No.1 Mass Communication Research Topics and Materials


ABSTRACT: The main aim of this research was to examine the role of indigenous communication in community development with a particular focus on Ijaiye Local Government, Lagos State.  Without doubt, indigenous communication otherwise known as traditional communication is one of the oldest means of communication using local tool or media to disperse information such as town criers, drummers, using of signs etc. Although, it was a very popular medium then, but advancement in modern technology especially in this digital age has made it suffered high degree of decline. This study was anchored on Source Credibility Theory Quantitative research design was used in which cross-sectional survey method was adopted while the data collection instrument was questionnaire. Larger percentage of the respondents were of the opinions that an Ijaye person does not use indigenous communication in their daily activities. Indigenous communication is not recognize in Ijaiye community as only few people regard it as a useful means of communication. It is recommended that film producers, documentary writers and presenters should try to  document and make use of indigenous communication tools in their programme to let the younger generation get familiar.

Keywords: Indigenous Communication


Title page                                                                                          




Table of contents                                                                              



1.0     Introduction

1.1     Background to the study

1.2     Statement of the Problem

1.3     Objectives of the Study

1.4     Research Questions

1.5     Scope of the Study

1.6     Significance of the Study

1.7     Operational Definition of the Terms


2.0     Literature Review

2.1     Concept of Communication

2.2     Forms/Types of Communication

2.3     Function of Communication

2.4     Definition of Indigenous Communication

2.5     Channels of Communication

2.6     Communication Process in the Community

2.7     Categories of Traditional Media/Communication Tools

2.8     The African Traditional Model of Communication

2.9     History of Indigenous Communication

2.10   Indigenous Media Mix for Local People

2.11   Culture and Communication in African Traditional Media Systems

2.12   Advantages of Indigenous Communication

2.13   Decline in Indigenous Communication and Language

2.14   Theoretical Framework


3.1     Research Design

3.2     Study Population

3.3     Sample Size

3.4     Sampling Technique

3.6     Data Collection Instrument

3.7     Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument

3.8     Data Collected Method

3.9     Data Analysis Procedure


4.0     Data Analysis and Discussion of Findings

4.1     Data Analysis

4.2     Discussion of the Findings


5.0     Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1     Summary

5.2     Conclusion

5.3     Recommendations





1.1    Background to the study

          According to Udall and Udall (1979:), communication is the process by which one person shares and imparts information to another person so that both people clearly understand one another. In the same manner, Sannie (2001) refers to communication as the process of transmitting and exchanging ideas, feelings and information through realization, symbol, writing and silence to create mutual understanding between the communicator and the communicate.

          Furthermore, Eyre (2013), communication is the transferring of a message to another party so that it can be understood and acted upon. The word indigenous communication includes the transmission of entertainment, news, persuasion, announcements, and social exchanges of every type it is an important aspect of culture and the means by which a culture is preserve, handed down, and adapted.

         Earlier before the introduction of printed material, radio, film and television, mass communication in Nigeria was done through the indigenous system of communication. The distant bull-roar of the oro cult (Yoruba, Western Nigeria) in the night warns women to stay off the street at the approach of the cult men. Special drum beats communicate various message the gbedu rhythm, or instance, signifies a royal occasion: coronation, funeral, the traditional dance of a king, according to research library word, describes the general of indigenous communication network thus:                                                                                                                                                                                          

    village sector in Africa communicate mostly via the market-place of ideals contributed by traditional religion, observances, divination, mythology, witchcraft, cult societies, age-grades, the chiefs courts, the elder’s square, secret and title societies, the village market square, the village gong-man indeed the total experiences of the villager in his environment.

          Similarly, access to the indigenous media is culturally determined and not economic. Only the gong-man model approaches the mass media in disseminating information generally. In most other cases, information received in dependent upon social status. There is a hierarchy of the right to speak and the right to receive information. Indigenous communication vividly demonstrates the maxim that information is power” and that is why certain messages, although economic nor political, are restricted within select groups such as secret societies and age-grades.

          Nwuleni (2021) documents this in his study of the indigenous media in two Nigerian villages, pointing out that the media are limited to only purposive communication. Thus at is certain messages are disseminated to certain people to achieve certain purposes. The various indigenous media are used for specific types of messages oral, literature serves to socialize new generations into the history, culture, morals and ethics of society.

          The literature also serves as a means of entertainment with the use of folklores, market-places provide price index and news from other villages. These are also where advertising of goods (food crops, crafts, metal wares, herbal drugs, e.t.c) and services (medical treatment, dress making, beauty treatment, musical entertainment, e.t.c ) are undertaken.

          Festivals serve the triple purpose of supplicating local deities for improved political and social-economic conditions (e.g fair weather, health, human fertility, agricultural productivity and victory over enemies), socializing the young ones into local cultures and entertaining in a dramatic form. Gong-men disseminate general information about events and the social welfare of their communities. It is against this backdrop that this research examines the role of indigenous communication in community development with a particular references to Ijaye Community area of Jankara-Ijaye local government of Lagos State.

1.2    Statement of the Problem

          Lagos state being the commercial centre of Nigeria and administrative headquarter of colonial masters, has been eroded with western way of life of which communication, language, culture e.t.c drained with it. Indigenous communication in today’s contemporary society is fading off due to the high impact of advance technology of social media, internet, GSM, and mass media in general.

          Also, many of the young generation hardly know anything about indigenous communication not to talk of using it. However, the research seeks to know the nature, origin and uses of indigenous communication in society and the extent of its usage and value.

1.3    Objectives of the Study

  1. To know whether people of Ijaiye use indigenous communication in daily activities.
  2. To study some of the challenges facing the people of Ijaiye in using indigenous communication.
  3. To what extent has advancement in technology reduced the use of indigenous communication in society?

1.4    Research Questions

  1. Do people of Ijaiye use indigenous communication in their daily activities?
  2. What challenge(s) facing the people of Ijaiye in using indigenous communication.
  3. To what extent has advancement in technology reduced the use of indigenous communication in society?

 1.5    Scope of the Study

          The research which seek to find out the nature and the uses of indigenous communication in a community with a case study of Ijaiye local government has narrowed itself through the use of the case study. Therefore, the scope of the study shall be limited to the people of Ijaiye community in Ijaiye local government area of the Lagos state because of the time available for this study, fund available, and materials available.

1.6    Significance of the Study

          The research will benefit different people, organization, government, and other agencies, parents and traditional institution will seek reason why they should keep educating and use indigenous communication so that it will not face off.

          It will form part of the research materials that will be use in the future especially those that will be working on the related topic or aspect.

          The research will be value to students and scholars of mass communication and people who seek to impact on the indigenous communication.

1.7    Operational Definition of the Terms

Indigenous:- It means native belonging naturally” meanwhile indigenous is a natural and existence of a nature things that is the decedent of natural or something that is native.

Indigenous Communication:- This is the use of locally oriented media to exchange and pass message to the community people such as drum, flute, and local tambourine e.t.c.

Communication:- This means the sharing of ideas, message, concept and feeling to another using any form of medium.



Format = MS Word, Price = ₦4000, Chapter = 1-5, Pages = 52, References = Yes, Questionnaire =Yes, Table of Contents = Yes and Abstract = Yes

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