The research assessed the level of media literacy among female students in Nigeria. It is of note that the media plays a very crucial role in mass awareness and mobilization. The research was anchored Uses and Gratifications Theory while a survey research method was adopted with the accidental sampling technique. 250 questionnaires were administered and 180 copies of the questionnaire were retrieved, indicating a response rate of 72%. The data were analyzed using the frequency and percentage data method. Findings have shown that the media has not done enough in disseminating literacy and enlightenment programmes to the audience. It was however recommended among others that the mass media should design locally-oriented programmes that will suit the people at the grassroots level.


The methods that enable people to access, critically assess, create, or influence media are referred to as media literacy. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to media literacy. The National Telemedia Council, situated in Madison, Wisconsin, has been studying media literacy for over 50 years and is chaired by Marieli Rowe (Potter, 2010).

According to Hobbs (2005), the goal of media literacy education is to raise awareness of media influence and encourage people to take an active role in both consuming and producing media. Inquiry-based pedagogy is frequently used in media literacy education, which encourages people to ask questions about what they see, hear, and read. Hobbs (2005) goes on to say that media literacy extends beyond traditional written and print literature to include more contemporary sources.

Television, video games, photos, and audio messaging are only a few of instances of media literacy. Media literacy education provides tools to help people develop receptive media capability, which allows them to critically analyze messages, as well as opportunities for learners to broaden their media experience and develop generative media capability, which allows them to improve their creative skills in creating their own media messages (Share, 2015).

Critical assessments might involve identifying the author, goal, and point of view, assessing construction techniques and genres, examining media representation patterns, and detecting propaganda, censorship, and bias in news and public affairs programs, according to Wallis and Buckingham (2016). (and the reasons for these). Media literacy education could look into how structural factors like media ownership and funding affect the content delivered. It is against this background that the study accesses the level of media literacy among female students of ………………………..

Problem Statement

It is unclear whether the public is well able to select an account for their media choices, showing a complex understanding of television genres, of the fact/fiction distinction and of the place of commercial messages as the public seems much less equipped to comprehend or critique the news; it appears to be inconsistent in its critical evaluation of much audiovisual content, and it may have only a poor grasp of the economic and regulatory contexts which shape the audiovisual contents they view. Information and communication technologies usage and technical skills, so that little is known of adults’ critical response to and use of a computer, especially, online content.

Unfortunately, there are fewer empirical studies on media literacy among students and it is against this backdrop that the research examines the level of media literacy among female students of ……………………

Objectives of the Study

  1. To ascertain the degree of female students’ level of media literacy.
  2. To examine the extent at which female students use various media devices (e.g computer, smartphone etc) ?

Research Questions

  1. What is the degree of female students’ level of media literacy?
  2. To what extent can female students use various media devices (e.g computer, smartphone etc)?

Significance of the Study

This study is intended at finding out the level of media literacy especially among female students of tertiary institutions. Without a doubt, research of this nature is expected to benefit a significant number of people and organisations in society.

The research will benefit mass media outfits and media practitioners on the need to include in their day to day activities the programmes that can promote and improve education quality such as quizzes, debates, brain tests e.t.c. The study will serve as eyes openers on the best way to use mass media and the benefits capable of acquiring knowledge. 

Government and policy formulators will equally benefit from the research to make laws that will improve media literacy, provide infrastructure such as electricity, radio stations, television stations and provide enabling environment for new media to thrive including laws to ease the new media operation.

It will form part of the academic materials that students, lecturers, researchers and companies can turn to when carrying out research similar to this. The core significance of the study is to add to the body of knowledge in mass communication and fill the gap in the area of specialised media and content for a specific targeted audience.  

Scope of the Study

The study which investigates assessing the level of media literacy among female students has been narrowed in scope to ………………………….. Thus, the geographical scope of this study shall be within Osun state. The choice of Osun state ……………………….. students in Osun state was due to the proximity to the researcher, inadequate time to study all students of Osun state ……………. among other logistics. Also, the demographic factors of the respondents will be carefully studied before the administration of research instruments such factors include: age, gender, academic level e.t.c.

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