitation such as indiscriminate waste disposal is evidence of the crucial role environment occupies in deciding the health of a man.

In fact, never before, in the history of Nigeria has the need become more imperative and urgent to sharpen our consciousness concerning our surroundings. For in such consciousness lies our dignity and salvation as a people and as a nation. This is because some Nigerian still go about with the dangerous impression that dorti no dey kill black man (Filth does not kill black man)

However, over the years, specific measures undertaken by the Nigerian government both in the past and present have not yielded significant success. Despite the fact that the objectives of environmental sanitation are to create and maintain conditions in the environment that will promote health and prevent diseases (Lucas and Gilles, 1973). Cited in Okon Emmanuel (2007). This is because Environmental Sanitation deals with: Methods for the disposal of excreta, sewage, and community wastes to ensure that they are adequate and safe.

Today, living in a sustainable environment has become an issue of international concern which is making headlines both in the print and electronic media. Also, global warming, climate change, the greenhouse gases effect, depletion of the ozone layer, acidic rain, and other climatic and environmental issues are now hot and prioritized topics in the global mass media and many local stations.

Both the governments and the people depend on communication and updates from the mass media not only for disseminating information but also for setting agendas for development and other allied activities. Hence, communication media become a powerful tool for disseminating information on the environment. To this end, the research sets out to assess the role of broadcasting media in sensitizing the people of Osogbo toward environmental sanitation.

1.2      Statement of the Problem

The research aims to assess the role of broadcasting media in sensitizing people of Osogbo towards environmental sanitation.  Nigerian never sees cleaning their environment as a responsibility. There is poor policies implementation on environmental sanitation. There is no or popular law on refuse disposal in Nigeria and the consequence penalty of the violators.

The research therefore, wants to x-ray how broadcasting media messages influence the behavior of people in dealing with environmental.  It will also determine the effectiveness of mass media campaigns towards environmental issues. 

1.3       Research Questions

Some of the research questions raised are stated below and if answered, it will provide solutions to the problem highlighted in the research problem above.

  1. To what extent has broadcast media been able to sensitize the public on environmental sanitation?
  2. To what extent does broadcast media campaign(s) change the attitude of the people positively towards environmental sanitation?

1.4       Objectives of the Study        

  1. To examine whether broadcast media have been able to sensitize the public on environmental sanitation.
  2. To examine whether broadcast media campaign(s) have been able to change the attitude of the people positively towards environmental sanitation.

1.5       Significance of the Study

The significant of the study is to reveal to the entire world; the role expected of mass media concerning environmental sustainability, since little is known about climate change, global warming, ozone layer, green houses gases and their impact on human existence.

Broadcast media and media practitioners will benefit from this research as it will enable them to know the responsibilities expected of them when it comes to environmental sanitation of other related matters.

Researchers will also find this work very interesting as it can be used as reference materials that will guide them while writing on a similar topic or the same topic. General public will know through this research that can keep their environment clean and the changes in poor sanitation.

1.6       Scope of the Study

The scope of this study was narrowed down to Osogbo because the entire communities in Osun State cannot be effective studied due to geographical structure of Osun State.   

Therefore, demographic factor of the people residing is Osogbo will be examined such as education, age, sex, marital status and occupation e.t.c must be visited before distribution of the residing instrument.

1.7       Operational Definition of Terms

Role: This means the contribution of the impact of broadcast in creating awareness towards environmental sanitation.

Broadcast Media: These are electronic media of communication transmitting to a wider audience residing in different geographical locations simultaneously.

Sensitization: This means to make know, enlighten, to educate people on something which they know little or nothing about before such as environmental sanitation issues.

Environmental Sanitation: This is a general cleaning of the surroundings to make it clean and tidy.


WHAT TO EXPECT: (Chapter 1-5, Abstract, Table of Contents, Questionnaire, and References)

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