ABSTRACT: The paper examined the influence of TV Therapy in Mood Management among Adult Viewers in Port Harcourt. The paper was anchored on the Uses and Gratifications Theory. The research method for this study was survey method as a quantitative research method. The researcher purposively selected thirty (30) adults within the Portharcourt metropolis. While the main data collection instrument for this study was a questionnaire. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage tables. Findings show that substantial numbers of the respondents (70%) often watch television while a large percentage of respondents (63%) agreed that TV programs have helped them in managing their mood and other psychological issues. Also, some 63% of the respondents agreed that comedy has removed sorry and off boredom and loneliness in their life reasonably. Equally, 83% of the respondents claimed that TV serves as their companion and psychological escape. It is recommended that as more adults spent their leisure time with television, more therapy-oriented programmes should be designed to ease, reduce pressure and help manage adult lifestyles. Also, there should be special TV channels for the adult age just as we have for the children in order to program activities that are impactful and helpful to those who falls into such categories.


Television is an audio-visual medium that has the capacity to influence the attitude, behaviour, thinking and psychology of an individual from childhood to adulthood. The popular assertion “See is believing” makes television messages more accepted, persuasive and very influential because television mirrors reality.

Mass media particularly television has been a major agent of socialization and tools for social changes especially now that people depend on messages from television for action and reaction. It is a major tool for entertainment, a source of enjoyment, relaxation and a learning platform. There is a general trend for adults to watch a larger quantity of television as they age. Indeed, adults over the age of 65 have been shown repeatedly to watch more television (TV) than any other age group (Cara, 2016).

There are many reasons that older adults give for watching television and a few of the reasons include having more free time due to retirement and are also more likely to lack mobility, which can restrict which leisure activities can be chosen. Other reasons that older adults give for viewing TV include staying connected with the world (Cara, 2016). Certainly, TV has been shown to be an effective means of disseminating information quickly to a large number of people. Many older adults say they use it as a temporary escape from daily life. Similarly, it has been said that TV can be a source of comfort by allowing an individual to feel as though they are not alone. When the TV is used moderately for these purposes, there is little concern about potential negative effects while it is often seen as a companion (Cara, 2016).

Michigan State University (2012) reports that television is a therapeutic and very popular companion to elderly residents in nursing homes. According to a gerontology research group at Michigan State University, News, game shows, sports, and soap operas are the favourite viewing of 113 elderly residents surveyed in five mid-Michigan nursing homes.

Michigan State University (2012) equally find out that watching television helps ward off boredom and loneliness, and helps them find something new to talk about.  Besides relieving boredom and loneliness, watching television helps the nursing home elderly stay informed, be entertained, pass the time, find escape, learn new things, and relax.

Going by the various submissions and assertions on the relevance of television to the adult especially in controlling and managing mood and emotion generally.  To this end, the paper examines the influence of TV Therapy in Mood Management among Adult Viewers in Port Harcourt.

Problem Statement

Adults irrespective of their socio-economy and political status often wish to live long and healthy and as a result, they usually seek measures to achieve this interest. Generally, most adults often face different challenges that cause emotional and psychological problems to them due to some of what they have engaged in the past or what they are passing through.

Many have taken direct drugs, visit hospitals for checkups and treatments including seeking alternative medicine i.e adoption of trado-medicine so that they can manage their various issues and emotion. Many often rely on prayer by visiting different praying spots, churches, mosques and special spiritual individuals for help.

However, one of the recent efforts to help people manage their mood and emotion is to expose them to more relaxed and comic events which could be physical or watching television at home. Television programs that are designed purposely to manage emotion, mood and psychological pressures are now on the increase on television and the genre is often referred to as TV Therapy programmes.

Although, lots of studies have been conducted on television effects little or no study has been specifically conducted to determine television therapy influence on the mood management of adults. And it is against this background that this paper examines the influence of television therapy in mood management among adult viewers specifically in Port Harcourt with a view to know the extent to which such exposure has helped management tendency of high blood pressure, sugar level, hypertension and other related adult sicknesses.  

Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the extent to which adults in Port Harcourt are exposed to TV Therapy
  2. To ascertain the degree at which TV Therapy programme has helped adult viewers in managing their mood and other psychological issues.

Research Questions

  1. To what extent are adults exposed to TV Therapy programmes in Port Harcourt?
  2. To what extent has TV Therapy programme helped adult viewers in managing their mood and other psychological issues?

Scope of the Study

The paper which examines the influence of TV therapy in mood management among adult viewers has been narrowed in scope to adult viewers in Port Harcourt due to the access to the program in Port Harcourt. Another rationale includes the proximity of Port Harcourt to the researcher while it will also be difficult if not impossible to study all adults that have been exposed to TV Therapy.  

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