ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to examine the influence of privatization of broadcast media on members of the audience. It should be noted that subsequent to the 1992 privatization of the broadcasting industry under the Babangida dictatorship. Prior to privatization, private media owners were prohibited from entering the broadcast media market. The study used survey as the research method. along with a questionnaire as a method of collecting data. The respondents were chosen using an accidental sampling technique. Analysis of the gathered data were done using the frequency and percentage method. The study reveled that a very competitive industry environment was created by the emergence of private media, this suggesting that the private stations are giving the public stations a run for their money in terms of acceptability through quality programming leading to increased patronage and attraction of adverts. According to the finding, station owners should address the issue of inadequate finance for their outlets in order to reach the projected output levels.

Keywords: Privatization of Broadcast Media




Deregulation has been a blessing to all Nigerians because it makes private investors to establish their own television station in Nigeria. Deregulation in the broadcast media of television could be said to begin in 1992 when Nigeria broadcasting Commission (NBC) was set up. This brought to an end to government (State and Federal Monopoly). Since then, Nigerian Broadcasting Commission given licensing to more than fifty (15) private television stations.

The television broadcasting, one could say it is properly deregulated with the Nigeria Broadcasting Commission performing some roles. There is freedom of entering for anybody willing to participate in the industry. One important aspect is at of deregulation in television broadcasting. Deregulation as a notion is borrowed from the capitalist west. It is a system of freely a trade, because activity from rules and controls of government selling off her shares m major companies and control private participation.

Over the years Nigeria television broadcast industry was in the hand of government control. However, upon deregulation of television broadcast in Nigeria media have arisen so far, have chosen to a line that is similar to that of Nigeria Television Authority (NTA), quality is generally poor, perhaps with the singular inception of (AlT) African Independent Television programming is also borings and of course, no serious plan is made in the area of developing contents.

Local television stations would rather in time and money, procuring Mexicans soap Operas. This project work will examine the statutory regulatory and institutional provision as contained in the NBC Act; the National Broadcasting Commission could perform in line with the constitution respectively. It could be observed that constitutional freedoms are not absolutely and Nigeria broadcast regu1ation, as they currently are, provide justification for the NBC action. To this end, the study investigated the influence of privatization of broadcast media with a particular focus on people in Boripe Local government area of Osun State.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

The project is designed to draw out the challenges involve in privatization and deregulation of broadcast media since it implement in 1992. Although, mass privatization and deregulation as increase the number of channels available for people yet this work will find out the social, economy, cultural and political prospect and challenges of deregulation on the people of Osun state. Hence, the study investigated the influence of privatization of broadcast media with a particular focus on people in Boripe Local government area of Osun State.

1.3     Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the impact of the emergency and growth of private broadcasting media on broadcasting station improvement in Osun state.
  2. To know the extent which privatization and deregulation has brought an end to government monopoly of broadcasting media.

1.4     Research Questions

  1.  Has the emergency and growing of private broadcasting media improved broadcasting station in Osun state?
  2. To what extent has privatization and deregulation brought an end to government monopoly of broadcasting media?

1.5     Scope of the Study

The research as being narrowed down to the people in Osun state since it is not only difficult but also impossible to study the impact of privatization and deregulation in all the 36 state of federation compare to the time available for this work and other necessary materials.

1.6    Significance of the Study

The work is significance because it will benefit the general public to know he reason and benefit of privatization of broadcasting media.

Government: It will also enable the government through NBC/BON and need to sanitize and regulate multitude of broadcasting station.

Medial house: broadcast media will see the need to repack their programme as they are competitions among broadcast outfit for both audience and Adventism.

1.7       Operational Definition of the Terms

Impact: This means effect, role or functions of something on something on somebody.

Deregulation/privatization: Is the act of allowing private investors into broadcasting industry to set up either radio or television station.

Broadcast media: these are electronic media of communication to larger and wider audience receiving the signal simultaneously.

NBC: National Broadcasting Commission

Osun State: This is one of the 36 states of the federation located in southwest geopolitical zone. It is a Yoruba main state which was founded in august 1991.


WHAT TO EXPECT: (Chapter 1-5, Abstract, Table of Contents, Questionnaire and References)

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