INTRODUCTION: It should be recalled that public relations is a deliberate planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its public. It means that an organization, individual, or institution has so many publics that it deals with at one time or the other and this public can be reached through different public relations copy and platforms depending on the issue, problem or condition necessitate the communication.
Because public relations have to communicate to the organization, individual, or institution public it does this by writing or presenting it by spoken whichever way it is called public relations copy. Therefore, public relations copy can be defined as any written or graphics material produced for a public relations purpose. The purpose may be to announce the launching of a new product, CEO, to misconceptions about an organization’s policy, to educate the workers about management’s position, or to invite members of the press to a news conference.
Public relations copy or writing may be in the form of a news release (press release), feature article, a script for a documentary/film, speech, pictures with caption or cutline, invitation, memo, letter, etc
- Press release:
- Speech writing
- Press conference
- Rejoinder
- Media tour, Press Visit, and Media parle
- Backgrounders or an Information kit:
- Supplementary publications/House Journal:
- Letters:
- Video film and slide presentations:
- Features Article:
- Press release: This is often called news or media release. According to Nwodu (2007:49), it is “corporate news issued out by an organization via the mass media instrument for public consumption with the purpose of enhancing the organization’s corporate image.” Press releases are therefore generated by corporate organizations who use the tool to tell stories about their activities with emphasis on the events happening or about to happen in an organization; refute negative publications; comment on issues affecting the interest of the organization or government agencies concerned (Nwodu; 2007:49).
- Speech writing: This is a normal public relations function. Various public relations events like press conferences, launching, seminars, workshops, etc called for speech-making, and the success or failure of these events may largely depend on the quality and effectiveness of the speeches delivered. The writing and delivery of a good speech calls for a proper appreciation of the topic, the audience to be addressed, objectives to be achieved, occasion or event where the speech will be delivered, environmental factors, facilities, speaker’s personality, duration, etc
- Press conference: This is also called a news or media conference. According to Johnston (2001), three major reasons account for the organization of a press conference and these reasons are to allow for the wide dissemination of a story; to give all media access to the news at once; and to allow journalists to ask follow-up questions, especially during a crisis.
- Rejoinder: It is an article or releases written to respond to issues raised in a previously published article. Rejoinders are often written to set the record straight correcting inaccuracies, errors of fact or reasoning, or blatant lies or misrepresentations contained in the previous article. It is an attempt to join issues with the writer of the last article with the intention of winning public opinion in one’s favor. It may also be written to support the position of the last article written. In this case, the rejoinder tends to provide additional information or reasons that further justify the previous written. For instance, on Wednesday, September. 9, 2015, Pg. 19 ( Leadership Newspaper) Skye Bank writes a rejoinder titled “Retraction of the statement”. Skye Bank had earlier on August 3, 2015, published the list f loan defaulters of which it mentioned the name of Sir. Chika Chiejina is a Director of the Savannah Suites and Restaurants Ltd. The excuse given was that when Afribank merged with other banks to form Mainstreet Bank in 2008, the name of Savannah was not stated that it had settled the debt and when Skye Bank acquired the Mainstreet Bank, the name was part of what Skye Bank inherited until it was recently investigated.
- Media tour, Press Visit, and Media parley Which is usually arranged for the purpose of getting the new chief executive of an organization acquainted with media men while the media parley’s primary purpose is meant to establish a rapport with people who will always write about you and your organization (Popoola, 2005).
- Backgrounders or Information Kit: This showcases varied write-ups concerning the history of the organization issuing the kit; the product range; the mission and vision; and colorful pictures of departments and personalities in the organization. It may be concerned with an informational document often provided with a press release, press advisory, or as part of a larger media kit. The backgrounder gives the press or other interested parties a more detailed background of an issue, event, person of interest or
- Supplementary publications/House Journal: This includes pamphlets, brochures, manuals, and books. According to Cutlip et al. (2000), they serve three major purposes which are indoctrination, references, and institutional promotion.
- Letters: Onabajo (2003:67) rightly says “support line communication by ensuring the accuracy of the information…”
- Video film and slide presentations: This aims at developing favorable ideas, innovations, attitudes, or behaviors in viewing audiences. Also, closed-circuit television (CCTV) allows for live telecast and beaming of messages for the consumption of many employees at the same time.
- Features Article: A feature is a piece of writing on a particular subject matter published as part of the editorial matter of a newspaper, magazine, radio, or online platform. It is a more detailed and stylistic piece than a news release. It may be deliberately written on the history of an organization or it success or new achievement let rating or progress.
Cutlip, S. M., Center, A.H. & Broom, G.M. (2000). Effective Public Relations. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Habermas, J. (1989). The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Johnston, J. (2004). “Media Relations” In: J. Johnston & C. Zawawi (Eds.) Public Relations Theory and Practice. Crow’s Nest: Allen and Unwin
Levi, C. N., Josep, B. M and Jonathan E. A. (2014). Public Relations in Practice. Lagos: National Open University of Nigeria.
Marshall, I. & Kingsbury, D. (1996). Media Realities. Melbourne: Longman
Nkwocha, J. (1999). Effective Media Relations: Issues and Strategies. Lagos: Zoom Lens Publishers.
Nwodu, L. C. (2007). Corporate Public Relations Management. Enugu: Precision Publishers Limited.
Onabajo, O. (2005). Essentials of Media Relations. Lagos: Concept Publications Limited.
Akpan, Smaith. O.
Adenita Unila
May, 2023
In the realm of public relations (PR), copy production and management play a crucial role in crafting effective messages and disseminating information to target audiences. Public relations copy or writing may be in the form of a news release (press release), feature article, a script for a documentary/film, speech, pictures with caption or cutline, invitation, memo, letter,, etc
Copy production involves the creation and development of various written materials, including press releases, articles, speeches, and social media content, while copy management focuses on organizing, editing, and distributing these materials. This assignment explores the importance of copy production and management in public relations and highlights key strategies for ensuring successful communication.
The Importance of Copy Production in Public Relations:
- Copy production serves as the foundation of effective communication in public relations. Well-crafted copy helps organizations convey key messages, build brand reputation, and engage with their target audiences.
- It provides a means to control the narrative and influence public perception. For example, a carefully written press release can shape media coverage and public opinion about a company, product launch, or social initiative.
Strategies for Successful Copy Production and Management:
- Understanding the Target Audience: Effective copy production begins with a deep understanding of the target audience. Public relations professionals should conduct thorough research to identify the demographics, preferences, and communication channels preferred by their target audience. This knowledge allows for tailored messaging that resonates and connects with the intended recipients.
- Storytelling and Emotional Appeal: Copy in public relations should go beyond delivering information; it should tell a compelling story that evokes emotions and establishes a connection with the audience. Storytelling enables organizations to humanize their messages and make them relatable, thereby increasing engagement and building long-term relationships with stakeholders.
- Clear and Concise Writing: Public relations copy should be clear, concise, and free of jargon or technical language that may confuse or alienate the audience. By using plain language and avoiding unnecessary complexity, PR professionals ensure that their messages are easily understood and memorable.
- Consistency and Branding: Consistency in copy production is crucial for maintaining a strong brand identity. Public relations materials should reflect the organization’s values, tone, and voice consistently across all platforms. Establishing brand guidelines and style sheets helps ensure uniformity and fosters brand recognition.
Copy production and management are vital components of successful public relations campaigns. By understanding the target audience, leveraging storytelling techniques, employing clear and concise writing, and maintaining consistency in messaging, public relations professionals can effectively communicate with their intended recipients and achieve their communication goals. As the landscape of public relations continues to evolve, mastering these strategies becomes increasingly important in building and maintaining positive relationships between organizations and their stakeholders.
Cutlip, S. M., Center, A. H., & Broom, G. M. (2019). Effective public relations. London: Pearson Publications
Strunk Jr, W., & White, E. B. (2009). The elements of style. Liilla City: Green Press