ABSTRACT: The main objective of this study was to investigate the influence of television in promoting evangelism otherwise called televangelism in Nigeria particularly in Osogbo and its environs. Social Categories Theory & Uses and Gratifications Theory were theories that led support for this study. A survey research was used in the study using a questionnaire to obtain responses from those surveyed in Osogbo. Tables were used to present the results of the data analysis, which used the frequency and percentage methods. Findings show that many of the respondents (87%) watched religion channels via DSTV, GOTV and Startimes while it was admitted that the television stations promote Christian Religion consciousness in Osogbo through testimonies, gift/help, miracles and predictions broadcast on the channels. It was recommended that religion bodies that are interested in promoting religion through the media should do it with caution by promoting relevant issues that will not jeopardize the national interest while hate religion speeches and programmes should be shunned because Nigeria is not only a multiethnic nation but also a pluralism society.

Keywords: Promoting Evangelism


Title Page i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Contents   vi

Abstract viii


1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 Background to the Study  1

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Objectives of the Study 4

1.4 Research Questions 5

1.5 Significance the Study 5

1.6 Scope of the Study 5

1.7 Limitations to the Study 6

1.7 Operational Definition of Terms 6


2.0 Literature Review 7

2.1 Empirical Framework 7

2.2 Conceptual Review 8

2.3 Theoretical Framework 24


3.0 Research Methodology 26

3.1 Research Design 26

3.2 Research Method 26

3.3 Restatement of Research Questions 26

3.4 Characteristics of the Study Population 27

3.5 Sampling Technique 27

3.6 Sample Size 27

3.7 Administration of Data Collection Instrument 27

3.8 Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument 27

3.9 Data Collection Instrument   28

3.10 Data Analysis Method 28


4.0 Data Analysis and Presentation 29

4.1 Data Analysis 29

4.2 Demography of the Participants 29

4.3 Discussion of Findings 39


5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations 40

5.1 Summary 41

5.2 Conclusion   41

5.3 Recommendations 41





1.1       Background to the Study    

Encyclopaedia Britannica (2018) describes a gospel as any of four biblical narratives covering the life and death of Jesus Christ. Written, according to tradition, respectively by St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John (the four evangelists), they are placed at the beginning of the New Testament and make up about half the total text. The word gospel is derived from the Anglo-Saxon term god-spell, meaning “good story,” a rendering of the Latin evangelium and the Greek evangelion, meaning “good news” or “good telling”.

Therefore, Godspelling (Gospel) otherwise known as propagation and spreading of religion can simply be described as the act of spreading religion messages to the people especially those the people who are yet to belief in God. This concept is often used in the Christendom and is mainly done through the word of mouth by moving from one place to another. This is also call evangelism. However, advancement in modern technology led to the use of mass media like newspaper, radio, television and to the recent internet for evangelism. 

In this era, it is common to listen, read and watch religion broadcast or services as live or recoded programmes on the government or private stations and to the recent religion-owned broadcasting media such as Emmanuel TV, Dove TV, IQra Tv etc. The essence is to reach large and wide anonymous heterogeneous audience that are residing in devise and scatter geographical locations simultaneously or almost simultaneously with a view to persuade, enlighten, educate and spread their gospel. 

It should be recalled that religious propagation had started many centuries ago which took different dimensions, approaches, techniques and strategies from rural evangelism word of mouth, mounting loud speaker on a moving vehicles to the time of printing press where religion pamphlet, fliers and posters are massively produced and distributed to the time of radio, television, cable television and even to this era of internet-evangelism.

There is no doubt about the fact that religion publications pioneers printing press in Nigeria and in many African countries. For instance, in 1846, a Presbyterian Missionary led by Hope Waddel founded the first printing press in Calabar which was used for mass production an Christian religion booklets and pamphlets. Similarly, another Missionary Rev. Henry Townsend founded press in the Western part of the country in 1854 specifically at Abeokuta and from there, other religion publications sprung up (Lawal, 2004).                   

There are local television and radio stations that are promoting gospel through their programmes often on Sundays and Fridays such as Osun State Broadcasting Corporation (OSBC). Some of the programmes takes different title from Half Hour with Jesus, Jesus is Lord, Prayer Hour, Akoko Igbala, Iminira while the Muslim equally have similar programmes such as Barika Jimoh, Al-fruqon, Modirasat Muhammed and so on. 

It should be emphasized that Christian dominated the air in terms of pragrammes because almostall the churches do have on programme or the other on OSBC. It should be mentioned that, there are lots of dedicated channels on cable television (DSTV, GOTV, Startimes etc) that airs religion programmes 24 hours such as Emmanuel TV founded by T.B. Joshua, Pastor of The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN), in Lagos, Nigeria, IQRA TV is an Islamic channel owned by Saleh Abdullah Kamel’s Arab Media Corporation.

Similarly, Peace TV is a nonprofit satellite television network broadcasting globally 24/7 from Dubai, United Arab Emirates and founded by Dr Zakir Naik, an Islamic preacher from Mumbai, India, while Dove television is the official television station of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. There are other television channels as well. 

It is against this background that the research investigate the influence of television in promoting evangelism otherwise called televangelism in Nigeria particularly in Osogbo and its environs. in order to know the extent which people expose to “televangelism”, or “TV Ministration” how did the audience perceived the messages, how do they respond because religion’s message is considered to be illumination of mind and can increase the faith of many especially if it spread through the media of mass communication such as radio and television.    

1.2       Statement of the Problem 

Media evangelism is a concept that had started many years ago and it is a specialised form of broadcasting tailored towards a set of religion followers who did not only listen, watch or read but also respond to the instruction and message. Presently, little or no study has been conducted in this aspect therefore, this study will fill the gap that has long vacuum in the field of journalism and mass communication in genera as well as television-ministration, media-evangelism, E-evangelism.    

Similarly, epileptic power supply, subscription fee, time of the programmes, locations of the people, nature of their jobs and different religion demonisation have been summed up as some of the problems that may influence people watching, interacting, responding and perception of religion media and its messages. 

It is against this background that the research investigates the influence of television in promoting evangelism otherwise called televangelism in Nigeria particularly in Osogbo and its environs. in order to know the extent which people expose to it, how did the audience perceived the messages, how do they respond because religion’s message is considered to be illumination of mind and can increase the faith of many especially if it spread through the media of mass communication such as radio and television.    

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                               

  1. To examine the extent which people are exposed to televangelism in Osogbo. 
  2. To ascertain ways by which televangelism has influenced people knowledge about Christian in Osogbo.

1.4       Research Questions  

  1. To what extent people residing in Osogbo are exposed to televangelism and other religion channels?
  2. In what ways has televangelism influenced Christian faithful in Osogbo?

1.5       Scope of the Study                                                                                       

The research which investigates the influence of television in promoting evangelism otherwise called televangelism in Nigeria particularly in Osogbo and its environs has been limited in scope to programmes on Osun State Broadcasting Corporation (OSBC) on the people in Osogbo metropolis. The rationale for selecting OSBC is that, there are lots of religion programmes on the channels which majority of the people can easily watch irrespective of whether they have access to cable or local channels. 

1.6       Significance the Study                                 

It is believe that this study will be of great benefit to so many individuals and bodies because the study is a new aspect that few researchers and scholars have lay hands on.

Christians: One of the beneficiaries of this study are Christians as it will serve as eye openers to take their time watching religious programmes that will strengthen their faith i.e they can be at the comfort of their home still keep stead in faith.  

Government: Government through it various regulating agencies will find this study relevant by ensuring that religious media carefully monitored to follow the lay down rules as media-evangelism has taken the air now to prevent causing religious problem because of political affiliations can cause serious crisis how much more of religion that people worship.   

Religion Bodies: Other religion bodies and institutions that have not really done well in their media-evangelism will see reasons why they must fully realised their potential especially by studying the problem of this study, submission of the respondents as well as the recommendations. This will open their eyes. 

Students of Journalism and Professionals: The proliferation of evangelism media outfit will further create jobs and opportunities for students who actually knows their onions because they will help the religion media to attain success by offering professional advice, technical advice and finally through their creativities and innovations. 

Literature: Presently, little or no study has been conducted in this aspect, therefore, this study will form the gap that has long vacuum in the field of journalism and mass communication in genera as well as media-evangelism, E-evangelism etc.     

Future Researchers: The future researcher who may be interested in carrying out similar or related study will find the study useful as a good source of ideas.  

1.7       Operational Definition of Terms

Influence: This refers to the contributions or impact of religion television programmes of OSBC in promoting religion in Osogbo.     

Promoting Evangelism: In this study, it refers to as the use of television promoting religion activities.

Televangelism: It is the act of using any medium or mass communication for propagating religion course such as OSBC TV, Emmanuel TV, Dove TV, Iqra TV etc. 



Format = MS Word, Price = ₦4000, Chapter = 1-5, Pages = 52, References = Yes, Questionnaire =Yes, Table of Contents = Yes and Abstract = Yes


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