ABSTRACT: The research investigated the influence of advertising on consumers patronage. The study was anchored on Uses and Gratifications Theory. Quantitative research design was used in which cross-sectional survey method was adopted while the data collection instrument was questionnaire. The respondents were selected using accidental sampling technique. Also, the data were analyzed in frequency and percentage method while the data collected were presented. The studys find out that advertisements of Nestle products have increased patronage of the products. It was recommended that Nestle company should adopt the use of indigenous language, celebrities and novelty strategy when planning its advertising campaign. While Nestle is also expected to moderate its price in order to make common men to purchase the product rather than going for the rival Cadbury.


Table of Contents

Title page                                                                                                                    i

Certification                                                                                                                ii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      iv

Table of Content                                                                                                         vi

Abstract                                                                                                                      viii


1.0       Introduction                                                                                                    1

1.1       Background to the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Problem Statement                                                                                          3

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                                  4

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                        5

1.5       Significance the Study                                                                                    5

1.6       Scope of the Study                                                                                         5

1.7       Limitations to the Study                                                                                 6

1.7       Operational Definition of Terms                                                                     6


2.0       Literature Review                                                                                           7

2.1       Empirical Framework                                                                                      7         

2.2       Conceptual Review                                                                                         8

2.3       Theoretical framework                                                                                    24


3.0       Research Methodology                                                                                   26       

3.1       Research Design                                                                                             26       

3.2       Research Method

3.3       Restatement of Research Questions                                                               26

3.4       Study Population                                                                                            27       

3.5       Sample Size                                                                                                     27       

3.6       Sampling Technique                                                                                        27       

3.7       Data Collection Instrument                                                                            27       

3.8       Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument                                            27       

3.9       Data Collection Instrument                                                                            28       

3.10     Data Analysis Procedure                                                                                28       


4.0       Data Presentation and Analysis                                                                      29       

4.1       Data Analysis                                                                                                  29

4.2       Demography of the Participants                                                                     29

4.3       Discussion of Findings                                                                                   39


5.0       Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations                                               40       

5.1       Summary                                                                                                         41       

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      41       

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                          41       





1.1       Background to the study

            Advertisement is one of the key elements for the development, expansion, and growth of industrial sector and ultimately for the economic development. The media and advertising campaigns are unavoidable by consumers in the 21st century. Researchers have studied and will continue to study the effects of advertising and its influence on attitudinal change, emotions, modification of lifestyle choices and its significant role in the consumption of goods and services  (Akinrosoye, 2011) cited in (Horne, 2006).

            Advertising, over the years has evolved into a powerful marketing tool in modern economics; advertising plays an important role in the growth of a business in its line of expertise. Advertising is a persuasive non-personal communication about products, services, or ideas usually paid for by identified sponsors through the various mass media. Today, we are exposed to advertisement everywhere, whether in the bus, walking around streets, on the high ways, while travelling, in the newspapers and on the radios and the televisions, SMS advert receive on our mobile phones, email advert/marketing we get in our inbox and particularly when surfing the internet, watching video on Youtube and when playing games or using some apps.

            Advertisements have a significant influence on consumer behavior and can affect their patronage of products and services. A study conducted in Nigeria by Adegoke et al. (2017) found that advertisements play a vital role in shaping consumers’ attitudes and behavior towards a brand. The study revealed that consumers tend to trust and prefer brands that are advertised more frequently, leading to increased patronage of those brands. Additionally, the study found that advertisements help to create awareness about new products and services, which can also influence consumers’ purchasing decisions.

            Similarly, Ogunsiji et al. (2016) write that consumers were more likely to visit fast food restaurants that were frequently advertised. The study also revealed that the quality of the advertisement had a significant effect on consumer patronage, as advertisements that were perceived as creative and informative tended to attract more consumers.

            Advertising significantly influenced consumer patronage, as consumers were more likely to purchase beverages that were advertised. Additionally, the study revealed that the frequency of advertisement and the use of celebrity endorsements had a significant impact on consumer patronage (Okeke and Ezeuduji, 2018).

            Sanni and Adeyemo (2018) described that advertising significantly influenced consumer patronage of banks, as consumers were more likely to use banks that were frequently advertised. The study also revealed that the use of emotional appeals and the quality of the advertisement had a significant impact on consumer patronage.

            Adegoke and Adetunji (2017) conducted a study on the impact of advertising on consumer behavior in the Nigerian telecommunication sector. The study found that advertising significantly influenced consumer behavior, as consumers were more likely to trust and prefer telecommunication brands that were frequently advertised. Additionally, the study revealed that the quality of the advertisement and the use of celebrity endorsements had a significant impact on consumer behavior.

            It is pertinent to stress that advertising has a significant impact on consumer patronage in Nigeria. Marketers and advertisers can create effective advertising campaigns that resonate with Nigerian consumers and increase patronage of their products and services. Advertisements can create awareness, shape consumers’ attitudes towards a brand, and ultimately influence their purchasing decisions.

             The research, therefore, set out to examine the influence of advertising on consumers patronage with the view to know the extent at which students of University of Lagos exposed to goods and services, their buying decision and what appeals to them in advertising messages.

1.2       Statement of Problem

            For business to yield profit and survive in any competitive environment it need the help of advertising and because of this, many entrepreneurs or companies indulge in illegal advertising so as to get what they want in business. By so doing, they introduce fraudulent and unethical practices that mislead the public, customers, or consumers into leaving the better brand to the worse brand and also into buying the wrong products known as imitations (Adeagbo, 2011). This practice makes advertising profession loose its good essence, credibility and interest. It also discourages consumers from paying attention to advertising messages.

            Many advertised products and services unable to perform its functions as advertised to the consumers. Similarly, audience or consumers were unable to comprehend advertised messages because of the language used, meaning that at times local language should be used rather than English language (Olayinka, 2019).

            Many studies have been conducted on advertising generally, some focused on Television, newspapers, billboards and online. Prakash (2017); Olayinka, (2016); Aminu (2013), Akbar & Paul (2014) but no study focus on how advertising influence female undergraduate student of University of Ibadan. It is against this background that the study investigates the influence of advertising on consumers patronage among University of Lagos students.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to investigate the influence of advertising on consumers patronage. The specific objectives are:

  1. To ascertain whether students are exposed to advertisement.
  2. To determine whether advertisements influence students of UNILAG buying habit.

1.4       Research Questions

  1. To what extent do students of University of Lagos exposed to advertisement?
  2. To what extent has advertisement influenced students buying habit?

1.5       Significance of the study

            This work though not exhaustive is quiet necessary at a time the media a awash with all forms of advertisement lure consumers. It will educate consumer on the best ways to respond to advertisement while advertisers will learn to understand the need to follow the ethics of the profession by avoiding advertisement that are subversive.

            Students of advertising will also find this work useful as it will expose them to various forms of media advertisements. Essentially, this study makes a significant contribution to the existing literature on the attitude of consumers towards lager products. The study will also be of great use to mass communication and marketing students who intend to take up similar studies.

1.6       Scope of the Study   

            The study which the influence of advertising on consumers patronage was narrowed in scope to University of Lagos students. Thus, the geographical scope of this study shall within Lagos state. The choice of University of Lagos students was due to the proximity to the researcher, inadequate time to study all higher institutions in Lagos State among other logistics.

            Also, the demographic factors of the respondents will carefully study before the administration of research instruments such factors include: age, gender, academic level e.t.c.

1.7       Operational Definition of Terms.

Influence: This refers to the impact that advertising messages do have on the students of University of Lagos buying habits.

Advertisement: These are all forms of promotions given to various products and services by the manufacturers through radio, television, newspapers and even online in order to influence UNILAG students buying habits. 

Consumers’ Patronage: This refers to how students of University of Lagos students are buying one product and service due to their exposure to its commercials.



Format = MS Word, Price = ₦4000, Chapter = 1-5, Pages = 52, References = Yes, Questionnaire =Yes, Table of Contents = Yes and Abstract = Yes


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