Abstract: The study focuses on mass media as tools for social development with a focus on Osun State Broadcasting Corporation. Mass media is one of the engines that propel the social development for its continuity and realization through: Informing, entertaining, and persuading. Mass media is a powerful tool for social change in any society. The study was anchored on developmental media theory and cultivation. The research adopted survey research method in carrying out the work. Simple random sampling method as a probability technique was used in selecting one hundred (100) respondents who answered the questions in the questionnaire out of which ninety (90) copies of questionnaires were retrieved for analysis. The data collected were analysed and interpreted using Descriptive Statistics (frequency and percentage). Findings show that majority of the respondents have access to both radio and television stations with the fact that both radio and television have brought social change to the people through social-cultural propagation programmes. It is recommended that media planners and those in charge of its control should emphasis on programmes and activities that will brings about development in terms of social, education, cultural and political matter.




1.1    Background to the Study

            Mass media is an umbrella term used for all means of communication to a wider and larger audience residing in different geographical locations. Hale, Julian (2004:32) note that, mass media is the organized means of communicating openly and at distance to many receivers within a short space of time. Mass Media can be explained as a means or channels through which messages or information are transferred or disseminate to a wider and larger heterogeneous audience who are residing in a diverse location such channels is usually categorized into two i.e. electronic or broadcast media represented by the radio and television while the print media is represented by newspapers and magazine.

          Mass media refers collectively to all media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience via mass communication (. Broadcast media (also known as electronic media) transmit their information electronically and comprise of television, film and radio, movies, CDs, DVDs and some other gadgets like cameras or video consoles. Alternatively, print media uses a physical object as a means of sending their information, such as a newspaper, magazines, brochures, newsletters, books, leaflets and pamphlets (Akintayo, 2014).

          Lawal (2006) writes that mass media are impersonal sources and they reach large, heterogeneous and widely dispersed audience. The term mass media  according to McQuail (2000) is shortened to describe means of communication that operate on a large scale, researching and involving virtually everyone in a society to a greater or lesser degree.  According to Lawal (2006) mass media is classified into two major form which are: Print (newspaper and magazine, Broadcast Media (radio and television)

          However, community radio and television can reach a large number of people residing in rural areas. In 2000, NTA programmes could be heard in two-third of all Nigeria households in 146 dialects, over some 120 million radio sets. Community radio gives a voice to the community they serve with programmes in local languages, respecting local culture, traditions and interests and it facilitates dialogue within the community; while on a national level it encourages diversity, creativity and citizens’ participation in democratic processes.

          Community media provides a counterbalance to the increasing globalization and commercialization of media. Most TV and radio stations, including public stations, are concentrated in urban areas. In the more remote, rural areas, community radio stations are often the only media available, where they are listened to by large parts of the population.

          Community Radio stations fill the gap left by national and commercial media, and reach local audiences the national media ignore. They fulfill the role of public broadcaster, informing the public at a local level, and representing their views. In this way, they give a voice to the voiceless, enabling people to speak and make their opinions, grievances and ideas known to those who have the power to make decisions. It is against this backdrop that the research examines the role of mass media in rural development with a focus on OSBC as a case study.

1.2    Problem Statement

          Mass media being an agent of socialization and social change capable of bringing development in society. This research work will focus attention on the impact and how traditional mass media can be used as tool for effective rural development with selection of OSBC as a case study.

1.3    Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the best media suitable to reach the rural people.
  2. To show the benefit of mass media in rural area.
  3. To examine the perception held by the rural dwellers on mass media programmes.
  4. To show how mass media has actually improve the social development of rural area.
  5. To identifying the role of traditional mass media in the development of OSBC

1.4    Research Questions

  1. To what extent is radio and newspaper are the best media suitable to reach the rural people.
  2. Do mass media beneficial to rural areas.
  3. How do mass media help mobilizing and molding the opinion of rural dwellers.
  4. To what extent has mass media improve the social development of rural areas.
  5. How often do mass media educate and sensitize people of OSBC in terms of politics.

1.5    Scope of Study

           The scope of this research is visible in the research topic and that is why the project work focuses on the mass media as tools for effective rural development with a focus on OSBC. Therefore, the generalization of the result will not be affected.

1.6    Significance of the Study

 The study will assist other researchers who may want to further research in another related angle.

This research will be able to contribution towards the development of media of communication in rural area as a whole.

This study will as well benefit the media practitioners on the need to develop programmes that will suitable for community development.

 It will also serve as a source of encouragement to blend the traditional and modern mass media of the community in Nigeria.

 1.7    Definitions of Terms

Media – According to Longman dictionary media are all the organization such as television, newspaper, Magazines or all other forms through which people interact and get information for the public.  

Communication – According to Longman dictionary. It is the process by which people exchange information or express their thoughts and feelings.

Tools – According to Longman dictionary it is defined as skill that is useful for doing your job.

Effective – According to Oxford Advanced learner’s dictionary, it is producing the result that is wanted or intended, producing the result that is wanted or intended, and producing a successful result. 

Rural –A remote area to the country side, out of the city where people are dwelling with their common belief.

Development –According to oxford advanced learners dictionary, it is the gradual growth of something so it becomes more advanced , stronger and acceptable.                                 


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