ABSTRACT: The paper examined the Implications of social media political hate speech on Nigeria democracy. The paper was anchored on Source Credibility Theory and Technological Determinism Theory. The research used quantitative method (survey) while questionnaire was used as data collection instrument. 100 copies of questionnaires were administered to the respondents from five (5) colleges out of over twelve (12) colleges of the institution. One department thus represented each college and in each of the department, 20 respondents were accidentally selected making a total of 100 respondents that were drawn across the campus. The data collected were analysed in descriptive statistics using frequency and percentage method. Findings show that many of the respondents came across hate speeches online particularly on Facebook (38.8%), Twitter (27.8%) and Whatsapp (16.7%). Majority of the respondents (64.4%) denying posting hate statement on social media, while 65% of them agreed that they like hate speeches that were already share on social media. Equally, 69% of the respondents never denying sharing of hate speech online. 66% of the respondents maintain that they never comment on hate speech part from mere liking and sharing. It is obvious that many of the respondents admitted that after the May 29 Inauguration of new leadership in Nigeria there is low post and sharing of hate speech in Nigeria. The paper recommended that the electorate, politicians, political parties and interest group including civil society, human right and even INEC should be educated on the best practice acceptable for sustainable democracy.
Abstract: This study examines the impact of fake news on news consumption pattern among students of Researchcage University, with a primary objective to access students’