Qualities of a Good Research
Introduction: Before a research can be adjudged ‘Good’, it must be in line with the universal standard and the standard is embedded in the main characteristics of a research. Controlled, Empirical, Systematic, Analytical, Objective, replicated, cyclical, and statistical analysis. Some of the qualities of a good research are highlighted:
- The research procedures used should be described in sufficient details to permit another researcher to repeat the research.
- The procedural design of the research should be carefully planned to yield results that are as objective as possible.
- Greater confidence in the research is expected if the researcher is experienced and has a good reputation in research and if he is a person of integrity.
- The purpose of the research or research problem involved should be clearly defined.
- The research should report with frankness, flaws in the procedural design and estimate their effect upon the findings
- Analysis of the data should be sufficiently adequate to reveal it’s significant and the methods of analysis used should be appropriate. It should be emphasized that data analysis is one of the most difficult phases of research for the beginners as a result; the validity and reliability of the data should be carefully checked.
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