ABSTRACT: The study is set out to examine the impact of job satisfaction on organizational commitment with a case study of Nigeria Brewery Plc. Job satisfaction is a crucial issue in an organization because it determines most of the time the level of success and productivity in an organization. A survey research method was adopted in which questionnaires were administered to the respondents using a simple random sampling technique. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage and means of data analysis were used. Findings show that the majority of the respondents (55.6%) said they are not promoted as at when due and they equally maintained that they are motivated sometimes but not all the time. Obviously, many of the respondents are satisfied with the jobs with 44% attested to this fact. It is clear that the majority of the respondents (66.7%) believed that on average, job satisfaction influenced their commitment. Also, about (45%) submitted that there is a relationship between organizational commitment and turnover. They stressed that organizational commitment yielded good results ranging from unity, increase in sales and enhanced productivity. The respondents also submitted that they are motivated through various incentives, bonus, salary, provision of conducive work environment among other ways. It was recommended that that the management of the company should provide good working conditions for its employees, so as to boost their morale.


               CHAPTER ONE               


1.1       Background to the Study

Job satisfaction is a crucial issue that has been discussed in many organizations (Miguel et al., 2014). It is often defined as employees’ positive emotional, resulting from his or her evaluations towards their job situations and job experiences (Hyun-Woo et al., 2015) and employees’ attitudes towards his or her working conditions or environments that is influenced by  perceived relationship between what he or her want and what perceive offering by the organization (Damiano & Nunzia, 2014).

Linda and Michael (2014) revealed that employees who are gratified with his or  her job are more likely to prove a worthy attitude and contributed more efforts to share his or her skill and knowledge with the organization. According to many scholars, job satisfaction has been given more attention in today’s organization because job satisfaction will help organization to retain experienced, trained and competent employees (Ahmad, et. al., 2012).

Immense competition is now the most influential attributes of business world. Organizations, which are well developed and managed, are able to sustain the pressure of the competition. Human resource is the capital for the organization. Banks are showing this trend. Human resource management is a vast field. It performs various functions (Recruitment, Selection, Compensation, HRP etc.).

The challenge is to hire a motivated, satisfied and more committed employee. Organizations see employees as an important investment and they need to be managed well through strong and affective motivation. Financial institutions are more inclined towards coaching the employees to make them acquaintance with the problem solving ability. This helps enhance the employee commitment with the banks.

Satisfaction and organizational commitment are both largely researched topics. Job satisfaction and commitment of employees towards organization are the imperative concepts that directly affect the profitability and competitiveness of the organization in the market. Job satisfaction concepts have gained popularity for organizations as well as researchers (Ndulue and Ekechukwu, 2016).

According to, term job satisfaction was first defined as it is a blend of emotional, psychological, physical, substantial, ecological and environmental situations and conditions that makes a person to state that he/she is contented, satisfied and fulfilled with his job”. Job satisfaction is the consequence of interaction among individual employee’s standards, principles and his / her sensitivity and insight towards job and work atmosphere and surroundings (Ndulue, et. al., 2016).

Organizational commitment is the issue which is gaining an importance over the years. Management and owners are very much concerned about the organizational commitment of employees. Commitment of employees towards the organization is gaining wide importance and directly affects the performance of individual employee within the organization. If individuals are committed towards the organization they definitely work and achieve better and even outperform their co-workers and help gain an organization a more competitive position and brings more profitability. This study is thus examines the impact of job satisfaction on organisation commitment with a focus on Nigeria Breweries Sector, Ilesha on the extent it has on the over organisation.  

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Breweries sector is considered to be one of the more stressed sectors in Nigeria due to the consumption nature. Employees have to work long hours under various machines and chemicals.There is also a poor salary and incentive to increase job satisfaction that causes an employees’ lack of commitment and satisfaction towards organization and work.

A number of researches have been done over the world on organization commitment, but there are very few researchers who have done researches on this concept on the employees especially of Breweries sector employees. Therefore, this study is destined to check how job satisfaction impact to enhance the employees commitment towards their organization in Nigeria Breweries sector.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the extent which job satisfaction has influenced organizational commitment of workers.
  2. To examine the relationship between organizational commitment and labour turnover.

1.4       Research Questions

  1. To what extent has job satisfaction influenced organizational commitment of workers?
  2. Is there any relationship between organizational commitment and labour turnover?

1.5       Significance of the Study

The study will help shareholders, management and employee of Nigerian Breweries to understand the importance of job satisfaction on organizational commitment. It will also enable them structure their various programmes and policies to increase workers morale in order to improve productivity.

This study will give a clear insight into how job satisfaction can enhance workers morale, interest, commitment and overall performance of the organization.

More so, it will acquaint the various managers and different categories of employees to the need to embrace various motivations that will help in achieving higher productivity.

Besides, those students in the field of administration will find study educative. Interesting and challenging in that the various activities and techniques of motivation are revealed and logically analyzed. Lastly, this project will be of value to those who may want to carryout similar research in the nearest future.

1.6     Scope of the study

The study which investigated the impact of job satisfaction on organization commitment was narrowed in scope to the Nigeria Breweries Sector, Ilesha. Thus, the geographical scope of this study is Ilesha , Osun State. The choice of the location is due to the proximity to the researcher, inadequate time and other logistics.

1.7       Operational Definition of Term

Impact: This refers to the contributions or influence that job satisfaction has on organizational commitment. 

Job Satisfaction: These are various activities in an organization that enhance performance and the love of job on the part of the workers.

Organization Commitment: The situation in which workers and other staffs are dedicated to the official duties in an organization.    

Nigeria Brewery Plc: Nigerian Breweries Plc, is the pioneer and largest brewing company in Nigeria. It serves the Nigerian market and exports to other parts of West Africa. Incorporated in 1946, its first bottle of beer, STAR Lager, rolled off the bottling lines of its Lagos brewery in June 1949.



Format = MS Word, Price = ₦4000, Chapter = 1-5, Pages = 52, References = Yes, Questionnaire =Yes, Table of Contents = Yes and Abstract = Yes


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