ABSTRACT: The primary aim of the research was to examine the perception of radio local news for rural development. People as a communication being always anxious to get date news on local, state, national and international. In fact, the news is the reason why many buy radio or listen to radio activities just because everyone wants to be informed, educated and enlightened which can easily be achieved via news programme. Survey research method was adopted and 400 copies of questionnaires were printed and distributed to 400 respondents selected through Taro Yemane sampling method formula and 374 copies were returned for analysis. Also, the research use frequency and percentage method coupled with tables. In other words, it is highly necessary for a radio station to carry out a critical research on its audience which will enable them to know the type of programmes its audience will prefer and enjoy particularly the news types. Also, more local news stations should be established to take care of rural needs and gratifications in terms of news and other current affairs.

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