ABSTRACT: The research influence of Jenifa’s Diary on the usage of English Language among students in some selected secondary schools in Osogbo. There is no doubt about the fact that people especially children tend to cultivate and imitate what they see or watch on television and that is why the research was anchored on Cultivation Theory and Edutainment Theory. The survey research method was adopted with a questionnaire as a data collection instrument. 250 respondents were picked using a simple random and systematic sampling technique from Kunike International School, Osogbo; Laro Comprehensive High School; and Osogbo and Osogbo Grammar School, Osogbo. The data collected were analysed using frequency and percentage with tables. Findings show that the majority of the respondents (37.6%) watched Jenifa’s Diary soap opera largely due to the funny nature of the main character and its language. Also, students admitted that they cultivate and imitate Jenifa’s spoken English pattern as they speak in Jenifa’s tone and patterns while interacting, although, respondents said they are not harmed by spoken English because they are aware that it is a comedy which should not be taken seriously.  It is recommended that the television industry should as a matter of fact create some decent educative programmes that will continue to promote the educational values of Nigeria while students should not allow what they watch to influence their social life especially soap-opera such as Jenifa’s diary among other related films.



1.1 Background to the study

Media effect has been one of the dominant issues in mass communication, psychology and other related disciplines particularly on how it affects children and adolescents. Various researches and theories have offered ample evidences stating that mass media particularly television and films are affecting our perceptions and attitudes in a numbers of ways. There is consistent evidence that imagery in television, film and video have substantial short-term effects on arousal, thoughts, and emotions, increasing the likelihood of various behaviours in younger children (Kevin, and Catherine, 2014).

Anaeto, Onabanjo and Osifeso (2008) in Gerbner, et. al. (1976) posit that heavy Tv viewers will cultivate the perception of reality portrayed by the television, adding that heavy tv viewing, no doubt, distorts our perception of the world we live in, making it seem more like an utopian world.

Film is a story recorded as a set of moving pictures to be shown on the television or at the cinema. It is also a roll on shut of flexible plastic that is sensitive to light for the use of in photography. According to Cook (2007) films are made up of sources of individual images called frames. When these images are show rapidly in succession, a viewer has the illusion.

On the other hand, soap opera is a short season films presented on television in series or episodes. Film is majorly an entertainment medium. One of the effective medium to reach out to children and adolescents is through audiovisual like television and films etc.

One of the few ever watched and popular soap opera is Jennifer dairy. Jenifas diary has become one of the most talked about sitcoms lately in Nigeria, the most mimicked amongst its audience because of its comic characteristics. The main character, producer and content creator, Funke Akindele known as Jenifa and Suliah in the same sitcom is the mastermind behind the drama.

From her resounding success in her famous Yoruba movie Jenifa pt. 1&2 and the return of Jenifa, paved way for her global recognition and clinched her many awards including the Africa Magic Viewers choice awards (AMVCAs) amongst many others, birthed her new sitcom Jenifas diary, the story of Jenifa never cease to be ending and I see a connection and continuity between Jenifa-the movie and Jenifas diary-the sitcom (Ajao, 2016).

A little upgrade in themes, addition of new cast, inclusion of contemporary lifestyle & so on, Jenifas diary about a lady who is enthusiastic about making it big and being successful but her lack of proper acquisition of western education keeps coming in the way of her success. The drama is hilarious, thanks to Jeni(v)as outrageous spoken English and her juxtaposition of the parts of speech in a sentence. The audience is so carried away with Jenifa’s grammar that they even use it on friends, children and loved ones (Ajao, 2016).

Among Jenifas diary many themes include western Education, self-employment, determination, sex after marriage, no to violence against women, setting your priorities right, importance of social media and many more.

In the sitcom which is a comic drama, postulates the kind of English that is so bizarre and cannot be spoken by a JSS3 drop out, for example; I am wenting , how is you, I want to cooker for you, I want you to explanation it to me and many other outrageous complication of sentences, it is either Suliah dropped out of primary 5 or 6 or she played throughout her junior secondary school and never attended class at all. A jss3 drop out may never be able to speak very sophisticated English but they know the basis. They know that it is how are you and not how is you (Ajao, 2016).

You can be comical without misplacement of reality. In the same sitcom, a JSS3 dropout know words like autopsy and that the opposite of tactless is tactful. One minute she is speaking it correctly, next minute she is saying it wrongly, is it still her being comical or intentional. Even those in the adult education class still speak correct every day to day simple English as seen in the sitcom. We understand that she is trying to showcase a half educated persona but being half educated is different from being an illiterate.

It is also disheartening to know that from season 1 to season 6 Jeni(v)as English never improved at all but she improved in dress sense, makeover and hairdo, it is also ironical that Jenifa who cant say how are you correctly for seasons can operate sophisticated gadgets like Iphone and Ipads properly and even use social media.

It is also heart breaking that little children will start speaking like aunty Jeni(v)a thinking she is correct if Adult supervision is not effected- social learning theory by Albert Bandura states that learning is heightened in children when they are exposed to a particular media content. I even see grownups funnily exchanging greetings with other friends saying how is you while their kids hold on to them. Childrens brains are always alert and ready to pick new things.

It is against this background that the research tries to analyse the effect of Jenifa Diary soap opera on the usage of English language by students in some selected secondary schools in Osogbo with the view to know the extent in which the soap opera has influenced the social behaviour, lifestyle and particularly the spoken habits of the students.

1.2 Statement of the problem
Audiovisual nature of television and film has the capacity to influence the attitude, behaviour, thinking and socialization of an individual from childhood to adult stage. The popular assertion See is believing makes film, television, videogame messages more accepted, persuasive and very influential.

Children tend to behave base on what they see on the screen either on television, computer game, video-gate, etc particularly watching of soap opera do stick to the psyche of children.

Previous researches dwelled on television violence on children and adolescents, television advert with only few talks about effect of film or soap opera children and adolescents. It is also heart breaking that little children will start speaking like aunty Jeni(v)a thinking she is correct. Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura states that learning is heightened in children when they are exposed to a particular media content. It is not supervising that grownups girls funnily exchanging greetings with other friends saying how is you while their kids hold on to them. Childrens brains are always alert and ready to pick new things.

It is against this background that the research tries to analyse the effect of Jenifa Diary soap opera on the usage of English language by students in some selected secondary schools in Osogbo with the view to know the extent in which the soap opera has influenced the social behaviour, lifestyle and particularly the spoken habits of the students.

1.3 Objectives of the study
1. To examine the extent in which students of secondary school in Osogbo are exposing to Jenifas diary.
iii. To evaluate the extent which Jenifas Diary soap opera has influenced students behaviour and speaking patterns.

1.4 Research Questions
1. To what extent are students of secondary school in Osogbo exposing to Jennifers diary?
iii. To what extent has Jennifers Diary soap opera influenced students’ behaviour and speaking patterns?

1.5 Significance of the study:
The research will benefit substantial number of individuals and groups including parents and guardians on how to raise and train their children instead of living such training to television, films, games etc by determining not only what they watch but also the extent they are being exposed it.

Also, the findings of this research would serve as a good literature for both researchers and students who may want to carry out similar or related research in the future on film and children.

Media houses will also learning how to schedule their programmes and know the nature of the programmes to be televised during the day by putting shows that can affect children negatively to the odd hours.

NBC, Nigerian Film Censor Board and other government agencies would benefit as it would keep them alert on the need to censor what is considered violence and other things that can corrupt the mind of the minors such as poor use of certain expressions.

1.6 Scope of the study
The study which tries to analysis the effect of Jennifer Diary on the usage of English language by secondary school students has been narrowed in scope to Kunike International School, Osogbo, Laro Comprehensive High School, Osogbo and Osogbo Grammar School, Osogbo. The trio were selected because of they are elite secondary schools in Osogbo and to make sure private school and secondary schools are involved.

1.7 Operational Definition of Terms
Analysis: To critically examine or evaluate the effect of Jenifa’s Diary on students speaking and communication habits.
Effect: This is the contributions and impact of Jenifa’s Diary on the students in Kunike International School, Osogbo, Laro Comprehensive High School, Osogbo and Osogbo Grammar School, Osogbo.
Jenifa’s Diary: Jenifa’s diary is one of the most talked about sitcoms lately in Nigeria, the most mimicked amongst its audience because of its comic characteristics. The main character, producer and content creator, Funke Akindele known as Jenifa and Suliah in the same sitcom is the mastermind behind the drama who often speak English wrongly and in a funny way.
Usage of English Language: This involves how students in Kunike International School, Osogbo, Laro Comprehensive High School, Osogbo and Osogbo Grammar School, Osogbo are communicating in English Language with each other and relatives among other people.



Format = MS Word, Price = ₦4000, Chapter = 1-5, Pages = 52, References = Yes, Questionnaire =Yes, Table of Contents = Yes and Abstract = Yes


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