Get familiar with 7 things you must know about your chapter one!
CHAPTER 1-INTRODUCTION (should be upper case and in bold letters)
1.0 Background of the study (should be background of the study itself and not the study samples)
1.1 Statement of the problem (should be a clear description of the problem the study intends to solve)
1.2 Objectives of the study (objectives should be listed)
1.3 Research questions (questions should be listed)
1.4 Research hypotheses (for each hypothesis, both the null and alternate hypotheses should be stated; it is the null that should be tested). Candidates using research questions do not need to also use hypotheses.
1.5 Scope of study
1.6 Significance of the study (should be the likely benefits of the research results and to whom)
1.7 Definition of the terms (should be the meaning of concepts or variables, within its broad definition, as used in the study)
References (should be 2016 APA referencing and arranged alphabetically.