ABSTRACT: This study’s key objective was to examine effectiveness of mass media in promoting Universal Basic Education particularly in Ede North Local Government, Osun State. Television and radio have significantly contributed to socialization in society through a range of educational programmes like Brain Test, Quiz T.V., Take A Step, The Debate, and others. Application of Uses and Gratifications Theory and Cultivation Theory were employed to give the study the require footing. A cross-sectional survey research method was used in this study while the data collection instrument was questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using frequency and percentage. The findings of the study shown that television has gone a long way in improving and promoting education in Nigeria and through out the world because of its unique advantage of transmitting in audiovisual. Children and adult find it interesting and its messages always have an indelible impact on the viewers. The assertion that “seeing is believing” is very suitable to describe television messages. People tend to believe what they see than what they listen to on radio. Hence, the study recommended that television industry should as a matter of fact create some decent educative programmes that will continue to promote the educational values of Nigeria.

Keywords: Universal Basic Education



1.1   Background to the Study

Mass media is regarded as the eye and hear of the people. The mass media which comprise of newspaper, television and radio as well as magazine help the populace to be aware of the various events near and far away. The media is inseparable with the society because of the numerous roles they play in our society. The mass media are very powerful socializing agents. The media which mainly newspaper, magazine as well as radio and television reach large heterogeneous and widely dispersed audiences.  It is axiomatic that the mass media can reach million of people over huge areas very quickly even from the other side of the world by spreading news, information, entertainment and propaganda, persuade us to buy certain things or to change over opinion on various matters.

Indeed mass media represent a powerful tool socializing. Mass media through their different programme increased the level of literacy in society by provide educative programme for the people especially radio and television provide educative programmes that teach. The media do not only transmit information and messages but also provide visual oriented (Picture) of government activities like Universal Basic Education programme e. t. c. The government and other organization use the mass media to communicate with the public. The mass media do not only teach, publish and transmit news on events they provide opportunity for the people to express their feelings about any credibility, accountability of government or show their grievances to any government actions.  

The media equally teach the individual or public the norms and values of society reinforces norms and values. The media are therefore useful as political instruments of socialization. The activities of major newspaper, magazine, radio, television have further stipulated that the survival of any social system in a country depends largely on mass media.

1.1.1    Functions of Mass Media

Harold Lasswell {1984} lists four different roles which mass media perform: They are

  • Entertainment Function
  • Informative Function
  • Correlation of the Environment
  • Transmission of Cultural Heritage

On the other hand, Universal Basic Education (UBE) Programme is an educational programme aimed at eradicating illiteracy, ignorance and poverty. It is in compliance with the Declaration of the World Conference on Education for All (WCEFA) which was made in Jomtien, Thailand in 1990, and Bating clearly in Article 1 that every person – child, Youth on Adult – shall be able to benefit from educational opportunities designed to meet their basic needs.

This declaration was reaffirmed at the World Summit for Children held in 1990, which stated that all children should have access to basic education by the year 2000. The World Summit for Children placed a lot of emphasis on raising the levels of female literacy. In a bid to achieve education goals, the Dakar World Education Forum was held as a follow-up meeting to the WCEFA where new sets of goals were set to be attained by the year 2015. The goals include: 1. Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children.

According to the Universal Basic Education Commission Bulletin (UBEC) (2004), the objectives of the programme, among others, include: Developing in the entire citizenry a strong consciousness for education and a strong commitment to its vigorous promotion; The provision of free, universal basic education for every Nigerian child of school-going age; reducing drastically the incidence of drop-outs from the formal school system (through improved relevance, quality and efficiency); and ensuring the acquisition of appropriate levels of literacy, numeracy, manipulative, communicative and life skills, as well as ethical, moral and civic values needed for laying a solid foundation for life-long learning.

Universal Basic’ Education (UBE) was formally launched by President Olusegun Obasanjo on 30th September 1999. The UBE programme is intended to be universal, free and compulsory. According to the implementation guidelines for the Universal Basic Education programme published by the Federal Ministry of Education Abuja, in February. 2000, due attention would be given to public enlightenment and social mobilization.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Basically, this research focuses its attention on the role of mass media on Universal Basic Education programme. It is believed that mass media, being a powerful tool of socialization has the ability to set agents for the public and reach wider audience. Mass media is a platform to teach both moral and social lessons.

But today it seems that educational role of mass media is fading off as media managements are now using the time and space dedicated for education programmes on air to fill political programmes and advertisement especially now that government is demanding media to generate certain percentage of money to run the media activities. As a result of the above fact, this study examines the effectiveness of mass media in promoting Universal Basic Education with a focus on it performance in Ede North Local Government, Osun State.      

1.3       Objectives of the Study                  

  1. To examine the impact of mass media promotion of educational programme.
  2. To study whether mass media educate and enlighten the people of Ede  North local government on Universal Basic Education  programmes and activities.

1.4     Research Questions

  1. To what extent  do mass media promote educational programme?
  2. To what extent do mass media educate and enlighten the people of Ede North local government on Universal Basic Education programmes and activities?

1.5       Significance of the Study

The objective of the study is to examine and analysis the impact of television in education development.

Media Practitioners: The work will benefit mass outfits and media practitioners on the need to include in their day to day activities some of the programmes that can promote and improve education such as quiz, debate, brain test e. t. c.

Researchers: Future researchers would as well benefit from this work as it will complement their research effort.

Schools and Government: Schools and government  will also  see the importance of mass media in achieving their objectives.

1.6       Scope of the Study

The study which investigates the effectiveness of mass media in promoting Universal Basic Education has been narrowed to Ede North local government area of Osun state since it is difficult to study all the 774 local governments in Nigeria due to inadequate time, geographical nature and other logistics. The choice of Ede North local government area of Osun state was equally due to its proximity to the researchers.

 1.7       Operational Definition of Terms

Impact: It is synonymous to function, impact, effect of something.

Mass Media: The term refers to media of communication which transmit to a wider and larger audience usually residing in different geographical locations. The media include radio, television, newspaper, magazine e. t. c

Education : This is a  process of  being literate   about something  by receiving intellectual or moral instructions

Development: It is synonymous to improvement, it is a way of moving something small, weak to a bigger, lager or better one.

UBE: Universal Basic Education


WHAT TO EXPECT: (Chapter 1-5, Abstract, Table of Contents, Questionnaire and References)

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