Project Defent Tips for Students
Introduction: Carrying out a research, thesis or project has two main part, the first part is to write and the second part is to defend or present it before a constituted panel which could be from within the school or department (Internal Panel) and it could be external panel or both at different time. It is not an over statement therefore, that defending a project is a nightmare exercise especially for the first timers (ND, HND, BSC, MSC even at PhD Level).
Nevertheless, below are the summary and effective project/thesis defense tips that offered me an edge during my defense without stress. If your follow it, you will get a fantastic time on the hot seat. here are the tips.
Chapter One
- Know your topic off hand
- Know something about your case study
- Why did you carry out the study
- What is the problem statement
- Know your research questions
- Know the beneficiaries of your study (significance of your study)
Chapter Two
Know your theories or models (read your theoretical framework and justify how it relates to your study )
Chapter Three
Read your chapter three to discover your study population, sampling size, sampling techniques (how you select your sample size), your data collection instrument (questionnaire), how did you administered it,
Chapter Four
Your data analysis method , what is your findings,
Chapter Five
What is your conclusion and recommendations
Now read your abstract to see the summary of the entire project, ideally, your abstract should contains your chapter one to five in a summary form.
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