ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to investigate media ownership on the ethical practices among Nigeria journalists in Osun State. ‘He who pays the pipers dictates the tunes,’ is a common cliché. This is in agreement with this study because there are so many direct and indirect ownership controls. Its influence on media organizations and journalists, particularly those associated with the state media. The Social Responsibility Theory and the Ethical Utilitarian Theory served as the foundation for the study. In order to conduct this study. A survey research method was used as the quantitative research design. Questionnaires were the data collection tool utilized in this study to gather data among journalists in Osun State. The data were analyzed in frequency and percentage method and tables were used to present the data. A significant portion of respondents, according to the results, believed that ownership influence cannot be disregarded when determining who controls and has access to the media. Even if the current Freedom of Information Act gives the journalists more freedom, such freedom is still limited. It is advised that media owners avoid letting their commercial interests distract them from the social responsibility that is expected of them in society. Instead, they should encourage their employees to act professionally in their day-to-day activities in order to maintain the media’s objectivity and credibility because “source is the news,” or the reliability of the information, is determined by the reliability of the media.




1.1       Background to the Study

The assertion of “he who pays the pipers dictates the tunes” agreed more with the media ownership because there are lots of control and influence on broadcast media operation in general. Media owners tend to dictate to journalists what they should and should not broadcast. It is believed that most of the government media journalists have been turned to politician’s secretary and public relations while government has also turned media to her extension of ministry of information that cannot but support her activities dogmatically.

Media ownership pattern and content also known as allegiance, loyalty and servitude. The dominant ownership of  broadcast  media  by  governments  both  at  the  State and  Federal  levels  does  not  portent  well  for  the  country’s democracy. Chukwu (2015) cited in Aladeodunewu (1985) writes “the stark truth is that every medium is in varying degrees “shackled” to  its  set  of  overlords  and  …  its  policy  is  largely determined  by  the  personal  spites  and  ambitions  of its proprietors”.

Further, Chukwu (2015) cited in (Dokun, 1987)  puts it  that, the  private  owned  media  operators  ensure  that  their interest,  which  is  mainly  financial  or  political or both  are  met  through  their  publications  and  broadcasts. The  findings  of  the  study  conforms  to  the  problems  of government  owned  media  which  are  economically,  politically,  managerially  and technological factors, which poses the difficulties experienced in government owned  media (Olube, 2013).

Information is now called “power” like money and authority. Mass media companies that exercise control over information transmitted to the masses are now seen as strong force in building public opinion. As the “fourth estate of the realm in society”, mass media organizations attract attention of almost everyone in society.

As a result of the overbearing influence of media owners on media practice, a policy of relevance was declared in July 22-31, 1980 in Yaounde, Cameroon in African member states of the UNESCO of the inter-governmental conference on communication policies. The conference communiqué said: “we need a new conception of freedom such as will truly enfranchise men and society instead of subjecting them to the conditioning of those who control the powerful communication media; such as will contribute to the democratization of communication and recognize the right of individuals and peoples to inform and freely to express themselves”.

According to Herbert Altschull, an independent press is impossible because “the news are agents of the people who exercise political and economic control”. That is to say that, no matter the benevolence of the government, or the democratic principles of the society; no matter the advancement of any society, the mass media are usually subjected to some form of control from those who hold and operate the apparatus power.       

Similarly, ethics of journalism compel journalists and media houses to be objective, accurate and fairness in their reportage and particularly during electioneering campaign, all political parties need to be given equal attention and publicity without any tone of fear or favour. This is a cardinal principle that guides the operation of journalism world over.

Kate and Majority (2013) in Tuchman (1978:2) describes objectivity as `facility’ (a mechanism which allows the journalists to hide even from themselves the `constructed’ and `partial’ nature of their stories). This view seems to have garnered force as increasingly, scholars suggest that news even when professionally `selected’ is guided more by organizational needs than by professionalism.

In 2015 Presidential Election, the core ethical standards of journalism were eroded and traded in exchange for political benefits from concern political parties by some media organizations. Although, some serious minded media organization adhered strictly to the ethical principles of their profession in the face of growing abuse of journalistic etiquette.        

The most glaring among the unethical practices revolved airing of political documentaries and some reportage perceived to be sponsored or aired in favour of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) on the eve of the 2015 Presidential poll on African Independence Television (AIT) a privately owned television station in Nigeria and in most Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) stations across the country even translated to major local languages to aid understanding among the rural dwellers.

These documentaries targeted the leaders of the then main opposition party APC particularly the Party’s presidential flag bearer, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari and the Leader of the Party, Senator Bola Ahmad Tinubu among others. Many vigilant Nigerians perceived this to be a deliberate propaganda attempted to smear the growing popularity of the opposition figures, essentially, this is to influence political sympathy and interest people have for the Party and its presidential candidate, Muhammadu Buhari.

Ordinarily, such documentaries are supposed not to have been aired at that delicate period especially as the content is amounted to ridicule or lower the personality of APC, its candidates in favour of PDP and its candidates. Professionally, this is ethical breach in the field of journalism which should be frown at. Also, during the last governorship election in the Ekiti State, the government forced the Ekiti State Broadcasting Corporation to Air certain political messages that ordinarily it should not including the announcement of Eleka as governor while the INEC is announcing the Dr. Kayode Fayemi.

Also, the airing of political documentaries and some reportage perceived to be sponsored or aired in favour of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) on the eve of the 2015 Presidential poll on African Independence Television (AIT) a privately owned television station in Nigeria and in all Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) stations across the country even translated to major local languages to aid understanding among the rural dwellers were form of effect of ownership on media operations. Those documentaries targeted the leaders of the then main opposition party APC particularly the Party’s presidential flag bearer, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari and the Leader of the Party, Senator Bola Ahmad Tinubu among others.

In equality in the coverage and granting of air space to political parties and many occasions, they deprive the opposition party from accessing the media. It is against this background that the research examines media ownership influence on ethical practice among journalists in Osun state with cross examination of both the private and government media with the view to know the extent at which ownership affective their operations and performance. 

1.2       Statement of the Problem

The research which assesses media ownership influence on ethical practice by journalists will find out the impact of ownership structure on the professional conducts of the journalists especially in the area of objectivities, accuracy, fairness and other ethical conducts. Although, lots of studies have been conducted on media ownership influence on media performance, but this study is interested in looking at the ethical implication of media ownership on their journalists’ performance. It is against this background that the study examines media ownership influence on ethical practice among journalists with a cross examination of both the private and government media in Osun state.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the extent which media ownership influences ethical conducts of journalists in Osun state.
  2. To ascertain whether ownership affect news objectivity and credibility of the journalists in Osun State.
  3. To examine the extent which media owners deprive those who did not belong to their caucus to use their medium for any purpose.
  4. To what extent has radio listeners and television viewers prefer private broadcast media programmes to government owned.

1.4       Research Questions

The following questions will be asked by the researcher:

  1. To what extent do media ownership influences ethical conducts of journalists in Osun state?
  2. Does ownership affect the news objectivity and credibility of the journalists in Osun State?
  3. To what extent do media owners deprive those who did not belong to their caucus to use their medium for any purpose?
  4. To what extent has radio listeners and television viewers prefer private broadcast media programmes to government owned?

1.5       Significance of the Study

  • The study will benefit the media practitioners and mass communication students on the influence of media ownership to the media and professionalism. The study will assist the media practitioners to know its role in enhancing the success or failure of media industries. Other beneficial of the study is the media owners, who will know how their action and reaction is crippling the success and public credibility of the media outfit.
  • Future researchers will find this work very interesting to use as a reference material for their new work and see what previous researchers have done.
  • Government agencies that are saddled with the responsibility to ensure fairness and media consistency will also see the need to come up will new law that will reduce ownership influence especially in this democratic era so that the public will come to trust such medium.

1.6       Scope of the Study

The research which is set to assess media ownership influence on ethical practice has been narrowed in scope to journalists in Osun state. Nigeria Union Journalist (NUJ) in Osun state is selected because it affords the researcher the opportunity to meet as many journalists as possible from print to the broadcast, from young to the experience ones, from male to female. Another rationale for selecting Osun state NUJ is due to inadequate fund to travel to many media outfits or many states to collect data.

1.7       Operational Definition of Terms

Assessment: This means critical examination of the media ownership influence on ethical practices in the media.  

Media Ownership Influence: This refers to contribution of media owners whether positive or negative to the overall ethical compliance of media outfits.

Ethical Practice: These are professional conducts such as objectivities, fairness and accuracy among others that capable of influencing journalists.  

Practice of Journalism: This is the profession of news gathering, processing and dissemination of information to a large audience.


WHAT TO EXPECT: (Format: MS WORD, Chapter 1-5, Abstract, Table of Contents, Questionnaire and References)

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