ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to investigate the radio as a means of propagating culture in the society with a particular focus on OSBC and Uniq F.M. The study was anchored on the Cultivation Theory, Cultural Norms Theory and Social Learning Theory. A survey research method as a quantitative design was adopted while questionnaire was administered to respondents to elicit their responses. The data collected were analyzed in frequency and percentage method while the data were presented with the aid of tables. Findings show that OSBC and Uniq 103.1 f.m is highly promoting indigenous language and culture through news, features and vox pop and coverage of festivals and carnivals while the death of Yoruba language, poor attitude toward Nigeria cultures and economy problem formed the major challenges battling OSBC and Uniq 103.1 f.m. It is recommended that OSBC and Uniq 103.1 f.m should develop mobile applications and other digital platforms where people can read, listen and watch OSBC channel and listening to Uniq 103.1 f.m on the go while ministry of information and culture and other stakeholders should support OSBC and Uniq 103.1 f.m to stand firmly as a reputable channels for cultural promotion.
Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Contents vi
Abstract vii
1.1 Background of the Study_________________________________________1
1.2 Statement of the Problem_________________________________________4
1.3 Objectives of the Study___________________________________________4
1.4 Research Questions _____________________________________________5
1.5 Significance of the Study_________________________________________6
1.6 Scope of the Study______________________________________________6
1.7 Operational Definition of Terms___________________________________6
2.0 Introduction___________________________________________________7
2.1 Conceptual Framework__________________________________________7
2.2 Review of Empirical Studies_____________________________________ 29
2.3 Theoretical Framework _________________________________________33
3.1 Introduction___________________________________________________37
3.2 Research Design_______________________________________________37
3.3 Research Method_______________________________________________38
3.4 Population of Study_____________________________________________39
3.5 Sample Size___________________________________________________39
3.6 Sample Procedure______________________________________________39
3.7 Instrument for Data Collection____________________________________39
3.8 Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument______________________ 39
3.9 Data Collection Process_________________________________________40
3.10 Data Analysis_________________________________________________40
Introduction _________________________________________________41
4.1 Data Analysis: Demographic Information __________________________41
4.2 Data Analysis: Research Questions Related ________________________42
4.3 Discussion of Findings_________________________________________49
5.0 Introduction_________________________________________________51
5.1 Summary___________________________________________________51
5.2 Summary of Research Findings_________________________________ 51
5.3 Conclusion_________________________________________________52
5.5 Recommendations___________________________________________54
1.1 Background to the study
Culture entails peoples’ way of life. Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, belief, values, attitudes meanings, hierarchies, religion, notion of time, roles, concept of the universe, and material objects, possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generation through individual and groups striving.
Culture is the system of knowledge shared by a relative large group of people. Culture is communication and communication is culture, culture according to Aguene (2003) is “all the qualities which group mend together and distinguish them from the rest of the animal kingdom’
Lawal (2000) quoted Edward Tylor who defines culture “as that complex whole of man’s acquisition of knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, custom and any other capabilities and ability acquired by man as a member of the society” the above definitions shows that culture is what distinguishes human from animals. Also culture gives the identity of a particular group of people, because through a given peoples culture, one can easily point out where his fellow man came from just as pointed out in the word.
Culture is the total way of life of a people, culture can also be defined as the identity through which a particular set of people are identified. Irrespective of the high level of civilization or modernization or low level of civilization every society has its totality way of life, that is simply refers to as culture. This pattern or way of life is carried on from one generation to another. It is technically and naturally impacted on to the young one’s through various agent of socialization of which mass media (radio) is one.
Radio plays an important role on the Nigeria culture compared to all other media of mass communication. This is because of the incomparable characteristics it posses. Radio is more portable and it can be carried to almost every place such as room, kitchen, toilet, office, market even on the farm land. This era also make radio more portable and relatively cheap has almost all the mobile phones now come with radio features that make cultural programme available to people.
Radio also has the widest coverage compared to all other media. It is the most common among the literates and illiterates in the society, as a result of its simplicity in language, and ability to communicate in various languages in society like Nigeria. Radio programmes come in Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba, and all forms of local languages.
Some of the cultural orientated programmes on radio include but not limited to discussion programme, talk show, quiz/debate, personality interview, live coverage of carnival such as Abuja Carnival, Lagos Carnival, Oluyole carnival Ibadan, tourism and traditional festival like Osun Osogbo, Eyo festival in Lagos, Crown Festival in Ojo town Osun state and Ifon Osun, Obalufon Festival in Ido-Osun, Sango festival in Ede, Olojo festival in Ile-Ife, New yam festival. Ikiriji War Camp Site, Obatala festival etc. other aspect given prominence attention is dressing, hair style, greeting, music, arts and dying, foods and drinks etc. It is against this backdrop that the research examines the role of radio in propagating culture in the society.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Most media outlets particularly radio focus less on cultural programme simply because it is considered a boring topic and it attracted less attention as society are now Islamize and Christianize and see promotion of anything about Yoruba culture as against their religions.
As a result of the aforementioned fact, cultural programme lack solid sponsors and without sponsors radio station dropped on sponsored programme for sponsored ones. Thereby causing a great decline in Nigerian particularly Yoruba culture.
Advancement in modern technology which has resulted to the use of GSM, social media among other has made many to prefer spending their time chatting, gossiping, dating, sharing of ideas online rather than paying attention to radio programmes.
In fact, several youth that supposed learning Yoruba culture through radio, only enjoy music on their home theatre radio. Other problem is that many sees radio as a blind medium that cannot be paying attention to in this globalize era where television will expose same information in audio-visual in a manner that brings them close to the scene of the events.
It is against this background that the research examines the role of radio in propagating culture in the societ with a comparative analysis on private and public radio coverage and because it is not easy or comfortable to study all private and public radio stations in Nigeria that is why OSBC radio, Osogbo (public radio) and Unique F.M, Ilesa (Private) is our focus in this research.
1.3 Objectives Of The Study
The objectives for which this research aims to achieve includes the following:
i. To examine whether OSBC and Unique F.M radio actually propagate and preserve culture.
ii. To ascertain ways by which OSBC 104.5 F.M and Unique F.M 103.1 F.M has propagated cultural values and norms.
1.4 Research Questions
In the course of this research work the following questions were raised.
- Do OSBC and Unique F.M radio actually propagate and preserve culture?
- In what ways do OSBC 104.5 F.M and Unique F.M 103.1 F.M propagate cultural values and norms?
1.5 Significance of the Study
This study, hopefully will help to identify the roles played by the radio in propagating culture in Nigeria especially Yoruba culture in south West Nigeria State, Kwara State, part of Kogi State, Part of Edo state among other communities where Yoruba language is their typical language.
This study also intends to help in determining whether the programmes of radio have any effect on the Yoruba Speaking people.
The solutions and recommendations that would be made after this study will contribute to the growth and development of Yoruba culture and norms and how it can be preserved.
Mass media organization will benefit from this work; it will enable them to pay more attention to cultural preservation and promoting programmes being one of the agents of socialization.
Yoruba nation will through this study know the benefit of mass media in the area of socialization and teach their children what and when to watch television.
Government at all levels will benefit from this study especially by partner with community media to showcase and boost the cultural values of the society.
Finally, this study will be greatly useful to intending researchers; because it will serve as reference and as a guide to them.
1.6 Scope of the Study
The scope of the study has been limited through the research topic “the role of radio in propagating culture in the society” with a comparative analysis on private and public radio coverage and because it is not easy or comfortable to study all private and public radio stations in Nigeria that is why OSBC 104.1 F.M, Osogbo (public radio) and Unique 103.1 F.M, Ilesa (Private) is our focus in this research.
Therefore, the scope of the study is limited due to time available for this study, fund available, materials available and other logistics.
1.7 Operational Definition of Terms
Role: This refers to some of the radio stations that are disseminating cultural programmes to the people. Such as OSBC and Unique F.M
Propagating: Spreading and promoting culture by the radio stations who are member of agent of socialization.
Culture: The total way of life of the people of Yoruba nation which includes their festivals, greeting, Foods, arts, dying, dressing, hair style e.t.c