ABSTRACT: The research investigated the influence of Campus Radio Stations on University Community. The study attempted to critically analyze the exact role of campus broadcasting to the mass media profession and community in particular. Moreover, this study has been able to examine the operations and activities of UNILAG F.M, DIAMOND F.M and UNILORIN F.M which are all topmost stations among the campus stations in Nigeria. The research was anchored on Development Media Theory. A survey research method was employed.  questionnaire was used to collect responses from respondents, out of which 138 copies of questionnaire were correctly filled and returned. The data for this study were analyzed in descriptive statistics ( frequency and percentage). The study, recommended that campus broadcast stations should work in accordance with the station philosophy, and should also ensure strict adherence with journalistic ethics.



1.1       Background to the Study

            Broadcasting is the scattering or spreading of information, news, messages, idea, through the air by means of what we known as radio communication to a large and heterogeneous audience who are located in different point of a wide area for reception through an appropriate set(s) of equipment designed for this purpose.

        According to Folarin cited in Oyekanmi (2006), broadcasting entails planned provision of information, education and entertainment to a large and heterogeneous audience through the medium of radio and television. Broadcasting messages are sent and received only by radio and television as well as usage of radio spectrum, this explains why experts in the technical aspect of radio broadcasting believe that the radio spectrum services both the radio and television.

      Broadcasting itself was initially achieved using two major media which are radio and television, the radio broadcasting uses electromagnetic wave for the transmission of messages, information, communication and it broadcasting band includes A.M, F.M or S.W.

          Campus is basically the land on which a college or university and related institutional buildings are situated. Usually a college campus includes libraries, lecture halls, residence halls, student centers, parks etc. Meanwhile, a campus broadcast station is a form of community radio or television which serves the university or polytechnic community, that is, the campus and its host community (ies) through the collection, preparation and distribution of news, commentary and programme materials that suit and fit into the target audience interest (Olayinka, 2017).

         According to Folorunsho (2014), campus broadcasting or journalism is a microcosm of journalism in school. It plays an important role in keeping the school system alive, informed, interested, inspired and influenced.

            Campus radio as the name implies, is a radio by the university; for the university and its environs, it is otherwise known as university radio or student radio or simply put as college radio (Olayinka, 2017). He posits that, campus radio is a form of radio station that is run by the students of a university or other educational institution. The programmes often focus on students activities, while it may include programmes and programmers from the wider community in which the radio station covers. Campus radio also broadcast range of programmes similar to other radio stations except that is more audience-oriented rather than commercial driven.

            Campus radio is an important part of a university or polytechnic; in fact, it plays a great role in disseminating programmes that are target-oriented, unlike the commercial radio that placed emphasis on advert. Although, not all polytechnics and universities in Nigeria have a campus radio, yet the few that are available are contributing meaningfully to the development of not just the campus community, but the greater community in which they are situated (Duncan, 2015).

          However, there are about 63 campus radio stations and 1 campus television station in Nigeria which UNILAG F.M, UNILORIN F.M and DIAMOND F.M, U.I are part of. These radio stations are all located within their various campuses and they offer programmes ranging from politics, public issues, campus affairs, education, health matters, social activities among others.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

         The need for adequate training of students and exposure to technicalities in the field of mass communication prompted the establishment of broadcast stations in various higher institutions offering mass communication courses. However, reverse is the case today, as these campus stations are confronted with various challenges that ranges from; lack of running cost, inadequate personnel, unfavourable management policies, students intimidation, regulatory policies among others.

Also, few researches have been carried out about campus broadcasting, but none of them were able to appraise indepth the operations and activities of campus broadcast stations. Hence, it is this gap that this research study tends to fill, by appraising the activities and operations of these selected campus broadcast stations, with a view to understand how it came to being, how it’s being operated and it overall management.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

  1. To appraise the contributions of UNILAG F.M, DIAMOND F.M and UNILORIN M to their local communities.
  2. To ascertain the level of audience preference for UNILAG F.M, DIAMOND F.M and UNILORIN F.M.

1.4       Research Questions

  1. To what extent has UNILAG F.M, DIAMOND F.M and UNILORIN F.M contributed to their local communities through the nature of their programmes?
  2. How effective are the programmes on UNILAG F.M, DIAMOND F.M and UNILORIN F.M to the audience in their quest for information?

1.5       Significance of the Study

            This research aims at revealing to media practitioners, government, higher institutions of learning, international agencies and the public at large, on the activities and operations of campus broadcast stations. It will also help students of mass communication, educational organisations and future researchers.

1.6       Scope of the Study

            The research which investigated the influence of Campus Radio Stations on University Community has been narrowed in scope to UNILAG F.M, DIAMOND F.M and UNILORIN F.M” has been narrowed in scope to those higher institutions due to its pivotal role in campus broadcasting in Nigeria, proximity to the researcher, offering of mass communication courses and the difficulties to study the entire country as a result of time, reference material, funds and other logistics. 

            However, since the population of this study is limited to the three selected institution, the findings may not be enough representation of the situation across the country. Therefore, this research project can only serve the purpose of a pilot exercise which may lead to a bigger research in the future.

1.7       Operational Definition of the Terms

Appraising: Ajudgement or assessment of the value of something, especially a formal one.

Campus: The grounds or property of a school, college, university, often understood to include buildings and other structures.

Broadcast Stations: Media organisations whose means of disseminating information is through radio and television.

Tertiary Institution: An advanced institution of learning which comes after secondary education.



Format = MS Word, Price = ₦4000, Chapter = 1-5, Pages = 52, References = Yes, Questionnaire =Yes, Table of Contents = Yes and Abstract = Yes


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