ABSTRACT: The study examines the influence of graphics on newspaper patronage with focus on the Punch newspaper. Graphics particularly  photographs play a very prominent role in a newspaper and in the print media generally. It communicates messages even to the illiterates. Findings show that graphics draw the attention of readers to the most prominent news and issue especially when placed at the front page of a newspaper while it also used to set agenda on what public will debate upon that day. In fact, the headline scanners and graphics scanner always find it easy to know the most important news of the day. Without much emphasis, graphics communicate message than what a thousand words could tell. For the purpose of this paper, the researcher employed the use of a survey method. The data collection instrument used is questionnaire in eliciting data from the respondents. Findings show that respondents easily remember the news that is accompanied by graphics and graphics enticed and persuaded readers to read or buy newspapers because it beautifies and adds aesthetic values to the newspaper pages. It is also recommended that print media should always use only important graphics that can tell their stories with ambiguity. 


1.0       Introduction

1.1       Background to the Study

Graphics especially photographs at glance trap the readers. If a photo is interesting enough, the reader will stop to it and read the caption and if is interesting you will move a little bit to read the headlines of the article. Isamuko (2009). If the beginning of the article is catching enough the reader will read all of it.

In view of this, only few of readers read an article but almost all the photos get noticed. Photos are of primary importance when selling magazine or newspaper. The photos are actually magazine or newspaper marketing selling point.

Ewuola (2004) defines photography thus: an act of writing or drawing with light to produce photographs. According to Akinfeleye (1987) cited in Ewuola (2004) sees photography as writing with light. Photograph is simply producing images with light. It is noted that as photography is taken light is reflected from the object being snapped and this light enters the camera and exposes the film in the camera.

Print media are over the years compete and struggling to survive and one basic tactic newspapers and magazines have often used to put message across is the use of illustration, graphics arts or photographs to draw readers attention. Photographs are used extensively by newspapers and magazines to convey information and advertise products and services says. Fred (2011) Practical application of graphics arts or photography is found in nearly every human endeavor from astronomy to medical diagnosis to industrial quality control. Photography extends human vision into the realm of objects that are invisible because they are too small or too distant, or events that occur too rapidly for the naked eye to detect.

Fred (2011) stressed that camera can be used in locations too dangerous for humans. Photographs can also be objects of art that explore the human condition and provide aesthetic pleasure. For millions of people, photography is a satisfying hobby or a rewarding career. The public wants to spend more time with pictures than text, and the immediacy and availability of photography makes that possible. Consumers want a photo with every story they read, but that it can cause strong emotions since a photograph can tell an entire story.

On the other hand, photo journalism is a particular form of journalism (the collecting, editing, and presenting of news material for publication) that creates images in order to tell a news story. It is now usually understood to refer only to still images, but in some cases the term also refers to video used in broadcast journalism. Isamuko (2011).

Wikipedia (2014) observed that photojournalism is distinguished from other close branches of photography (e.g., documentary photography, social documentary photography, street photography or celebrity photography) by complying with a rigid ethical framework which demands that the work is both honest and impartial whilst telling the story in strictly journalistic terms. Photojournalists create pictures that contribute to the news media. Hence, the research examined influence of graphics graphics communication on newspaper patronage with focus on the Punch newspaper.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

There is no doubt about the fact that graphics especially photographs take two dimensions in magazine either tell the story or  complement story. It is important to realize that for information or photographs to have any substantial impact, influence and effect on the readers it must be well snapped and pass message.

Despite the fact that graphic art use their creativity to tell stories by bringing the source of the events closest to their readers, yet it needs to be interpreted most of the time , this is called caption. However, a good photograph without caption may mean little or no meaning to some readers.

Therefore, in this research efforts were made on how photographs can provide message either with or without caption in reporting events and how it influences the readers. It is against this backdrop the research investigated the influence of graphics communication on newspaper patronage with focus on the Punch newspaper.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

This study sought to achieve the following objective:

  1. To examine the benefit of graphic art in the Punch newspaper.
  2. To study the attitude of readers towards graphic art.

iii.        To determine the type of graphic art that draw readers’ attention in the Punch newspaper.

  1. To examine whether readers recall news accompanying with good graphic art than news stories without graphic art /photograph.

1.4       Research Questions

  1. To what extent do graphic beneficial to newspaper?
  2. What is the attitude of readers towards graphic in newspaper?

iii.        What type of graphic draws the attention easily in newspaper?

  1. To what extent do readers recall news accompanying with graphic than news without graphic?

1.5       Significance of the Study

Below are some of the beneficiaries of this research work otherwise called significance of the study.

Journalists: The significance of this study aims at revealing to the media practitioners on the benefit of photograph to readers. It will assist the media practitioners to know their role in keeping public informed through their camera.

Students: students of mass communication and other related field will know the role of photographs in newspaper production.

Researchers: It will further enable other researchers to continue from the aspect which this study has not covered.

1.6       Scope of the Study

This research which investigated the influence of graphics graphics communication on newspaper patronage was narrowed in scope with focus on the Punch newspaper. The research scope was limited to newspaper readers at Osogbo metropolis; Gbeemu newspaper stand, Oke-Fia Newspaper stand and Old Garage newspaper stand in particularly. The reason for the selection of Osogbo is due to the high present of many newspapers’ stand. Another reason is its proximity to the researcher.

1.7       Operational Definition of the Terms

Influence: It means the impact of the graphic in Punch newspaper.

Newspaper: This is written form of disseminating information to the masses such as articles, news photo, advert and other form of opinions usually printed weekly for the public consumption.

Graphic Arts: As the name suggests is communication through pictures, images and other illustrations

Punch Newspaper: This is one of the dailies in Nigeria that covers political, social, economic and entertainment. It use graphic art extensively.

WHAT TO EXPECT: (Format: MS WORD, Chapter 1-5, Abstract, Table of Contents, Questionnaire and References)

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