ABSTRACT: The research examined the effect of ICTS on broadcast journalism in Nigeria with a specific focus on the BRTV and Peace FM, Maiduguri Borno state. The study which was anchored on Mediamorphosis theory and Technological Determination Theory emphasizing that we move from old technology to the new one while new technology  influence the way we do things.  A survey research method was used while the data collection instrument for this study is questionnaire. One of the findings showed that news gathering and dissemination, sound and audio editing, jingles and other related commercials are some of the areas in which the impact of ICTs have been felt in broadcasting media. The findings also showed that epileptic power supply, inadequate knowledge of ICT devices; poor training of staff and cost of ICT devices are all possible challenges facing BRTV and Peace FM in the effective use of ICT to its fullest. Also, the findings showed that modern communication technologies make journalism practice more lively and interactive, make news gathering and dissemination faster, help reduce human efforts and time, and also make the media more productive. Therefore, for media organisations particularly BRTV and Peace F.M to fully appreciate the impact of ICTs in performing its duties, there is need to ensure adequate training of members of staff, find a solution to epileptic power supply, and also avoid the transmission of false and unverified stories culled from online media.

Keywords: Effect of ICTS


WHAT TO EXPECT: (Chapter 1-5, Abstract, Table of Contents, Questionnaire and References)

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