Abstract: The research examines the influence of television advertising on consumers buying habits of cigarettes in Nigeria with a case study of Commercial Drivers in Ota-Efun Garage, Osogbo.). It was established that television been an audio-visual platform has the capacity to influence the behaviour of people. Similarly, people tend to get motivated and persuaded by what they watch on television according to Garbner, G. et. al (1980). The survey research method was used coupled with one hundred (100) respondents while ninety (90) questionnaires were retrieved. The data were analyzed and interpreted using the table, frequency and percentage method. Also, cigarette/tobacco advertisement influences the smoking habit among commercial drivers in Ota-Efun Garage, Osogbo.. It was recommended that all agencies that are saddled with the responsibility to vet, censor and control advertising messages should see their role as crucial to human development and should not because of revenue to be gained from such advert use any advert that can put society into danger.

Keywords: Buying Habit



1.1    Background of the Study

In the United States of America for instance there are standing agreements with the cigarette companies to place their product in movies or television programmes but surprisingly, the amount of smoking in U.S. films has increased significantly since the settlement agreement was signed in 1998.

In Nigeria today, tobacco advertisement remained one of the heavily prohibited products that could not be advertised in any of the media of mass communication. In spite of this prohibition, some of these companies have stylishly advertised their product as can be visualized in the advertisement copy. Slogans such as “the Federal Ministry of Health warns that tobacco smoking is dangerous to health” or “smokers are liable to die young” is against this background that cigarette manufacturers have subtly entered The movie industries.

On the other hand, advertising as a concept can be defined as a form of communication through the media about products, services, ideas, personalities or organizations, paid for by an identified sponsor (Alide, 2002).

Awofadeju (2013) gives a more widely accepted definition of advertising as the non-personal communication of information, usually paid for any usually persuasive in nature about products goods and services) or ideas by an identified sponsor through various media. It is an exciting, dynamic, and challenging enterprise.

It is often persuasive communication in that it tries to persuade the reader, the listener or. the viewer to take to the sponsor’s own point of view and also to take some appropriate action. It is not, personal or face to face communication rather it is directed to a group of people.

According to the understanding of Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) “advertising is a form of communication through the media about products, services or ideas, paid for by an identified sponsor”. The terms advertising was coined from the Latin word “advertise” which mean literally means to draw attention. This is when you are getting the evidence mind in a product, notifying or informing somebody/people of something.It is against this background that this study examines the influence of television advertising on consumers buying habits of Cigarettes in Nigeria. With a particular reference to the National Union of Road Transport and Employee Workers (NURTW) Ota-Efun Garage, Osogbo..

1.2.   Statement of the Problem

The research seeks to examine the influence of television advertising on consumers buying habits of Cigarettes in Nigeria with a particular reference to National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) Ota-Efun Garage.

1.3    Research Questions

  1. To what extent does cigarette or tobacco advertisement influence the people’s smoking habit among National Union of Road Transport Workers?
  2. Is there any correlation between television advertisement and smoking behaviour of National Union of Road Transport and  Employee Workers member?

1.4    Purpose of Study

  1. To determine whether cigarette or tobacco advertisement influences National Union of Road Transport and Employee Workers members’ smoking habits.
  2. To examine the correlation between television advertisement and smoking behaviour of National Union of Road Transport and Employee Workers members.

1.5    Significance of the Study

This study will broaden our knowledge on the influence of cigarettes or tobacco advertisements on NURTW members most especially the youth.

It will assist people particularly youth, adolescents including adults to understand the effect of tobacco in their body system and how to quit smoking.

It will also assist our government to know the best way to control the advert of cigarettes or tobacco on television and in Nigeria film industry.

Moreover, this will enable the media practitioners in both the broadcast and print media to educate the NURTW or teenager on tobacco smoking.

1.6    Scope of the Study

The study principally focuses on the influence of television advertisement, cigarettes and their Uses among the people with a reference to the NURTW branch Ota-Efun Garage, Osogbo.

Consequently, National Union of Road Transport and Employee Workers (NURTW) branch Ota-Efun Garage, Osogbo will be used as a reference point while the demography factor of NURTW branch members will be visited such as gender, age, marital status, education qualification religion e.t.c will be determined before structuring and administration of the questionnaire.

1.7   Operational  Definition of the Terms

Advertisement: This refers to the layout, -content and illustration of selling messages in the print, broadcast and outdoor media.

Advertising: Is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by identified sponsors.

Influence: The effect on a person or the behaviour in causing or persuading someone to act in a particular way through the use of direct force or commanding a pipe or for chewing.

Cigarettes/Tobacco: This is a dried leaf of a plant that is used for making cigarettes for smoking in a pipe or for chewing.

NURTW: National Union of Road Transport and Employee Workers.



Format = MS Word, Price = ₦4000, Chapter = 1-5, Pages = 52, References = Yes, Questionnaire =Yes, Table of Contents = Yes and Abstract = Yes


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