This work is aimed at looking into the impact of public relations in First Bank of Nigeria PLC Enugu Zonal Headquarters. First Bank is a corporate organisation with network of branches. Public Relations role in First Bank of Nigeria PLC cannot be over emphasized because the services of First Bank must satisfy the aspirations of its publics. This research identifies how public relations can help in maintaining high acceptable corporate identity, corporate image and corporate communication in First Bank PLC Enugu Zonal Headquarters. The survey research method was used in this study as the population was picked amongst the internal and external publics of First Bank of Nigeria PLC Enugu Zonal Headquarters. Copies of questionnaire were administered to the respondents to elicit information that helped in the organisation of data and presentation. The researcher showed that public relations can help in uplifting the image of First Bank of Nigeria PLC Enugu Zonal Headquarters. The researcher recommended that First Bank of Nigeria PLC Enugu Zonal Headquarters should consult a public relations practitioner in dissemination of information to its publics.
Keywords: Public Relations, Corporate Organisation
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