Abstract: The research examined the TV as tool for curbing unplanned pregnancy among students among residents of Trans Amadi Port Harcourt River state. The research is anchored on Uses and Gratifications. Cross sectional survey research method was used while purposive sampling technique was adopted to pick respondents. The sample consisted of 100 girls whose age range from 13-28+ because girls of that age are sexually active and are more likely to use no contraceptives, which puts them at a high risk of unplanned pregnancy. Findings show that majority of the respondents were heavy viewers with (33.3%) but they were light viewers of television health programmes. There are various reasons attributed to the causes of premarital pregnancy among girls or young ladies in Trans Amadi from the poverty, unemployment, lack of parental care, desire for earlier sex, earlier dating, lack of sex education among others. There is still a low awareness on premarital pregnancy among young girls. It is recommended that television are powerful tools for disseminating information to the young ones, so sex education should be effectively planned and integrated for maximum benefits. 




1.1       Background to the Study

            There is no how we are going to talk about premarital pregnancy without talking about pre-marital sex because pre-marital sex is the offshoot of premarital pregnancy. Christianity and Traditional believe dislike pre-marital sex talkless of the pre-marital pregnancy, no wonder the child of such relationship are painted in some ways. The aim of this study is not to be that of religion preacher but to produce an empirical analysis of the phenomenon which has come so rampart in our society. 

            Pre-marital pregnancy is seen as a sexual activity practiced by people who are unmarried. Historically, premarital sex was considered a moral issue which was taboo in many cultures and considered a sin by a number of religions, but since about the 1960s, it has become more widely accepted, especially in Western countries (WHO, 2015).

            A 2014 Pew study on global morality found that premarital sex was considered particularly unacceptable in “predominantly Muslim nations”, such as Indonesia, Jordan, Pakistan and Egypt, Saudi Arabia each having over 90% disapproval, while people in Western European countries were the most accepting, with Spain, Germany and France expressing less than 10% disapproval (Wikipedia, 2016).

            However, pregnancy is one of the most important and responsible periods in life of a woman. Waiting for and delivering a baby is beautiful and exciting, but, at the same time, bringing a new person to this world is always accompanied with big changes, big efforts, with being dependent and not free, or with other significant upheavals. That’s why it is absolutely essential for a woman to be well-prepared for getting pregnant, for giving birth and for bringing up a child from all the positions: social, psychological, moral, economic, etc.

            Unfortunately, not every pregnancy is a result of planned decisions. Statistically, more than 50% of pregnancies in the USA are unplanned and unwanted. This amount includes overwhelming majority of premarital pregnancies, or pregnancies outside of marriage. Such concept strictly contradicts known social axiom, which says that every child must be brought up by joint efforts of both mother and father. That is why premarital pregnancy mostly causes harmful consequences, both for parents and for their children, and it reflects negatively on child’s development, physical and psychological health, self-concept, etc (Academic Programs International, 2011).

            The issue about “premarital pregnancy” can be associated, first of all, with teenage pregnancy. In our times of free life-style it is quite easy for a teenage girl to become pregnant: after a sexual intercourse or after a rape incident, etc. As a rule, such premarital pregnancy is totally unexpected. Besides, many teenagers are still dependent on their parents, who are usually against early pregnancies and childbirths. That is why premarital pregnancy may result for a girl in psychological disorders, like stresses, depression, insomnia, or other difficulties. Also, it can be accompanied with smoking, alcohol abuse or taking drugs (WHO, 2015).

            More problems may take place, when the time of giving birth is getting closer. A young pregnant girl may feel afraid, confused, or frustrated. These feelings are usually caused by biological and psychological changes of female organism, which occur during teenage pregnancy. If such a girl is not properly ready for delivering a baby without support of husband, she may get extremely stressed after hearing the first cry of her child. She may start thinking that she got this heavy burden on her back too early, especially if she does not have help and support from her parents, too (Academic Programs International, 2011).

            Health practitioners did not encourage it because of various implications it brings to the society as highlighted above. For this reason, mass media particularly television which mirrors the society, as an agent of social change, as vehicle of socialization and medium of reality is expected to teach, educate and enlighten the young ones who are the victims of the menace through appropriate programmes which range from abstinence, preventive measures such as contraceptive, promoting religion position, promoting cultural and health wise point of view. It is against this notion that the research investigates the TV as tool for curbing unplanned pregnancy among students among residents of Trans Amadi Port Harcourt River state

1.2       Statement of the Problem

            There are a number of reported cases of unplanned pregnancy and some only had one-night stands-where you find that a person is sexually involved with someone she has just met for one day. Others have been rejected by their partners and been on a rebound so they engage in the one-night stand. Many students who are sex addict are found of doing family planning of all sorts to prevent unwanted pregnancy due to what they hear and exposed themselves to.

            Although, there are lots of programmes on radio and television dedicated completely or partially to family planning, uses of contraceptives, talking about abortion and STDs among other while there are also researches tailored in that direction such as Odewale, Oladosun, and Amoo, (2016) titled Multiple Exposure to Information about Family Planning and Contraceptive Use among Women in Nigeria.

            Also, most of the research conducted on family planning has been conducted more than a decade ago in the light of Akinrinola, (1994) research on the role of mass media in family planning promotion in Nigeria but only few was directed or targeted at young and adolescents especially undergraduates.

            Meanwhile, there are several  factors  that  cause  premarital pregnancy  which  according  to  United  Nations  Fund  for  Population  Activities  (UNFPA)  include  negligence by family,  finance,  lack  of  education  and  ignorance.  There needs to be renewed push to educate all those involved especially the women in these areas on maternal health and this can be done through television.

            This research therefore, investigates the extent at which undergraduate students are exposed to television health programme on premarital pregnancy among others with the view to know the aspects that are well spell out by the producers of such programmes and aspects uncovered but necessary.        

1.3       Objectives of the study

The main objective of the study is to investigate the TV as tool for curbing unplanned pregnancy among students. The other specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the degree of exposure of young girls in Trans Amadi to health programmes on TV.
  2. To ascertain the extent to which health programmes on TV about premarital pregnancy in Trans Amadi area of Rivers State?
  3. To determine factor(s) responsible for premarital pregnancy among girls in Trans Amadi.

1.4       Research Questions

  1. What is the degree of exposure of young girls in Trans Amadi to health programmes on TV?
  2. To what extent  has  health  programmes  on  TV about premarital pregnancy among young girls in Trans Amadi?
  3. What factor(s) responsible for premarital pregnancy among girls in Trans Amadi?

1.6       Significance of the Study

            The research would assist in providing information useful in eliminating the high rate of premarital pregnancy among young and adolescents girls in Nigeria and residents of Trans Amadi Port Harcourt River state in particular.

            The study would assist the victims to be able to disclose information about their experiences while it will help in developing programmes to address the problem faced by the victims.

            Counsellors or psychologists and those interested in woman’s issues may use the results of this study to better understand the needs of young girls and adolescents who experience unplanned pregnancy or be a victim. 

            The study will assist the media practitioners to know its role in keeping women and young ones informed concerning pregnancy and how to better their life through some preventive message. Must partners with media in order to success in their various campaign activities to take their message to the target women or young girls. 

            Individual girls and women will benefit from this research as it will help them aware of some of the preventive measure they can take and the challenges in each of the method.  Researchers who will be writing on this aspect or related one will fine this word very interesting and serve as reference materials.

16        Scope of the Study

            The research which investigates the TV as tool for curbing unplanned pregnancy among students has been narrowed in scope of Trans Amadi Port Harcourt River state. The demography factors of the respondents would be considered such as sex, age, social background, class, religion, among other demographical factors will be examined before the structuring and administration of research instrument.  

1.7       Operational Definition of the Terms

Premarital Pregnancy: This is a pregnancy usually outside the wedlock. 

Abortion: It is the termination of the unwanted pregnancy 

Contraceptive: It refers to some of the precaution measure taken to prevent getting unwanted pregnancy such as the use of tablet, condom e.t.c 

Television: This is audiovisual media for broadcast information to the large and heterogeneous audience usually in Trans Amadi area of Portharcout, Rivers state.     

Health programmes: These are programmes dwelled on health such as family planning, Hiv/aids, malaria, kidney, pregnancy, women and baby etc 

Trans Amadi: This is a thousand-hectare industrial area, as well as a diverse residential neighborhood in the city of Port Harcourt in River State.



Format = MS Word, Price = ₦4000, Chapter = 1-5, Pages = 52, References = Yes, Questionnaire =Yes, Table of Contents = Yes and Abstract = Yes


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