ABSTRACT: On the yearly basis universities, polytechnics, media colleges and institutes are graduating students hopefully to work in form of the media but the reverse appears to the case among the students particularly female ones who prefer other careers. This opinion require the empirical studies to establish its real position; it is on this notion that this study examined the attitude of female mass communication students of Kwara State University, Malete towards journalism as a career. The research was anchored on individual difference and perception theory. Survey research method was adopted while questions were administered to the respondents within the institution were drawn using multistage sampling procedure from 100-400 level. The data collected were analysed and interpreted using descriptive statistics (frequency percentage and tables). Findings show that majority of the respondents did not wish to practice journalism despite the years spent in learning, stressing that journalism is time consuming job with no time for husband and children coupled with discrimination and other hazards attached to it especially during election, crisis etc. although some still believe that they can practice as either freelance or just as broadcasters. The research recommended that Media houses should make it as a point of duty to employ more of the female Journalists just like they employ the male Journalists. Men who are opportune to marry female Journalists should encourage them to practice their profession as this will broaden their horizon and also help the family to be current on things happening in the world while salaries of working Journalists should be increased so as to motivate and change the Negative Attitude of Female Mass Communication Students Towards Journalism A Career To Positive on one.

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